AS YOU KNOW, facilities for the School of Humanities and Languages at IVC have long been conspicuously excrementitious (aka "way shitty"). Here at Dissent we have occasionally endeavored to reveal that shittitude, and, in so doing, we have often found it advisable to present the PHILOSOPHY ROOM (A405) in particular. Were one to construct a lowerarchy of A405ular shittitudinality, one would surely start with the floor, an expanse of linoleum more scuffed than which can hardly be conceived.

Imagine my surprise, therefore, when, on Monday, students in my philosophy classes commented on the loveliness of A405's floor!
I looked down and—zut alors!—the floor was clean! Spotless!
It even sparkled!
On behalf of my students, Fumiko's students, and I-don't-know-who-else's-dang-students, I'd like to thank the F&M crew for doing such a fine job. Don't know why they did it, but they did, and we thank them.
Vielen Danks!
AT ONE POINT TODAY, Brenda alerted me to the sudden and precipitous duckification of the planter between the Library and SSC. I took my camera out there and found that, indeed, the northern planterama was totally ducked up:

On the way back to my office, I espied a ruminative long-eared, short-tailed lagomorph:

I happened to be in the President's Conference Room in old A100 today, and I noticed all that crap they have hanging on the walls. Most of it was the usual stuff, including an architect's rendering of the "Performing Arts Center":

But I noticed another, a much older, architectural rendering. Check it out:

And why not? After all, H&L practically carries the whole dang college! I mean, without H&L, we could fit everything in a quonset hut!
I don't get it. Those Chem and Math clowns got a new building a decade ago. And now those Fine Arts knuckleheads are gonna get theirs. Meanwhile, the H&L crew is stuck teaching in friggin' Hooverville!
So help me out here. What does it mean that this particular painting hangs upon the Presidential Conference Room wall? Has it always hung there?
Perhaps it has no meaning at all. That, of course, would be very IVC. —CW