Today’s Register (Does motorist's photo show an angel in the sky?) reports that, this morning, a local realtor observed and photographed an angel in the sky.
According to the Reg,
Chris Demerjian was driving home from a doctor's appointment in Orange late Thursday morning when she glanced into the clear blue skies above Santiago Canyon Road.
"Oh my God!" she said in disbelief. "There's an angel in the sky!"
"These are tough times. A lot of people are struggling. I think this is God's way of saying, 'Everything is going to be OK — that God is here with us as we go through all our trials.
"He is telling us to not give up.
"It just gave me chills."
Demerjian sent the picture to friends via email.
Her friend, Linda Spadoni, took a picture of the clouds from another angle in Rancho Santa Margarita.
Spadoni, a member of Saddleback Church, was so moved she sent it to Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren.
The cloud formation dissipated at around 11:45 a.m., Demerjian said — but not her faith.
"This was a sign from God," she said.