I noticed a curious item under “Classified Personnel Actions” (6.6). “Exhibit A” includes “Authorization to establish and announce a classified position." One of the positions is a new “director”:
DIRECTOR OF SITE DEVELOPMENT, Specially Funded, Classified Manager... District seeks authorization to establish and announce a full-time, 40 hours per week, 12 months per year position to its staff complement, effective November 1, 2014. This position is specially funded through Capital Outlay Projects on a limited term basis, to be considered for renewal annually. Employment in this specially funded position is contingent upon these funds.Exhibit B provides a “definition” of the position:
To assist the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Purchasing [i.e., Brandye D’Lena] by planning, developing and delivering facilities improvements district wide, including programs, supporting documentation, budgets and schedules; provide technical direction to projects including prepare and administer contracts for project consultants and contractors from programming to close out; attend/facilitate district, college, agency and project meetings, provide support to College building committees; coordinate project requirements and schedules and provide project status reports including assistance by the project architects, consultants and contractors, when appropriate, and present to college, district and Board of Trustees as assigned....Yadda, yadda, yadda.
The document goes on to say:
… The employee assigned to this classification assists the Executive Director of Facilities Planning & Purchasing [D'Lena], as assigned, by overseeing the development and construction of district and college facilities, especially at the Advanced Technical Education Park (ATEP).Today at IVC, we began hearing that, recently, at a college meeting (there are endless meetings), it was announced that John Edwards, IVC's Director of Facilities, will cease occupying that position; he would be switching to a new position.
This seems to be that position.
(If so), we wish him well.
Ha Ha , John you lost
What do you mean he lost? He proly got a raise. Woodard can use the extra supervision.
We know John was a hard nose and did some things out of order but let his memory be no more. He is going so let's just let the memory go with him.
Hey 2:36 John isn't a hard nose,he's losing his mind. Just ask him!
!0:25 A.M. you don't have to suck to John anymore, wait for the new Director to kiss up to ?
How can we forget about John, if I have to see his Groupies every day, the grounds crew, Richard Moscada, and Ben & Steve ?
!0:25 A.M. what does proly mean,? Is that some kind of secret code you and John have?
10:25 A.M. if you think John has it made at ATEP why Don't transfer over to ATEP, I'm sure Steve Woodard will be happy to come back to I.V.C.
oh McKee..........
I look around this college and overall, its a beautiful thing. The growth of the campus, its grounds, its new buildings, its evolution, its pretty amazing and its leader and this crew created it. I have been here for thirty years folks, graduated in its Charter Class and know how physically fine a place it is and how far it is come. I work for John Edwards and do recognize he is neither a warm fuzzy nor a demon that he is portrayed but a man who has failings like each of us. A man who accomplishes more in one day than most achieve in a week or two. This is fact. I have never worked for a harder working individual and truly doubt I ever will. I told him to his face and I will say it to each of you today---I am a better employee because of John Edwards. This college is better because of John Edwards and our students have a better learning environment because of John Edwards. While I do appreciate the views of many and at times may even agree, but ultimately John served a larger purpose than our comfort. You may call me a "groupie" or you may call John "my protector," I couldn't care less. Actually, you can just call me Susan Sweet..... Enjoy Cook's Corner folks....
Thanks for bringing some much-needed balance to the "comments." I have no doubt that John has both virtues and vices and that his virtues are being eclipsed by the crass tenor of some of his critics' words
Susan, what kind of WEED have you been smoking, if you look around, the grass is not allways greener on the other side. Susan if you actually would walk into the campus you would see death spots filled with sand were grass used to grow, weeds growing behind buildings. Susan from your cubicle to the parking lot, what 30 feet, I guess if I was in your situation I would think the campus looked pretty clean from there? Susan ATEP is wating for you....
OK, here's "civil discussion" 101: if you don't need to get personal in your comments, then DON'T. If the notion that the college grounds are not being well cared for can be established by drawing attention to particular places, then draw attention to those places. No need to accuse certain individuals of obliviousness or the consumption of illicit substances. It's not rocket science. Somebody should get to the maintenance crew and teach them the basics of civil discourse. They are undermining their "side."
1:20's comment comes off as cowardly: Susan steps up and signs her comment, but then 1:20 blasts her, getting personal, and from the safety of anonymity! Great going, guys. You repeatedly make yourselves look like a crew of assholes. Stick to what is relevant, and don't get personal unless that is intrinsic to the point (e.g., X did Y to me).
oh yeah? Well you're a stupid face!
Roy I don't see anywhere or evidence that comment was from a maintenance worker.
Once again Roy where do you see the comment was made a maintenance employee.
Susan who helped you get that new position?
McKee or not I'm sure half the campus is happy he is leaving. You want to act like John presence is going to be missed but I come to tell you it's not. Susan I'm sure you tried to stay on John's good side for a reason but others who had no gain were stepped on and beaten like a bad step child. Then there were the onse who even though they tried effortless to be cool to John for there own personal agenda got stepped on too and disappointed.
Man that's funny :)
Mr. Bauer are you saying every one in M & O is an asshole. Is that what I'm reading here. I'm sure you will clarify because you so boldly said it. So Roy is that what your saying because I would like all the readers to here your response and then let them spread the word across campus. Don't erase this.
Now if I wrote " A crew of asshoes" you would delete it but I'm guessing since its your blog then you can put what you want.
You guys are about to lose your soapbox for good. Make my day.
Roy just erased my reply asking him if he thought all of the crew were AH..I guess there are some things Roy just won't defend.
Cowardly, uncouth, and stupid. Great going.
I have deleted nothing.
Then answer do you think all M & O employees ar AH.
Answer to 4:12: Of course not, and I never suggested otherwise.
But know this: I'm tired of people stinking up our blog with crude and overly personal remarks--of the kind we've endured throughout the weekend. I'm about to start filtering out all such remarks, something I do not normally do. If the maintenance crowd has any leadership, that leadership had better get on the stick and get their people in line--and fast. I've had it.
You not answering the question Is your answer.
Thank you.
Owing to stream of uncouth and uncivil comments with which this blog has been bombarded of late, I have turned on the filter and I simply won't be allowing any more comments that do not attain a minimal level of civility.
Those who have brought this on: fuck you. (Is that uncivil? Not in my view. But I really don't care what anybody thinks about that.)
My advice: create your own blog and fill it with your unsavory blatherings. See who reads it and how long it lasts. See what it does for your cause. You'll hurt the people who least deserve that.
Fuckin' incorrigible idjits.
once again if I wrote "Fuckin' incorrigible idjits" you would delete it
That's because Roy doesn't really care about any of you F&M people, never has. He used you people to criticize and help take out a Glenn appointee, Mr. JE. Now that its done, Roy just wishes you crew of assholes would piss off!
So in the end, after all the trash talk on Edwards and his management style, he gets the promotion and Roquemore gets to clean his own toilet.
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