Meanwhile, reports have been coming in all week about declining evening services, especially in the area of communications (operator, dispatch, security, the ability to contact the Irvine PD if necessary, etc). Once Rebel Girl's medications have had the desired effect, she may return to this topic in more detail but for now, all you get is that list. It's enough, isn't it? You can always add your own two cents in the comments.
And now a quiz: When only two officers are available and the following three events present themselves, what two should be the highest priority?
a) dealing with a disruptive, potentially violent student in the SSC
b) handling a slip and fall incident in the parking lot
c) escorting children from the childcare center to the parking lot pumpkin patch

I love the copy guy - and the cops.
I heard about the pumpkin patch incident!
I heard that the officers made their own decision but were overruled!
Seems like such decisions would be made by the police chief. What? There is no chief of police right now? Why not? Who made that decision?
Don't we have an acting chief?
When will people STOP complaining about the obvious - there is not enough $$$ or leadership to run this place properly.
The $$$ goes to other places -and the leadership - well. Pumpkins are 2 for ten bucks.
The acting chief was not involved in the pumpkin patch incident as far as I know.
Alger Hiss?
What was the "Pumpkin Patch Incident" by the way?
Richard Nixon and Whittaker Chambers??
What is this incident about? Do elaborate,
"A glittering jewel of colossal ignorance" by Harry Reid and his Dimocrat cohorts.
What's that big oblong pink thing laying right in the middle of the other pumkins?
I understand Wayne is out of work right now, is that him taking work as the scarecrow? Or perhaps Owen?
I think a pointsettia would look marvelous with the Pumkins, don't you?
An early Merry Christmas to you, 11:26.
Thank you 11:43, and to you too!
My pleasure 12:46
I'm with 11:12, just what is that BIG pink oblong thang ahangin' down the middle in the front?
I think we should institute Flash Friday at IVC!
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