Friday, December 10, 2010

I read it in the Saddleback College Lariat

We advise you to go home
Page 2, right-hand column:

Nov. 20 11:30 p.m.

A female staff person had a problem with her pants falling down because she forgot a belt. She was advised to go home.

Page 6: "Campus Comment":

Students are asked, "Do you think Wikileaks leaking classified documents to the public is a good thing?"

Some student answers:
"Yeah, I think it's good. I think it's a good idea."HT, 21, Business

"I don't think that's a good idea."JR, 18, Undecided

"Yeah. Sure. It's not a bad idea."ZM, 23, Environmental Engineering

Bremer: just saying “No” to long hair and windowlessness

Fred H. Bremer˜
     Reading the latest edition of the Lariat today, I noticed a brief article about former Saddleback College President and district Superintendent Fred H. Bremer, who died recently at the age of 87.
     The article referred to a Redlands newspaper, which I quickly located:

Redlands Daily Facts (November 24, 2010)
Fred H. Bremer (Obituary)

     The upshot: Bremer was born in West Virginia in ’23, served in the Army Air Corps during the war (B-24s), got a doctorate in philosophy in Texas, and settled into a career as an educator. He served as an administrator at the likes of McCook Junior College, Santa Ana College, Chapman College and then Saddleback College (in 1967).
     At Saddleback, he soon advanced to Superintendent/President.
     According to that wacky Redlands paper, “He served because he cared.”
     Well, OK then.

Hans W. Vogel
     Over the years, I’ve mentioned Bremer a couple of times.
     In Why is the Utt Library windowless?, I reported the explanation of the curious windowlessness of Saddleback’s James B. Utt Library. In its original design, the structure had windows in all but the bottom floor, but Board President Hans W. Vogel (who, BTW, is still among the living!) suddenly changed that during a board meeting.
     This reversal seemed to catch officials off guard. Bremer made an effort to rescue the plans, saying, “From an aesthetic viewpoint I feel a certain amount of windows are desirable, even in a library. Otherwise the building would have a prison-like appearance.”
     Good thinking. But Vogel and his board pals saw things differently. Said Vogel,
“A library is a learning center with a function to perform … and that function is best performed if there are no distractions. A student should be able to escape completely from reality. A fortress without windows is the ideal environment for library study since when you go to the library you are trying to reach the depths of your own mind.”
     Depths? OK.
     One of the architects was clearly horrified by such talk. He noted that “human beings like to know what’s going on outside even if they only see a patch of sky or clouds….”
     So true.
     It’s pretty clear that Vogel, another WWII vet, and the other birds weren’t so much concerned about students plumbing “mental depths” as they were fretting about students throwing fire bombs. Ten months earlier, student protesters burned down a B of A building in Santa Barbara.

Norm Coleman, 1970
     In Saddleback College’s war on hair, I reported a curious event from about the same time. Bremer, then the Superintendent of the “Saddleback Junior College District,” insisted upon a dress code that forbade long hair on men. Some hirsute kid was turned away during registration in 1969, and so he took the district to court. More hairy kids showed up and were turned away; they joined the suit.
     But, near as I can tell, things went downhill from there for these shaggy kids. In the end (I believe), the courts ruled in favor of Bremer and Co. (in 1971).
     In one of the filings, Bremer was on record as opining:
"Based upon my academic training and administrative experience, I am of the opinion that dress codes which include regulations applicable to male hair styles are desirable for junior colleges. Such codes aid in maintaining an environment which is conducive to learning and in avoiding disruptions of the educative process."
     Um. Guess so.
     In fact, no disruptions occurred with these three hairy kids let loose at the college.
John Williams, c. 1969

IVC: custodial/maintenance workers disenfranchised?

December 10:
     Evidently, the local chapter of the CSEA is holding an election next week to choose officers, and it appears to have perturbed some members.
     Earlier today, an Irvine Valley College employee told me that the campus custodial/maintenance workers (there are about 13 of 'em) object to a circumstance according to which the 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. shift 4:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (swing) shift are left with no practical way to vote. The C/M crew have asked that these members be accommodated in some way—after all, some of them have been in the union for many years—but they have been informed by leadership, my source says, that the bylaws will not permit this.
     Meanwhile (according to my source), a similar request for accommodation produced positive results at Saddleback College.
     So what gives?
     My source speculates that this circumstance, or at least the unwillingness to accommodate the disenfranchised members, is an effort to protect existing leadership, for the C/M crew are a voting block that is unhappy with the status quo, leadershipwise (at IVC).
     A petition has circulated in favor of the accommodation, but, thus far, the effort has only yielded the charge that the disenfranchised members are “whiners.”
     Or so says my source.


     Just after 6:00 p.m., someone who identifies herself as Delores Brooks Irwin (see blogs) wrote in to say:

     This is total B.S.
     For years – certainly before I came to SOCCCD, the chapter constitution required that voting for officer elections take place at the regularly scheduled December meeting. The meetings would alternate between campuses. So, until this year, classified staff had to attend the December chapter meeting – whether or not it was held at their home campus – in order to vote. This year, the executive board revised the constitution, with the major change being that voting would occur on both campuses, and the hours of voting would be extended, in order to make it available to more members. We heavily advertised this coming change, and gave opportunities at both campuses to provide input. NOBODY DID. So the revised constitution was sent up to regional and state CSEA and approved just in time for this year's election.
     Then a little group of members at IVC decided they didn't like the current regime and began attacking the E Board with all kinds of bogus charges, including the controversy about the voting times. Voting used to be at one campus, with a two-hour window. Now voting is available at both campuses, and polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     Last year we couldn't even get anyone to run against the incumbents, and that has been the situation many years. What changed this year? I have no idea. The cost/benefit ratio for being on this board is heavy on the cost. That's why there usually are no opponents.
     Anyway, a shit-storm has ensued at IVC, with no basis, as far as I'm concerned. And they have even brought it to this forum. You'd think this was Brown-Whitman all over again.

     Amazing [END]

A few minutes later, the same person (evidently) wrote in to say...

     And I have to add one more thing. Saddleback campus was given an extra accommodation not offered to IVC? Are you kidding? (I explained this on my own blog, by the way.) The current makeup of the board: 2 district, 1 Saddleback, 4 IVC. Do you really think Saddleback is ever going to be favored over IVC on an issue? [END]

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Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...