Some of the same protesters—and their banner—appeared again at tonight's meeting of the SOCCCD Board of Trustees.
Raul Villalba, who is retiring, was also honored.
Margot L offered polite but pointed remarks. She stated that she did not wish for her complaint to "become personal," but she was "deeply offended" by Mr. Fuentes' invocation. She read a sample of student names—representing a wide variety of traditions outside of Christianity.
"Shame on you," she said, evidently directing her remarks especially to Mr. Fuentes, who has close ties to the local Roman Catholic Church and who, when stepping down three years ago as Chair of the Orange County Republican Party, pointed with pride to the organization's practice of opening all meetings with prayer.
Obviously, a great many students and members of the community are not Christian.
Here we see him joking about the information that IVC's music department seeks to purchase a "church" organ. "Did we get permission" to do that?, he asked, laughing.
When he stepped down as Chair of the local GOP in 2004, Mr. Fuentes offered these "farewell remarks”:
Now, some have asked me what is it that gives me most joy in twenty years as Chairman of this County Party. It is a little thing. It is the fact that anywhere in this county, whenever Republicans gather, we begin our time together with prayer. You may pray in your way, and I may pray in mine, but, my friends, Republicans in this county always acknowledge a power higher than ourselves as did our Founding Fathers. And, the values, principles, and ideals that flow from the acknowledgement of the divinity, guides our conservative social agenda. It gives us pause to reflect on what is really important in life and society. It motivates us to defend causes that are so critical in the cultural war that today engulfs our nation and its society. (My emphasis.)
See also Prayer and being "out of the picture" at the South Orange County Community College District