Tom Fuentes—60 Years and a Community College District
Posted by: Keith Carlson
Chairman Emeritus of the OCGOP, Tom Fuentes, celebrated his 60th Birthday last night at the Balboa Bay Club. The event also served as a rallying point for his re-election bid to the South Orange County Community College Board of Trustees. By the turnout, I'm assuming his competition is in deep trouble. Let's say it was a bit larger than your average community college board candidate event. In fact, it was a huge crowd. The President of Hillsdale College, Dr. Larry Arnn (former President of the Claremont Institute), flew in from Michigan to give the keynote address. It was an inspiring message, reminding us all of the importance the founding generation put on a well-educated society. It was, they felt, critical for a nation that is "by the people" to have people that could reason well, live well, and know their history.Also on the Claremont Institute board: Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr. (According to Wikipedia, "Ahmanson told the Orange County Register in 1985, 'My goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives.'") CI must be a helluva organization.
The speaker was introduced by Brian Kennedy, the current President of the Claremont Institute—where Tom Fuentes is also a Director and Senior Fellow. In attendance were a whole host of GOP volunteer leaders, as well as numerous elected officials. It said something to me that Congressmen Rohrabacher and Royce—in the midst of their own re-election campaigns—would take time out of their busy schedules to support someone running for local office. But, of course, that someone was not just anyone.That someone was Tom Fuentes, who led the GOP in OC for 20 years. But more recently, he also battled liver cancer—and won. So, as he addressed the crowd he noted that it wasn't really his 60th birthday, but really it was his 1st. It was moving stuff, especially with his family and so many old friends there to support him. All in all it was a great night to celebrate someone not only devoted to the conservative cause and public policy, but also someone that has come through a tough year and wants to keep serving the public.
Mr. Fuentes is also among the directors of Eagle Publishing, which owns Regnery Books. Among Regnery’s more popular titles: Unfit for Command (yes, the infamous “swift boat” book). Regnery also publishes books that reject or attack Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Fuentes, as much as anyone, is responsible for the unfortunate circumstance that, for the first time in their history, the colleges of the South Orange County Community College District could lose their accreditation (for years, the Accrediting Commission has cited the SOCCCD board for micromanagement). (See Action Letter 1/7.)