OC Treasurer Candidate Field Keeps Growing
Today, South Coast [sic] Community College District Trustee David Lang pulled candidate papers [for OC Treasurer]. A source had told me Lang, who withstood a faculty union challenger to his 2008 re-election, had ambitions for the OC Treasurer-Tax Collector seat, and the source was correct. Lang is closely allied with fellow SOCCCD Trustee and former OC GOP Chairman Tom Fuentes. That should prove immensely helpful to the relatively unknown Lang, since Tom Fuentes' has a wide and deep network he's built over the course of 40 years.About five years ago, after consistently opposing Raghu Mathur (since 1996), Lang suddenly did an about face, becoming a staunch Mathur supporter. His closest faculty friends confronted him, asking him what he was up to. He never seemed to have an answer. He smiled his insipid smile.
Soon thereafter, the word was out that Lang had hooked up with Fuentes, who, of course, had embraced Mathur from the very beginning--in 2000, if not earlier. So Lang would support Mathur, and Fuentes would further Lang's political ambitions, which (according to the story) included securing the OC Treasurer/Tax Collector gig.
Nevertheless, for the election of 2006, Fuentes worked to get Chriss Street elected as OC Treasurer; no doubt Fuentes purred into Lang's ear: "not yet, my son." Street was elected, but, right away, his Fruehauf Trucking troubles surfaced, and he commenced spending extravagant bucks on his County digs.
It soon became clear that he was a typical pal-o'-Fuentes: corrupt, unprincipled, self-serving.
So now Street's out. Will Tom finally come through for Lang?