Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Watch Ian Walton express despair and then go home


PJ Schramel: "Dave, your mike!"
Ana Maria Cobos: "members of this board manipulated the ALA institutional membership for personal purposes...."
Margot Lovett: "the Chancellor and board ... [attempt to] rewrite reality"!
Raghu Mathur: we must show "utmost respect and reverence" for the board!
Barbara Beno: "I'm seeing a lot of progress here"
Tom Fuentes: "an infusion of good cheer"
Ian Walton: "Why are we here?"

First prayer, then letters

Peter: "It was shortly after World War II. Do you remember World War II? Absolutely ghastly business. I was against the whole thing."

Dudley: "I think we all were."

Peter: "Yes, well, I wrote a letter."
—From an old Dudley Moore/Peter Cook comedy routine

From this morning’s Inside Higher Ed:
Students at Ohio University played a key role Friday in preventing an employee from committing suicide. The Columbus Dispatch reported that about 15 students were gathered for a weekly prayer session when they heard about a threat by a man to jump from a fifth floor ledge in the student union. The students responded with prayer and were eventually joined by other students. One student proposed that they write letters to the man, encouraging him to live, and a crisis specialist read several of the letters to the man, who was persuaded not to kill himself.

And now, a McCain Video

Rebel Girl insisted that I view this, and now I see why. For those who've seen Yes we can, this will be hilarious.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...