Our trip's been good. The Best Friends Sanctuary is very impressive. More about that later this week.
And I'm getting to like this goofy little town of Kanab, Utah.
Today, after many hours with the wonderful cats at BFS, we went back to town to tour one of Kanab's oldest buildings, a residence constructed in the late 1800s.
Naturally, the guy who built it was a Mormon, but, after two years, the church sent him on some kind of mission abroad. The new resident, natch, was a Mormon, one with six wives. In about 1889, he spent two years in prison for "cohabitation"--i.e., somebody snitched on his polygamous ways. Evidently, after prison, he came back to Kanab and continued building his family, which became enormous, judging by the pictures.
When I got to the house, the door was open, and so I walked in. I couldn't find anybody, but there were the usual cards with historical information on walls and furniture. One sign explained that photographing was prohibited. Drat!
The place was beautiful. It's just what you'd expect, with high ceilings, wooden floors, wonderful moldings, and such. All of the furniture was "period."
I examined the many old family photos. My God this was a big family! I especially liked wife #6.
I found the staircase and started climbing. Half way up I saw a figure--what I took to be a mannequin of an old woman. Once I got to the top of the stairs, the mannequin started moving, which was only slightly startling. (It's Kanab.) Turns out she was the gal in charge of showing the house. It soon became clear that she didn't get many customers. Likely I was the first one this week. This month? This year?
The top floor was way spooky, man. These Mormons never got around to finishing the top floor, and so the walls were thin slats of dark wood. The old mannequin-lady, who was pretty nice, explained about the condition and about all of the odd junk strewn around the rooms. At one point, she mentioned that "these kids" had come around in "'07" to make "that movie."
"They made a movie here?"
"Yes, they did, dear. There were only two stars. A girl and a boy."
"Do you remember the name of the movie?"
"No, dear, but I think it was from a book called 'Monster in the Attic.'"
Well, that was pretty cool. I was already aware that over 100 movies and TV shows have been filmed in and around Kanab. At one point, also today, during an amazing sudden rainstorm, we came across a wonderful old shack up against one of those amazing red cliffs that surround the town. It was constructed for episodes of "Gunsmoke" in 1965. Very cool.
Well, gotta go.

The Grand Canyon, two days ago