Saw these two at the Greek last night. Terrific as always. Especially Lang.
Here are some old videos that you might like. Or not.
Last night, Garrison Keillor suggested that we check out the video of Lang's "Crying," so here it is. She's pretty terrific all right. Used to pal around with Roy Orbison, who of course did the original version of "Crying."
The "Canadian" connection, you know. Neil was recovering from brain surgery, as I recall, so kd stepped in for this gig. He's all better now. But he still sings like he does. Gotta love 'im.
Her official video of this song was filmed in a beautiful part of Nevada. Check it out. (I was just there last week! Very cool.)
Do you remember the original Cat Stevens version? Great pop song. Stevens wrote some great ones. I do hope that Natalie Merchant has chilled out. (Remember when she pulled "Peace Train" off of her album?)
Check out David Sanborn going nuts on his sax. Over the top, I think. —Still.
Here, our girl is strictly second banana to her former boyfriend and his pals. They're all giving tribute to Jimi Hendrix. Crow used to do backup, before she hit it big.
Remember the version of "Little Wing" on Clapton's "Derek and the Dominoes" album? I thought it was great—but it doesn't quite top the original.
While we're on the subject of "girl singers" (OK, I know) and great songs, if you don't know about the Be Good Tanyas and their tiny bird song, well man, prepare to be dazzled:
Ah, more Canadians. They're from Vancouver, BC--I lived there for a time as a young boy. You'll notice that I occasionally call my couch a "Chesterfield" and that I can be colorless and boring.