Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Reg regurgitates Raghu revisionism

Raghu P. Mathur
     A friend reminded me today that, about two weeks ago, the Register's crack Editorial Board endorsed two of five candidates running for Laguna Hills City Council, including—you guessed it—Raghu Mathur. (See.)
     Here’s what the Reg had to say about Mathur:
As a former chancellor of the South Orange County Community College District, Mr. Mathur had an uneasy relationship with employee unions after tough negotiations over compensation and benefits. Nevertheless, he lists "civility" in city government as one of his priorities on the council, along with transparency, accountability and ethical behavior.
     Golly, is that what all the fuss was about?
     Nope. Not even close.

Anti-John Williams press conference tomorrow!

     [UPDATE: event postponed as of 10/24]    
     I just received this “media advisory”:


     Ex Supporters of Former Orange County Public Administrator/Public Guardian John Williams to Voice Strong Opposition to his Bid to Return to Public Office
     Key Orange County Leaders Unite in Support of Tim Jemal for South Orange County Community College Trustee

WHAT: On Wednesday, ex-supporters for former Orange County Public Administrator/Public Guardian John Williams will voice strong opposition to his bid to return as a Trustee for the South Orange County Community College District. Several elected and public officials will warn that Mr. Williams has breached the public trust and should not be serving in public office. The elected and public officials will voice strong support for Tim Jemal to serve as the next Trustee for the South Orange County Community College District.

WHO: Todd Spitzer, Orange County Supervisor-elect
Don Wagner, State Assemblyman & former Board President, South Orange County Community College District [Republican]
Frank Ury, Mayor of Mission Viejo [Republican]
Gila Jones, Commissioner, City of San Juan Capistrano [Democrat]
Tim Jemal, Trustee Candidate, South Orange County Community College District [Democrat?DTS/Independent]

WHERE: In front of South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees Room
Health Sciences Building - 28000 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, CA 92692

WHEN: Wednesday, October 24, Noon-12:30pm

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...