This is very cool, I figure. And it’s right here in ridiculous Lake Forest! (The town used to be called "El Toro." Everybody just called it El Boro.)
Last week, the OC Register indicated that, supposedly, tickets would be made available (by the Church) within days, but that date kept getting pushed back. Church websites kept saying that an announcement would be made soon.
But I want to go to this thing, so I kept pressing. When I called the Saddleback “forum” number, I was told that the info I need is on But when I went to, up popped a little ad (for the event) that said, “for more info visit”
OK, so I went there, and up popped another event ad plus some stuff off to the right. A blue button announced that tickets would be available at date X. Well, that date's kept changing.
So I clicked on the “general event information” blue button. That opened up to something that advised me to call the original phone number!
I was getting the old runaround. And from a church!

That’s me. Things aren't looking good.
So I figured, what the hell? I’ll just request “Media Credentials”! I’m media. Sort of. So I did that, right there on (yet another blue button).
So if, starting tomorrow, you find that Dissent the Blog has gotten awfully quiet, start looking for me. Try Egypt.
I don’t trust that Secret Service a bit. Not a bit.
UPDATE: Someone's comment (below) includes what seems to be an email sent by the Saddleback Church to members regarding tickets for the event. (Sent August 6.)
The email notes that “Our congregation has over 100,000 attenders and members, but we only have about 5,000 seats available!” Evidently, the church solicited ideas and recommendations regarding how to distribute tickets from members.
The upshot: tickets will be distributed via five “ticket drawings.” One drawing is for free seats (presumably poor seating). The other drawings are for tickets that go for $500, $1000, and $2000.
Members are urged to apply by email. The deadline was this morning at 8.
If this email is genuine (I think it is), it seems unlikely that anyone who is not a member of the church can get tickets, unless the church has decided to reserve some tickets for nonmembers. Don’t know.