Spring '92
Spring '96
Spring '96

Since President Roquemore has evidently decided to scrub the college of its past, we're countering by splattering some old images of the college and its community all over this blog--today and in coming days. (Thanks to Jeanne Egasse for the old schedules!)
Below are images from the IVC Spring 1992 and Spring 1996 Schedules of Classes.
SPRING 1992 Schedule of Classes:
Here, Bea looks like a teenager! Heck, maybe she was one.
Yes, this image (on the bus) was produced by none other than Emigdio Vasquez, whose mural now graces a wall in the IVC Library.
I recall Brenda's central involvement in early attempts to reform the Faculty Association in the Fall of 1996. That struggle went on for years.
Anna seemed to have been a very popular administrator. I seem to recall that she took over the Presidency from Ron Kong, who arrived in the Fall of '86 (or Spring of '87). (Though I was newly hired, I was appointed to the Presidential search committee! It was an eye-opening experience.)
People were sorry to see Anna go.
In the early days, PE at IVC wasn't about sports and competition; it was all about fitness. That was one of the things that made the college special. Pam Deegan, who advanced to administration mid-decade, was an important leader in this regard, but, by the late 90s, she was forced out. That was during the "Board Majority" era, natch.
Bren (at right) had loyal friends. When he died, not long after this photo, colleagues were devastated.
SPRING 1996:
As I recall, the Humanities course advertised above was team taught by Richard Prystowsky, Rebecca Welch, Dale Larson, and me. Hum faculty had all sorts of ambitious plans of inter-disciplinary teaching, but they soon came to grief.
In the early 90s, the School of Humanities and Languages decided to go forward with a journalism program, hoping to create the kind of instruction, and the kind of newspapers (etc.), that our ambitious faculty could be proud of. In the early 90s, a journalist (Olga B) was hired, full-time, to guide the program but, by 1997, the student paper—the Voice—became a problem to administration, owing to reporters' reporting. You can imagine the rest.
The School of Humanities has sought to revive some of the old programs and publications (e.g., the Ear), but we have met with some, ahem, resistance and difficulty. More about the latter in coming weeks.
Be sure to check out A brief history of IVC’s Presidency (à la LA Times)
For more old pics, see also IVC’s Pinterest page: IVC then and now
Remembering the old Clock Tower: The replacement Clock Tower adventure
The two stooges who organized the snoozefest Diane O and Brittany R do not care about the past and the people who built the college. Big reason is why the party was not sentimental. Overcrowded and long winded. It was an insult to the history of IVC. Thanks for caring Roy.
I love this! Fullerton College did something similar on their 50th, posting old pics and articles from their newspaper to chronicle it all throughout the year on their FB page. It was so cool. I thought IVC was going to have a series of events to mark the anniversary. Wasn't the mural unveiling one of those? Isn't there going to be a big party on Live Oak Terrace?
You had your party now shut up and get to work.
As a new faculty member, being able to see these pictures of the school and now many senior faculty members is really a trip. How fun and crucial to remember...
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