(Click on photos to enlarge them.)

Modjeska's "Arden" (1888), in Modjeska Canyon. It is now an historical landmark.
Arden was designed by famed New York architect Stanford White, who was played by Norman Mailer in the film Ragtime.

The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
Modjeska's "Arden" (1888), in Modjeska Canyon. It is now an historical landmark.
Arden was designed by famed New York architect Stanford White, who was played by Norman Mailer in the film Ragtime.
A paintball player heading to a game apparently triggered a campus-wide scare at UC Irvine this afternoon when he was seen walking near campus in camouflage with what looked like a gun.
University officials now believe the weapon was nothing more dangerous than a paintball gun, spokesman Tom Vasich said. “We’re trying to find this student, who has gone off campus to play paintball, as the (person) the call came in about,” Vasich said shortly after 4 p.m.
Police briefly detained … Matt Fritz, who was wearing camouflage pants and a hat. Fritz said he was well-known around campus for his work with security details at events. He said he was working on a class project in the student center when campus authorities called him and said they needed to talk to him. Then police arrived.
He said they handcuffed him, led him outside and questioned him about his whereabouts for more than an hour. He said police also went to his parent’s home in Burbank and questioned them.
“It was an interesting day for me,” he said….
Emboldened by what they believe is growing support in Washington, a group of about 50 students from local universities and colleges marched and at times ran through the halls of Santiago Canyon College today to support their peers who are in the country illegally.
Students – some wearing caps and gowns – from Cal State Fullerton and Santa Ana and Santiago Canyon colleges kicked off what they said was a string of rallies in support of the DREAM Act, which would allow undocumented students to apply for legal permanent resident status, protect them from deportation and make them eligible for student loans and federal work study programs.
"The DREAM Act… discriminates against law-abiding American citizen and legal resident students and is yet another taxpayer-funded reward to illegal aliens for violating our immigration laws," California Coalition for Immigration Reform founder Barbara Coe said in a written statement. "Why should law-abiding American taxpayers be forced to sacrifice the education of their own children in order to fund the education of lawbreakers?"
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This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...