Despite being buried in the middle of a 4-day weekend, Monday’s post concerning last Friday’s high-handed college announcement of an absurd new room request procedure (according to which, evidently, requests for “any activity” must be made 90 days in advance!) attracted a torrent of comments, many of them expressing frustration about much else beyond daft room usage directives:
Anonymous - 9:49 PM, September 02, 2013
Does this policy apply to student club events and activities? I don't get how we're supposed to do anything with this kind of policy – 90 days in advance? That's the majority of the semester. I tried to reserve a room last spring for an event this fall but couldn't do it that far in advance because the teaching schedule had been finalized...How is this supposed to work?
Anonymous - 9:52 PM, September 02, 2013
Sorry for the typos! I meant: "had yet to be finalized." Anyway, the policy is not practical. It also seems designed to create a institution where nothing really happens.
Roy Bauer - 10:36 PM, September 02, 2013
It appears that the "process" applies to everyone, not just faculty. [Read it.]
Anonymous - 7:09 AM, September 03, 2013
Only three months in advance? Why not make it the school year. Just put in your requests now for the events you have planned for next year. That will provide adequate time to meet with the appropriate committee(s) to discuss your event and why you need the room.
Anonymous - 11:02 AM, September 03, 2013
7:09 is on target and correct. With the staff/faculty meeting factor to decide the possibility of having even a small event...this timeline is unworkable. Student life and exciting opportunities spearheaded by engaged faculty and staff are going to diminish. How is this serving students? Three months might as well be a semester. I am very discouraged.
Anonymous - 11:15 AM, September 03, 2013
This process seems to be designed by people who don't teach or take classes. 90 days? So someone of note is coming to the nearby university in October or November and I just notice it now but want to see if I can lure the fella over here, just for an evening or afternoon, no biggie, just a room with chair – a classroom, already set-up – but OH NO. I can't. And then to make the "requestor" attend a Facilities Use Work Group meeting as a condition!?! (held on Wednesdays no doubt during prime teaching hours). Jeez. I give up.
Anonymous - 11:18 AM, September 03, 2013
While not much happens on campus anyway, this new policy will certainly insure that even less does. Brilliant.
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These kids today. |
Red tape gone wild.
Anonymous - 11:54 AM, September 03, 2013
84 instructional days for Fall 2013; 82 for Spring '14.
Anonymous - 12:26 PM, September 03, 2013
I am sure that this new policy went through the usual channels during its development. You should have lodged your objections then.
Anonymous - 12:55 PM, September 03, 2013
It appears that many in the campus community were unaware that as of yesterday no new events may occur until December or for 90 days (at about finals time)
Miss Reasonable - 1:08 PM, September 03, 2013
I am sure there is some kind of misunderstanding about the new policy and who and what it affects. Don't overreact so. Again, I am sure it was thought through carefully and all these concerns were addressed.
Anonymous - 7:08 AM, September 04, 2013
Dear Miss Reasonable, thank you for your tongue-in-cheek commentary, I am still laughing!!!!!
Anonymous - 8:35 AM, September 04, 2013
This has nothing to do with department meetings or any other day-to-day type meetings/events. It's about events like the Gala, Astounding Inventions, club day outside groups, or any other event that will use campus resources or require funding. This is a way to insure support and coverage as well as getting a handle on costly events. Especially when they are not well organized or fleshed out by the requestor. Maybe if you had to work these events in a support role you would see the value in advance planning and clear goals.
Roy Bauer - 12:04 PM, September 04, 2013
The [original] email refers to "any campus activity" and to "events." It does not distinguish between activities or events.
Anonymous - 2:21 PM, September 04, 2013
Agreed. Original email stated any campus activity and 90 days. 8:59's clarification totally clears up confusion and is very helpful. Thank you. I hope word gets out.
Anonymous - 8:59 AM, September 04, 2013
8:35's clarification makes more sense than the original email, which had much broader implications: "all events on campus." There was no mention about scope, size or funding.

Does anyone know if that fiasco at the PAC on campus today [Wednesday] (it was an outside event) was scheduled 90 days in advance? If so they sure didn't tell were pissed off, late to class, nowhere to park. The cafeteria had a huge line out the door. What where they thinking???? Our students (actually everyone on campus) deserve better.
[Note: several instructors reported spending nearly an hour looking for parking; some instructors were late for their classes. UPDATE, 9/12/13: This event concerned the "California Corporate College." See here.]
