Schwarzenegger tells backers of gay marriage: Don't give up:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday expressed hope that the California Supreme Court would overturn Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that outlawed same-sex marriage. He also predicted that the 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who have already wed would not see their marriages nullified by the initiative.Voters drive stake in Ruiz... we think:
"It's unfortunate, obviously, but it's not the end," Schwarzenegger said in an interview Sunday on CNN. "I think that we will again maybe undo that, if the court is willing to do that, and then move forward from there and again lead in that area."…
…Voters in the Coast Community College District finally sent board member Armando Ruiz to his, (what, third?) retirement. Let's hope it's the last, although nothing he does would surprise me.
Jerry Patterson, who won reelection to the Area 2 seat, released statement that best summed up why this is important. "The defeat of Armando Ruiz will mark the end of an era of, 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours,' using this public office for private gain, and secrecy over transparency."….

No, it's not over, but we can see then end from here, especially after the electorate voted YES. And, we see the end of the Govenator too, so get over it!
What amazes me is that people such as 8:22 seem to have no sense of history. I doubt that it's worth it, though, to point out how many times civil rights for blacks, Native Americans, women, and other oppressed groups lost battles, only to persevere until the "wars" slowly, slowly, slowly took a turn in their direction.
The writing's on the wall. I do believe that eventually, equality under the law will win out. But it has never been easy or quick or painless, that's for sure.
This same sex marriage thing is not an issue of equality otherwise the women's equal rights amendment would have passed way back when. Arnold turned out to be a big disappointment... advocating for them against the will of the people who obviously spoke loud and clear on election day. If it weren't for some leftist activist judge, this whole issue would have been final with prop 22. This is not some kind of righteous cause, but an invasion of the majority’s rights by the radical minority.
11:38 - The will of the people is not what determines what is right, and what is wrong.
Thank goodness for that.
11:38 used my favorite arguement - that gay marriage invades others rights. WTF? Explain how same sex marriage removes/impedes your rights in your hetero marriage.
OK Bohrstein - who determines right and wrong if not the people?
Jerry Falwell and his followers?
The California gay and lesbian alliance?
Liberal pinheads?
7:23 -- the Constitution determines the rights of the people. Moreover, the Constitution protects the rights of the minority. If everything was by majority rule, then George W. Bush would never have been president.
I love how people call judges "activists" when they rule disagreeably to a group of people. However, when that same group of people vote a certain way, they don't consider themselves "activists."
How do people who have had a right taken away by mob rule "get over it"?
"hey, my dad was lynched by the KKK."
"Get over it."
OK 7:23 you got me - if that is really your name. *sly eye*
8:40 said what I was thinking at the time, but I guess I may very well be wrong by that.
If we're talking about the state constitution, such a thing can be changed by 2/3 vote by politicians, or a freakin' vote. Which is what happened (duh), California voted to amend the state constitution.
In which case it seems evident that the will of the people is the way (thank shitness for that), locally anyways. Is there anything in the U.S. Bill of Rights that is being stepped on?
Sadly, one encounters many "conservatives" these days who do not even understand their own doctrine and its roots and principles. At any rate, many apparent opponents of liberalism who write to this blog are in this ridiculous category.
Listen up, right-wingers: especially to the conservative, a Constitution exists in part to protect people from the majority. A constitution is not a democratic instrument; it is an anti-democratic instrument, designed to protect the people from themselves.
Conservatives view humanity as deeply flawed, untrustworthy, sinful. Only liberals and progressives express a trust in "the people" and sing the People's praises.
Conservative "knuckleheads" might begin their education (into their own view) by reading, say, Russell Kirk's "Ten Conservative Principles" (see especially #9)-- or, say, any discussion of the Federalist Papers.
Are you right-wingers really as ignorant as you seem to be? Get up to speed, or stay away. You're stinking up our blog.
P.S.--that ignoramus who invariably refers to "libtards"--do you have any idea how stupid you are?-- is most definitely unwelcome on this blog. Henceforth, I will delete his vacuous rantings.
Once again, Dissent readers, do not post unless you have something to say. Abusing people and calling people names is not argumentation. I do make one exception: abuse and name-calling is OK by me if it is very clever. For some reason, however, the right-wingers who write to this blog seem never to achieve cleverness.
Please aim for thoughtfulness and argument. OK? Attacking and cursing just doesn't make it.
Thanks for that link Chunk, it has answered questions about conservatism that I could never figure out.
It also suggests that I might actually be of a conservative mindset, which I find humorous since I don't really get along well with "conservatives."
I'll have to think about this some more.
bummer that I had class on Monday from 11-12:50. as a veteran, I would like to have taken some photos of the veterans ceremony on campus.
could really care less about the previous arguments and name-callings by people who clearly have nothing better to do than argue on a blog.
IMO some of those people like "W" Fuentes & Pat Buchanan who consider themselves to be "conservatives," are actually "reactionaries." From what I've seen, true conservatives are more like Barry Goldwater was. Now he was a real conservative. He wanted the government completely out of our lives, and this included in the bedrooms, such as in the military regarding homosexuals, & I'm sure he'd agree here too.
"Remember right-wingers, name-calling is not argumentation, unless we're having a really slow day. But if you must call people names, please be clever about it. "Asshole" and "liberal pinhead" are not clever. "Fiberal" ain't bad. "Bobstinate" is good, but it only applies to Bobs."
Roy, you seem upset. I guess the clever and unique word "libtard" has gotten to you. I want you to know this blog is the first place I've ever heard that word. That goes to your credit. According to your rules above, the use of the word "libtard" is valid and because it has been so effective, your response is to throw a tantrum and delete delete delete!
At the same time some of your left-wing friends offer up the use of the "F" word, with your blessing of course. You yourself frequently use "ass hole" and direct it at our Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of HR, trustees, anyone you disagree with, etc...
I think it’s obvious there’s a blatant double standard here. Isn’t this the same stuff you accuse the district of doing – violating your own rules?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 4:46:00 PM,
Likewise Roy and the gang are all revisionists.
8:55, the use of a little profanity livens up dialougue, so the occasional "asshole" and such adds some spice to a discussion.
"Sir, you are a pompous asshole." See?
But "libtard" is just not all that clever, and actually is nonsensical. Sort of like "Republiturd." Not clever at all.
I assume that "libtard" is the conjunction of "liberal" and "retard."
Clever? Don't think so.
As it happens, I have not been deleting comments, mostly because I've been awfully busy. It is likely that my partner in crime has been doing the deleting. I'm glad she's deleted Mr. "Libtard"s" rantings.
Again, the problem here isn't simply the use of an offensive term (is it really possible that people fail to perceive how "retard" is offensive in a way that "asshole" is not?). It is that some who comment have nothing to say and offer only name-calling.
I believe I am speaking for Rebel Girl too when I say that we do not object to comments that disagree with our views; our objection is to the vacuity, offensiveness, and ugliness of some remarks--and of some people.
Mr. "Libtard," you are not welcome. Please go away, stay away. --RB
I saw Vince sporting his Marine Veteran hat at the ceremony. Good job Coops!
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