YES, it's Spring Break. This means no board meetings, no bored students sitting on rooftops and, perhaps for Rebel Girl, no stressed-out surreal dreams inspired by her workplace.
In other words, no material.
We here at DISSENT have decided to commemorate Spring Break by reviewing our archives and retrieving and presenting the very best of the comments we have received since going online. Some fun. Really.
Readers may not realize that there is more to DISSENT than our nationally-recognized graphic style (University Diaries describes the blog as "a visual treat") and our witty reportage (professor zero declares, "I love them!"). Indeed, a click on the COMMENTS at the end of every post reveals the other dissenting voices out there.
So sit back, relax and enjoy THIS WEEK in the BEST OF DISSENT's COMMENTS (some of which, we hope, were written by YOU). (First in a series.)

The reader's comment appears below, verbatim.
Anonymous said...
My original opinion of this blog portraying the follies of “Mathur’s journey from IVC President to mighty District Chancellor" was negative at first. I thought this blog to be a gathering of disgruntled employee’s on a mission to get their “just desserts.” However, this all changed over a door knob conversation with a janitor at IVC.December 10, 2006 2:52 PM
I myself, a student at IVC that works and helps out with the adaptive P.E. program (handicap person’s Physical Therapy program), was taken [a]back when I had an unlikely conversation with a janitor and his bad experience with Mathur back in his day as President of IVC. Last week, while working with a student in a wheel chair, part of a handle broke off a piece of equipment. I flagged down a passing maintenance person in charge of delivering mail and other items around the campus. I asked him if he could tighten two screws in the handle, so we can get back to doing our exercises with the disabled.
Out of nowhere, the guy said it’s an easy five minute fix, but the last time he tried to fix a simple door knob (or similar item) for a teacher, the President of the school (Mathur) filed grievances against him for [violating] policy. In short, the guy was scared to simply tighten two screws because he almost got fired ... for helping someone out with a door knob. I had to make an official request and wait a long time for the “official correct” person to tighten two screws. When the official “Screw Tightener’s” of IVC showed up, they actually had to take the handle to a secret location ... (so far it has not come back to the gym).
[I was] truly amazed to the see the absolute fear this maintenance guy had on his face. You can tell he really wanted to help out these handicap students.
If you mention Mathur’s name to the people that emerge from the shadows at night (maintenance people), they really don’t care for him. ... [H]ow can a President running a whole college (or district) possibl[y] have the time to be picking constant fights with faculty members and staff over pointless battles. Common sense, if there is any out there, would want a leader that is truly concerned with the best outcome for his students, not creating skirmishes that achieve absolutely nothing.