In my latest book, I devote a chapter to the many sins of the Orange County Republican Party but also hinted that they were finally evolving from the slimeball campaigns of the past when it came to scoring easy points off of demonizing Mexicans. Specifically, I pointed to the 2006 Tan Nguyen affair, where GOP chair Scott Baugh fully repudiated Nguyen and only the farthest extremes of party activists (i.e., the CCIR [California Coalition for Immigration Reform] crowd) stood by their Tan.
So much for that goodwill. As noted by OC Blog, the OC GOP recently mailed out a hit piece on Fullerton City Council hopeful Karen Haluza, whose day job is planning manager for SanTana. Over pictures of apartment slums and the proposed One Broadway Plaza Freudian tower are these ominous words: "Stop Urban Planner Karen Haluza from Turning Fullerton Into Another Santa Ana!" (underlined in the original). If you still don't get it, the flier retells the same point on the other side: Will Karen Haluza Turn Fullerton into Another Santa Ana?"
—An' don't forget: Tom was Tan Nguyen's chief advisor!
The OC GOP plays its hand against Haluza with a racist brilliance not seen since the days of Tom Fuentes and his poll guards….

…[T]he student newspaper at Orange Coast College uncovered a real case of [greed] in the august halls of academia (H/T to R. Scott Moxley of OC Weekly).—Do you suppose Tom will mention Coaty's scam during tomorrow night's discussion of high textbook costs? I'm bettin' that somebody will.
The scam was perpetrated by OCC Associate Political Science Professor Patrick Coaty. Here's how it worked:
Coaty required the 500-some he has each semester to buy the textbooks he wrote, which together cost $162.59.
Then, he required his students to rip out the homework pages in the books, which rendered them worthless for re-sale to the college bookstore, and forced Coaty's next crop of students to shell out for Coaty's books.
Nice. Sort of a robber-baron-as-college-professor.
A student raised a ruckus, and now that attention was drawn to his scam, Coaty "revised" his book policy.
What ought to be revised is his employment at Orange Coast College—as in, fire him. The again, OCC is part of the Coast Community College District, of which the infamous Armando Ruiz is a Trustee. Ruiz would probably rather get some scamming tips from Coaty, rather than fire him.
I found this Ratemyprofessors.com site. It's interesting to read the student comments about Coaty. According to his students, Coaty is an easy "A," although they don't like the fact that her never returns their homework, so it's a little tough to know if you are learning the material. Who wants to wager Coaty never actually grades it?
• OBAMA AIN'T A REAL AMERICAN, SAY STUPID PEOPLE IN OC. On Friday, the OC Reg's Martin Wisckol wrote about another daffy GOP rumor about Barack Obama (O.C. suspicions over Obama's citizenship continue):
Even some supporters of John McCain are dismayed with fellow Orange County Republicans who think Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S. and does not meet the requirements to be president.
An OC Political Pulse poll found that a third of responding Republicans thought Obama was born outside of the 50 United States....