Anonymous - 7:47 PM, September 04, 2013
What WAS the event at the PAC? The parking was the worst I have ever seen it. Took me over 30 minutes to find a spot at midday. Yes we were told to arrive early last week (thanks for the warning!) but what about the multitudes of part-timers who do not have the same options? WHY does the pumpkin patch have to get set up SO early? THAT certainly impacted the parking situation. WHY do the vendors get to park in the staff lot? WHY do the workers on the bio building get to park in the staff lot? I was nearly late to class. Many of my students were. One emailed me to tell me that he had given up. Several parked across the street.
Anonymous - 7:56 PM, September 04, 2013
Stories about bad parking at the beginning of the semester are par for the course for college campuses – check the first issue of every college newspaper. Oops! IVC doesn't have a college newspaper! Anyway, but today at IVC was one for the record books. Does anyone do math around here? Can anyone count – number of sections, number of students, number of faculty, number of staff and administrators – then special event people? Then compare to the number of available parking spots? Pretty ugly today. Not funny at all.
Anonymous - 9:37 PM, September 04, 2013
Happy to see someone recognizes the critical dilemma that part-time faculty face when they arrive on campus to teach and find no parking. Yes, the warning was nice but useless for those who teach on one campus and must make a quick commute to IVC. We can't cut our classes short somewhere else because someone didn't do their job here and plan accordingly. This situation is so unprofessional – and so unnecessary. Plan accordingly. Value those who teach the students and allow them to do their jobs. Part-time faculty make up the majority of instructors here.

It is so cliche to complain about parking - but it's a very real problem. How about a little oversight, planning and leadership? Delay the pumpkin patch by another week – whatever $$$ lost would be more than made up by accommodating the needs of both students and staff.
Anonymous - 6:21 PM, September 05, 2013
Evidently students, faculty and staff were not a priority in comparison to the event. Whoever allowed this debacle to happen has no clue about what goes on at this campus. Hopefully, if anyone (GLENN???) is in charge they will never allow it to happen again. Schedule this stuff when thousands of students are not on campus!
Anonymous - 8:55 PM, September 05, 2013
Of course, the parking snafu is just a symptom of the larger problem: what about the budget? What about leadership? Planning for growth?
Anonymous - 9:29 PM, September 05, 2013
What was the event that caused such an impact? I couldn't find any announcement. Did they rent the PAC to some private party?
Roy Bauer - 10:48 PM, September 05, 2013
I believe that a group of insurance people gathered re Obamacare—an event somehow sponsored by, or otherwise associated with, the state chancellor's office. Evidently, these insurance people were advised where to park, etc., but didn't heed the advice or instruction. They'll return in two weeks. At today's senate meeting, VPI Justice was somewhat apologetic about the snafu, saying that they'll avoid such events in the early weeks of the semester in future. [UPDATE: no, again, the event concerned the "California Corporate College." See here.]
Anonymous - 6:11 AM, September 06, 2013
So they are returning in a few weeks. No notice has been sent to the campus as yet. What are the plans to minimize the impact to students, faculty and staff? Are they coming on a non-impacted (Friday or Saturday) school day? Why is it so hard for our leaders to figure out what actually happens on campus and how to plan for events like this to mitigate the impact ?
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Frank Z |
So when parking services sent out this message last Friday, why didn't they mention the insurance convention? Did they not know? "Beginning September 1, 2013, the overflow parking in the Goodwill Lot off Jeffrey Blvd may no longer be available due to a contract rental of the lot extending through the end of December. Please plan on allowing yourself plenty of time to locate parking on campus prior to the start of your first class of the day. The overflow lot behind the Athletic Fields will still be available." I think it is GREAT that they sent that out (first time ever!) but come on. And why not delay the rental of that field until after the third week of classes? Even without the insurance convention, it's bad out there.
Anonymous - 7:39 AM, September 06, 2013
Yes, much bigger issues out there than parking (which, of course will eventually ease up though yes it was awful, especially combined with the heat and zealous over enforcement). Whatever happened to [the] welcome to college grace period? Other colleges still have that. It sets a nice tone. The tone this week out there was not nice at all.): the budget and its magical numbers; hiring and its magical numbers. I hear 7 hires now school-wide. How discouraging. I'd like to know how much the college has grown in offering through the years versus how much we have grown with f/t hires. Anyone know?
Anonymous - 8:06 AM, September 06, 2013
Yes, what happened to last year's dire "fiscal emergency"? Can we take our concerns to the board about IVC's history of under-staffing and its effects on our programs and student completion? I think that might be a way to better publicize our needs and perhaps get some support from above.
