It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry and it takes Irvine Valley College philosophy professor Roy Bauer to connect the dots between National Holocaust Museum shooter James Wenneker von Brunn, some of our most notorious local haters and The Unabauer's own South Orange County Community College District…. ¶ As Bauer notes on his Dissent the Blog…, von Brunn was once employed by [notorious anti-Semite Willis Carto’s] Noontide Press, which … is part of the [Holocaust denying] Institute of Historical Review [IHR], which over the years has been located in Torrance, Costa Mesa and, most recently, Newport Beach….
I just noticed that our old friend Michael Collins Piper—former Carto employee and pal-of-Frogue, who was one of the “guest experts” for Frogue’s ill-fated 1998 “Warren Commission” seminar—later commented on Coker’s piece.
At the end of June, our boy Mikey wrote:
Sorry, folks, but Von Brunn was a CRITIC of Willis Carto and the material he wanted to post on the Internet was an ATTACK on Willis Carto. Von Brunn was a vehement and angry critic of Willis Carto. But then, again, what does the truth matter?
Well, Mikey, the truth does matter, though the trivial truth usually does not. My point (and Coker's) was to connect (albeit tenuously) a particular (violent and infamous) conspiracy nut (von Brunn) to our local conspiracy nuts, including Frogue. That von Brunn eventually had a beef with Carto is irrelevant. Near as I can tell, everyone who knows Carto ends up having a beef with ‘im.
Eventually, even the IHR had a beef with the guy (they sued him over money and won).

During the Saddleback "forum" controversy: Frogue recommends an IHR publication
A couple of weeks later (in July), some guy named Ernie wrote a response:
Von Brunn was only "a critic" of Carto in the sense that he had a personal grudge over what he perceived as lack of support by Carto – not because he disagreed with any of Carto's beliefs. In fact, von Brunn considered employment with Carto's Noontide Press. ¶ More importantly, the circles in which von Brunn felt most comfortable and the ideas which von Brunn subscribed to are identical with those promoted by Carto and his various enterprises. [Ernie offers a link to his “report”.]
Well, that should have ended it, I suppose. But Mikey really can’t help himself. A week later, with characteristic sophistry, he rebutted Ernie:
So you are saying that the truth does NOT matter? ¶ The truth is that, contrary to the lies that have been published, Von Brunn was not trying to "promote" the work of Willis Carto by posting material on the Internet; rather, Von Brunn was attempting to paste negative attacks on Carto on the Internet.
OK, we get it. The truth is that Von Brunn (1) agrees with Carto’s general philosophy, (2) even got a job with Carto’s publishing company, and then (3) had a falling out with Carto over who-knows-what—whereupon von Brunn (4) moved on, apparently maintaining his Cartoesque, anti-Semitic, conspiracy-nut philosophy but, eventually, (5) branched out into murder.
Thanks for the clarification Mikey. Among the Stupid People, you’ve always been my favorite.
