I do a fair amount of photography, and there's one thing I noticed long ago: if you take enough pics of an event and examine them closely, you start to notice odd and interesting things.
It's especially true for video. If you slow that stuff down — you've gotta do that when you edit — boy, you start to see little things about people that they naturally assumed nobody would ever notice.
WELL, ON FRIDAY, I took about 200 pics of the two district commencements. I looked at them pretty closely. That's when I noticed something.
—Well, maybe. I'll leave that for you to judge.
Here's a further pic, which is interesting in perhaps a different way:
OK, here's my favorite "find." When Chancellor Mathur spoke during Saddleback's Commencement, I took a quick photograph of the scoreboard. I didn't notice anything unusual at the time. But look! What does it say?
I was at Saddleback's commencement. I've got to admit. I missed every one of these!
Did it really say that on the scoreboard? If so, somebody's in BIG trouble!
Chunk, I think you should file an "unusual occurrence" report. Nobody should have to be looked at like that!
Why no closeup of Gosgrove's scowl?
Could all of the long faces be because of the flatulent cows?
actually Chunk, now that I see it, Don Wagner's facial hair sort of, well, looks like YOURS!
What does THAT mean?
You're right, 9:01!
Don Wagner looks like CHUNK!
OMG, you're right!
argh! what does it mean?
oh my
but Chunk is friendly and Don is, well, not so friendly
It means they both need a shave, 6:26
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