A medical marijuana collective? In sleepy ol’ Lake Forest?

Momentarily under the impression that I was linking to an article about, oh, alternative healing, I clicked on the ad.
OK, call me clueless. To my shock, up popped 39 ads for, um, medical marijuana. Thirty-nine of ‘em!
I read:
Free joint
The kindest bud in OC
Care with a smile/friendly atmosphere
Free gram
Marijuana evaluation
Mention OC Weekly for discount
Tranquil healing
Free grow classes
Ask about our daily specials
Try before you buy
Judging by these ads, Long Beach and Lake Forest are hot spots for medical marijuana sales.
—And, thus, consumption? Guess so.
I did not know that.
Some of these sellers have websites. “GGECO” of Foothill Ranch is prominent. (Their ad seems to "borrow" that gekko character from GEICO.) GGECO's site features a groovy video about such products as “sage X sour diesel.” I have no idea what that is.
Meanwhile, the “Compassionate Caregivers of Lake Forest” website features a sober robo-babe named Mindy who explains the care taken in producing and providing medical pot. She's worth a look, if you're stoned.
Lake Forest again. One of the safest (and mellowist) cities in the country!

Mountain Ray
Twenty-five years ago, just a few yards from where I now sit, my late bro Ray used to cultivate doobage. Yes, when he wasn't a U.S. Marine or a carpenter, he was a wacky tobacky grower. He claimed to grow the very best “shit.”
I had no idea. One day, he brought me up here (this was before my house was built) and proudly showed me his crop, which was somewhat enshrouded by oak trees. What could I say?
“These plants look real healthy,” I said. Ray was a tad volatile, so you avoided saying things like, oh, "Are you f*cking nuts?"
Good grief, I thought. I wanted nothing to do with all this. Luckily, my dad soon found Ray’s “farm” (I don’t recall how that happened), and he destroyed everything. Pop’s not into ganja, though he does brew a mean camomile tea. (He’s from the old world. He’s got a divining rod and lederhosen, too.)

Ms. Clean:
I think my cleaning lady is into weed. She’s an aged hippy, as dumb as a doorknob. She believes in UFOs and Gaia and the end of the world (a couple of years from now, she insists). I think she’s permanently stoned.
She's an ad for abstinence.

Usually, they just rest their heads and snooze.
Lord, they’re stupid*.
*Pot heads, not students.
Coincidentally, on Friday, a few hours after I blogged about Lake Forest’s wacky proliferation of marijuana outlets, the OC Reg reported on that very phenomenon:
City trying to weed out 10 marijuana dispensaries
The gist of the story is that Lake Forest is the home of many marijuana outlets, in part because of its “laissez-faire” approach to businesses. Nevertheless, the city objects to these businesses and believes them to be violating the city’s ordinances:
At least 10 marijuana collectives are doing business in Lake Forest, setting up in office spaces that often go unnoticed by the city. ¶ Though Lake Forest adopted an ordinance prohibiting any business that does not adhere to both state and federal laws, many of the dispensaries have taken advantage of the city's laissez-faire policy where businesses are not required to register with the city.
And though federal law prohibits the use and sale of marijuana, some dispensaries appear to be operating without meeting even state standards. Of the 10 dispensaries that were reviewed by the Orange County Register, four could not be verified as holding a state seller's permit – one of the guidelines set forth by the state's attorney.
One weed entrepreneur describes the situation in Lake Forest with the phrase, "don't ask, don't tell."
So Lake Forest is a kind of libertarian heaven--it's an entrepreneurial wild west. There may be rules for businesses in that town, but there ain't no sheriff to enforce 'em.
(Maybe that's why Tom Fuentes lives in that silly town.)
Meanwhile, the city is trying to get the pot sellers out, using a “new strategy.” They won't say what that strategy is. (Maybe they'll just make a few phone calls to the feds, but the feds have other, more important varmints to chase.)
Feeling superior today, are we?
Didn't mean to do that.
I've got to admit, though, that I've never had a high opinion of those who engage in heavy and routine marijuana use, though there are big exceptions: Louis Armstrong for one. I meant to emphasize, not that pot heads are stupid, but that I was oblivious to the extent of the pot culture (especially the legal one) in this county. (I favor legalizing the stuff--and taxing purchases.) Guess I lost track of that idea.
No doubt there are lots of people who enjoy pot moderately and sans stupidity. These ads, however, leave the impression that the line between the pot culture and the "alternative medicine" culture is a murky one. And that suggests...well, you know.
To quote Jonothan Richman, "Why can't they take this place and take it STRAIGHT? Why always stoned, like Hippy Johnny? I'm straight, and I'm here, to take his place"
Really? Students aren't stupid?
Love the Ray pic.
I have to agree with Roy about habitual, heavy, ever so lethargic users of ganja. Some of 'em seem to lose all political ambition and just, well, ENERGY for doing stuff in this place and doing it straight--which one must do if one is to effect real change, I believe.
“The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this.” - Albert Einstein quote on Cannabis
"Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."
- William F. Buckley Jr. quote on Marijuana
"When a private enterprise fails, it is closed down; when a government enterprise fails, it is expanded. Isn’t that exactly what’s been happening with drugs?"
- Milton Friedman quote on Marijuana
These guys were idiots don't listen to them!!!!
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