Anonymous - 8:44 AM, September 06, 2013
It's nice to know the backstory of the situation on Wednesday. It would have been much better to have been told up front about it. Couldn't they see what was going to happen? And if they couldn't, well, couldn't they address it better while it was happening? Make some accommodation? Send out a consoling announcement? I swear this is the worse place to work regarding information about issues that really affect the workplace and students. We get blizzards of emails about events, big and small, and tons of self-aggrandizing emails about mostly dubious and occasionally impressive accomplishments but seldom do we get emails informing us about what we really have to deal with in order to do our jobs. And never do we get an "Oops we goofed up, sorry, we noticed you were suffering, thanks for dealing with what must have been a difficult day" email.
Anonymous - 8:58 AM, September 06, 2013
Communication here at IVC is all PR, which lessens its usefulness and accuracy because its goal is to create, sustain and defend an image. Hence, the self-congratulatory, triumphalist tone and the strategic omissions.

Roy Bauer - 10:28 AM, September 06, 2013
We discussed last year's fiscal emergency recently here.
Anonymous - 11:07 AM, September 06, 2013
The failure to acknowledge mistakes leads to even more distrust. Can't they see that?
Miss Facebook - 11:17 AM, September 06, 2013
The IVC Facebook page shows a couple student complaints about parking this week, including one student who simply stopped trying to find a space the other day. What is notable about the FB page is that no one respond to student complaints about parking even though they respond to other issues. There also wasn't an announcement posted for students to arrive early because of severe reduction of parking spaces. If you're going to have social media - use it.
Hot and Tired - 4:23 PM, September 06, 2013
Ooh, look this just arrived in the email box: "As a reminder to all Faculty & Staff – Staff Parking in Parking Lot 9 has available spaces. While most Staff Parking areas fill quickly, we want to remind you that Parking Lot 9 has been maintaining 30-40 open spaces since the beginning of the Fall '13 semester. This lot is available to anyone with a vehicle displaying a valid Staff Parking Permit. For your convenience we have attached a map with directions from the two main entrances to the campus. If you have any questions call 949-451-5200. Thank you, Parking Services"
I just want to say, I never saw 30-40 open spaces in any lot anywhere this week - that is, not until about 9 at night when all the evening classes let out, many early as usual (When is that particular problem going to be handled?). I believe LOT 9 is the one I spent quality time in last Wednesday. it has several features I never saw before - dedicated space to the cafeteria staff (only one was filled), several spots fuel efficient vehicles - alas, I was not driving mine that day. Only ONE of these were filled) -and then the rest of the lot was FULL. While there may be 30-40 spaces available in the early morning – NONE were available at high hot noon. When I returned after making the rounds of the other lots, I finally scored a spot in LOT 9 when a construction worker on the new BIO building left for lunch. WHEW. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. (And WHY does the pumpkin lot have priority over our students and staff? It was fine when we were small, but...)
Anonymous - 4:43 PM, September 06, 2013
On Thursday, the IVC Classified Senate President emailed a notice concerning parking on September 17, greatly appreciate the warning.
Anonymous - 4:49 PM, September 06, 2013
What is happening on Sept. 17? Perhaps I should just stay home. Perhaps we all should. Kudos to the Classified Senate President. Why no word from Glen?
Anonymous - 6:08 PM, September 06, 2013
So, the Classified Senate President, upon hearing that another event (like the last one) was scheduled for Sept. 17th, immediately emailed all the classified staff notifying them. Communication, what a novel concept! I always felt the classified staff were the smartest (and most clued-in group) on campus. Anyone else get an email from their leader? Way to go Vince!
Anonymous - 6:12 PM, September 06, 2013
You don't understand 6:08PM, the other leaders have to go through political channels of approval so they know what they are allowed to say about the event on the 17th. I'll bet by the time they get it all reviewed and approved it'll be Sept. 18th.
Anonymous - 6:14 PM, September 06, 2013
Not worth the hassle...just call in sick.
Ms. Communications Major - 6:26 PM, September 06, 2013
Hey, I know, just an informative email with professional tone: "It has come to our attention that the special event held at the PAC last Wednesday, combined with other factors, created an unfortunate crisis in terms of parking at prime teaching hours during the day. This was only made worse by the intense heat. We apologize for the lack of foresight and all parking tickets written on Wednesday September 4 will be forgiven. Professors should be equally forgiving of students who failed to attend class because of an inability to locate timely parking. We now realize that in two short weeks, on September 17, yet another event at the PAC is likely to produce a similar situation. We are strategizing about ways of mitigating the impact of that event and will keep the campus community posted. Thanks for your understanding."
You have my permission to cut and paste and press send. I learned the power of honest, direct communication at community college! Imagine that!
Anonymous - 6:56 PM, September 06, 2013
I'd LOVE to get an email like that. How refreshing it would be. Sometimes the contrast between the chirpy, "triumphalist tone" of the PR missives and my own experience on the ground (shabby portables and classrooms (while nice new ones seem to be empty!), no books in the bookstore, no books or the wrong books for my EOPS students, no parking, etc.) is just too big. I'd love an email like that one. It would suggest someone is paying attention.
