Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What about Jupiter and Mars?!

Nobody’s surprised by the crudity and backwardness of Congresspeople from, say, Arkansas or Texas or South Carolina. Bible Belt Bozos! Of course!

But Orange County ain’t no hick town. It’s in California, near shiny, modern Los Angeles. Plus it’s got universities and Silicone Housewives and such. Nevertheless, our citrus county (heck, it used to be part of LA County) has some of the wackiest and stupidest politicians anybody’s ever seen.

Yesterday, on Chris Matthews’ noisy show (Hardball), Huntington Beach Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican, debated Virginia Congressman Jim Moran, a Democrat, regarding global warming and human contributions to it.

Sparks flew, boy. But not much light was cast on the subject of global warming or anything else. Moran wasn’t much use. Matthews is mostly an oaf. And Rohrabacher—well, what can I say? I do believe that he carries a rabbit’s foot and uses a divining rod to locate good spots to watch UFOs.

Matthews noted that there is a consensus among relevant scientists that global warming is occurring and that it is being caused in part by human activity. He notes that, according to polls, most Americans agree (as though that mattered one freakin' iota). But, says Matthews, Rohrabacher and various other Republicans are global warming “skeptics.” How’s that work exactly? Are they anti-science? Luddites?

Well, says Rohrabacher, we’re being “fed a bunch of baloney,” is how it works. And, hey, lots of scientists across the flat Earth agree with him! You can “Gloogle” (yes, “Gloogle”) them, says the RohrMan. He farts.

Plus, roars Rohr, “Mars and Jupiter” are experiencing the same temperature fluctuations as Earth. What about that? Answer me THAT!

Matthews asks if Rohrabacher isn’t exhibiting a general anti-science stance, shared by many Republicans, a stance that has them deny evolution, too. What say you, surfer boy!

Rohrabacher calls that question “garbage.” He does a lot of squealing and carping and slapping back at Matthews, who is the Liberal Media.

It’s all very pleasant.

In Orange County, ever so slowly, these people--Rohrabacher and his ilk--are dying out. I figure we'll see 'em disappear entirely right about when I kick the bucket in thirty or so years. (I'm an optimist.)


Anonymous said...

Rohrabacher has always been a maroon, to cite Bugs Bunny.

Anonymous said...

They'll never completely die out -
"It rains into the sea,
And still the sea is salt."

Anonymous said...

It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit, and the emperor remains an emperor.
- Neil Gaiman

Anonymous said...

You seam afraid of the question about Mars and Jupiter. Is it because you don't know the answer?

Anonymous said...

1:32, you are very naive. Sometimes, one refuses to "answer" a question because one does not seek to honor it. In your case, however, I'll make an exception. Rohrabacher's big point about other planets is an old one and has been answered. Consider, for instance, astronomer Phil Plait's response from two years ago. Plait says that focussing on Saturn and jupiter is an instance of "cherry picking"--or "suppressed evidence." People like R make a big deal about the warming of some planets, but ignores the failure of other planets to "warm." If the sun were causing all of this warming, why are only some planets warmer? Etc. 1:32, you need to get an education. Start by taking a logic course.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...