It's true!Rebel Girl is entering the summer-long witness relocation program that is offered all departing department chairs upon their resignations. This nifty option was negotiated with the last contract and Reb couldn't be happier!
Thank you Faculty Association! With her home email account disconnected from the continuous feed from college, sans cell phone, and under deep cover with a new identity and location, Reb can hit the snooze button all summer.
Taking over Reb's posting duties for the summer will be the legendary
Mona Lisa Quesadilla, adjunct instructor extraordinaire, an unreconstructed double major in multicultural and women's studies circa 1986 who currently teaches interdisciplinary courses that span poetry, food preparation, and self-defense. She is also a local performance artist whose
oeuvre is dominated by tortillas and accordians.
We welcome Mona to the DISSENT blogpen and wish Rebel Girl well as she enjoys her well-deserved break from all things departmental.
My pan in hand, I issue shrill "Ki-ai!"
In hopes phallogocentrism will die.
-- Mona Lisa Quesadilla
We'll miss you, Reb.
Aquila non capit muscas.
Who is the chair of English now?
Will that person starting posting to DISSENT too?
Actually, 9:23, for the summer, we have an interim loveseat, and we're hoping for a beanbag by fall.
The loveseat is actually a very good idea. We tried to get the administration to allow two women to share a chair post, but were told it did not fit into their hierarchical model of top down governance. We were willing to split the measly stipend, or to let one person have it and just treat the other one to dinner once a fortnight. We were willing to do more work than one person can do. We would have brought a broader perspective to the task. We might have been able to actually observe all the adjunct faculty a chair is supposed to observe. But noooooo.... our administration cannot function outside the box.
Please understand, there is no summer stipend for any chair work. The loveseat is a thrift shop donation, but may I say that its upholstery is in mint condition.
Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression.
- Amos Bronson Alcott
I prefer his daughter.
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