I live in Live Oak Canyon, near Trabuco Canyon. Today, I decided to head on over to
Silverado Canyon, hoping to see some snow. (Click on the photos to enlarge them.)

Sure enough, at the end of the canyon, there's a turnaround, and a Channel 7
Eyewitness News truck was there. The "crew" was a solitary driver/camera operator. He was on snow patrol, filming kids and moms romping in the stuff. He looked pretty jaded.
There was a dog, too.

My sister is on the market for a home in one of these canyons, but she hates these little side roads. They're too narrow, too steep, she says. I love 'em. Even in my big ol' Chrysler 300, I love 'em to pieces.
I love to take my sister up the steepest and narrowest roads. She covers her eyes.
Yesterday, I had to back up on one of these roads. I did it fast.
My sister said, "You drive backwards as fast as you drive forwards!"
"No, faster," I said. She freaked.
Did I mention that I got my last speeding ticket while driving home from traffic school?

The canyons are pretty sleepy, mostly. —And muddy, right now.
I forgot how cold snow is. It's great to look at, but that's about it. You don't actually want to touch it, unless you're a kid.
Ah, but prudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men. Or so said Hobbes.
I have my doubts. I saw that asshole George W. Bush frolicking in the snow once. He was grabbing handfuls of the stuff, and he was smiling.

I took lots of pics, but these are the ones Annie picked out. She's an artist, and so I value her judgment.
About pics.

Naturally, this isn't Silverado Canyon. I took these pics driving into the college this morning on the toll road. See the orange balloon of Irvine's "Great Park" at the bottom? It didn't seem to be going anywhere.

Driving down Alton. Love that snow. To look at. Not to touch.

As I composed this post, Tiger Ann got in my way, insisting on sitting between me and my Mac's keyboard. So I decided to take a picture of the brat. You can kinda see her brattiness.

That Tiger Ann reminds me of those Hollywood glamor babes of the 30s, 40s, and 50s—you know: Marlene Dietrich, Merle Oberon, et al. She knows how to pose for a picture, boy. Rebel Girl's the same way.
I took my son into the same canyons this morning before lunch, with both of my film cameras, and driving my new (used) Subaru All-Wheel Drive turbo wagon.
Mud? Pssh.
No ABC news though. Only a smug looking sheriff, dozens of cars parked alongside the road, and passersby with mini snowboards walking up the trail.
Since the IVC photo lab will be closed for a month, not sure when I'll have the prints, but am excited to see the results from my new red filter. Hate paying for something I love to do myself...
Beautiful photos!!
13 S, be sure to send us a few of those photos.
Chunk, millions of people frolic in the snow. We sane folks refer to them as snowboarders, skiers, sledders. They make snowmen, snowgals, and other snow art with the stuff. They fling snowballs at each other. And nobody thinks they are "dolts" for doing so. It is called "having fun".
You might be a little happier if you had some fun too...ditch that Bush Derangement Syndrome and go play in the snow. BDS is a mental condition. Sheesh.
uh, TB, you've misjudged Chunk's tone. Take a funny pill why dontcha.
I've seen Chunk frolic...
Nice try RG, but Chunk's cat reminds him of Marlene Dietrich. TB's on to something here and I don't even want to think of Chunk frolicking after his last comment.
I don't frolic. --OK, maybe when I'm with a pup or a kitten or a niece or a nephew. -RB
I think Reb was just trying to squash Tb a bit - I mean, the guy is donwnright annoying with his constant bellyaching.
TB, do get your mind out of the gutter.
How does one get over 8 years of massive stupidity and incompetence, starting with the appointment of Chris Cox?
So great. Thanks!
Roy, Roy, Roy,
I can never get enough of that great photography of yours. The colors are great, really nice & vivid. Of course, while Tiger Ann is on the top of my favorites, I am also going to add that beautiful pic of the snow coming down that embankment. I'm amazed that you don't do this as a side line. Many kudos for these pics.:-)
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