I TEACH on Friday mornings, and so I was unable to get to ATEP (the Advanced Technology and Education Park, in Tustin) until a quarter to 1, by which time lunch had been served and the cavalcade of speechifyin' and photo-opery was about to begin.
But I was ready. Forgot my pen, though.

Wow! Everybody who was anybody in OC politics—each a Republican—was either there or had sent a rep or a plaque or a doctor's note. There were lots of ladies in dresses (very GOP), lots of men in business suits (even GOPer), lots of mixing and yammering and wandering.
Plus the weather was great. It was a perfect day.
Naturally, I stood out. Mostly, I was treated as though I were a Democrat or worse, but that's OK. I
am worse.

SOMEONE TOLD ME that Trustee
Don Wagner had been the "MC" during the lunch festivities, and, reputedly, he was "hilarious."
"You mean peevish.
Snarky maybe."
"Nope, he was funny. Real funny."

Actually, I'm not surprised. Don reminds me of Sam Kinison. You know, kinda outa control, but not really.
That's funny stuff!
Don oughta let loose with his zingers more often. That board of ours could use a few yucks. Just look at 'em!

Another funny man is ATEP's Provost, Bob Kopecky, who made the rounds, grippin' and grinnin', being cute.
Almost everybody likes Bob, 'ceptin' Steve, but I'm working on him.
At one point, Bob donned a "park ranger" hat. —You know: "Park Ranger" Kopecky, which is the Reb's coinage.

District PIO Tracy D was there, of course, zipping around like she does, and, bless her heart, she treated me like just one of the paparazzi, or whatever we were. Every one of us had a black Nikon. We all clicked in the same key.
Tracy borrowed my D70 for a second. She's got a Canon, poor thing.
"Fancy camera," she said, chirpily. You gotta like Tracy.

The presentations went pretty smoothly. Mostly, they were brief, and everyone was grateful.
HIGHLIGHT. My favorite part was when Don had to bend over and reach down to pull the mike up to his chin. Feigning annoyance, he immediately blamed the predicament on Chancellor Mathur, who, as everyone knows, is vertically challenged.
Raghu smiled and laughed, but I know him. Later tonight, he'll construct a Dandy Don Voodoo Doll and poke the crap out of it.

After all the presentations, plaques, prizes, and ribbons, we called it quits. I wandered around with everybody to check out ATEP's high-tech facilities. Lasers and such.
People were pretty impressed, I think.

Well, I sure hope Bob is happy. Seems to me the event couldn't have gone any better.
Plus the PA system held up pretty well, except when Mathur spoke, for some reason. You couldn't tell what he was saying half the time.
That was just gravy.

ATEP looks pretty sharp. Nice palm trees. Cool equipment. Plus those huge hangers are just around the corner.
And there's an old white chapel, ensconsed in pepper trees, just a stone's throw away.
Come on down and check it out!

Sunny says "hey."