Anonymous - 7:25 PM, September 06, 2013
Does anyone believe that Craig, any dean, Glennnnnnnn, or other administrator is going to follow their own dictum? A Saddleback onlooker with close BOT contacts.
Roy Bauer - 9:00 PM, September 06, 2013
7:25—you have close BOT contacts? Do us "north campus" folks a solid and tell those trustees that we're dyin' up here.
Anonymous - 9:39 PM, September 06, 2013
“Wouldn't it be pretty to think so?” – a literary allusion that seems suitable. Yes, I think a good start would be an email like the one mentioned above but i am not holding my breath. I have worked here for too long and seen how they operate. Thanks goodness for the students otherwise it would be difficult to put up with this stuff.
Anonymous - 9:13 AM, September 07, 2013
I think that the administration doesn't understand the depth of the isolation many staff feel. Because the administrators know what is going on because they sit in all the meetings, they presume we know it too. We don't. Unlike other colleges, IVC doesn't have a consistent system of communication. No newspaper. No newsletter other than Glenn's monthly missive about how wonderful he is. Too many emails which become discouraging to sort through and prioritize so most people just begin to ignore them. Someone should really look at how other colleges do it and develop a plan. A weekly newsletter that arrives on Monday and has all the events tidily included, thus preventing the blizzard of emails? Oh and when is that old bookstore trailer going to be torn down? Looks pretty trashy at this point.
Anonymous - 9:16 AM, September 07, 2013
If I remember correctly, Vince did say in his campus-wide speech he wanted to improve communication, refreshing concept. He cares.
Anonymous - 10:12 AM, September 07, 2013
That would be great. A refreshing concept indeed. It's almost as if there is this illusion of communication - aka "the blizzard of emails" about events, etc. But we need communication about what really matters. Fewer emails with graphics - more information. An online newspaper with daily, weekly updates - just like other colleges.
Anonymous - 10:30 AM, September 07, 2013
Still stunned no one thought to tell us (or the students) about the event at the PAC on Wednesday. What a welcome back from Labor Day.
Anonymous - 11:18 AM, September 07, 2013
As a classified employee our leadership (Vince and Dennis before him) did an excellent job of communicating and keeping us informed. They actually showed caring and concern for their co-workers. I worked at another college and communication was so different. You could tell people cared about one is not a novel concept, but somehow has bypassed the leadership and administration here. This recent event just put a spotlight on the problem.
Miss Bee - 11:38 AM, September 07, 2013
I have always been impressed by the Classified Leadership and their commitment to the people they represent and the students. They understand what it takes to make the place work -and also take the time to do more than just their jobs. This makes a real difference.
Anonymous - 11:58 AM, September 07, 2013
Events like these have always made me wonder about the Administration's obsession with civility. Civility isn't the problem - the lack of real consistent communication and consensus governance is.
Anonymous - 7:26 AM, September 08, 2013Sources tell me that the Wednesday event at the PAC took 200 parking spaces - and also impacted the cafeteria in obvious ways. This will happen again in mid-September, mid-week,- not on a Friday when perhaps we have 200 parking spots to spare. WHY they are not telling us this in any systematic way is beyond me. Early arrival does not cut it for the many, many part-timers who teach elsewhere until they have to drive across the county to make their classes at IVC. And even for the rest of us who have to drop off children at school before we head to campus. 200 spaces. No wonder it felt so awful out there. They should forgive all the tickets written that day. They did it to us. What were students supposed to do? Where were they supposed to go?
Anonymous - 7:56 AM, September 08, 2013
Maybe the PAC event is what inspired the "new" event and activity policy released last Friday - clearly something went wrong somewhere - but we'll never know because they never tell us anything. They just let it trickle out. So - September 17 - another 200 spaces taken by some group, displacing students and staff during prime teaching times. Even when the semester if underway and some students have dropped, I don't think we have 200 spots free. What are they going to do? Perhaps a "Walk to Work Day."
Anonymous - 9:17 AM, September 08, 2013
How about a "walk off work day". If the administration doesn't care about the students, faculty and staff, then perhaps we should show our displeasure and just not show up.
Miss Reasonable - 9:30 AM, September 08, 2013
Now, now, now. Take a deep breath and show up several hours early for your one hour and fifteen minute class. Better yet, take the bus.
Roger Pryor Dodge & Mura Dehn dancing Dodge jazz choreography, New York, 1937.
Duke Ellington with Bubber Miley trumpet.
Duke Ellington with Bubber Miley trumpet.