They chose TOM FUENTES. D'oh!

A guy like Fuentes would never make it onto the board through the front door. So Steve and his pals snuck him in through a back alley.
I thought you'd like to see the letter. Steve is pretty chatty and friendly. He even sent me some vintage "Boy Scout" stamps (see). He almost makes me feel bad about all those Messerschmitts I used to put him in, via Photoshop.

Back in the mid-90s, students swore up and down that Steve, a High School teacher, denied the Holocaust in class. (Several signed affidavits to that effect.) Steve, an avowed conspiracy nut, actually told the LA Times (11/25/96) that he thought the ADL (a Jewish civil rights organization) killed JFK. And, sadly, Steve really did invite the head reporter of Liberty Lobby (an undeniably anti-Semitic publishing "empire") to his ill-fated "Warren Commission" Forum. Plus, in the course of his trustee duties, Steve really did recommend to audiences that they

On the other hand, he's nice to his cat Buster. --BB
Oh, what the hell. Let's do it one more time!
I call this, "Steve beats a hasty retreat!" (Click on it to see larger version.)