Prop. 8 protests continue in O.C.:About 300 people gathered in front of Saddleback Church protesting the recently-passed gay marriage ban this morning.
Holding signs reading "Shame on Rick Warren" and "Preach Love not Discrimination," the crowd chanted "Equal rights now."
Some said the protest was akin to the civil rights movement, bringing out both heterosexual and homosexual people. Others said that it wasn't too late to voice their opinion and make a change.
Since Prop. 8 passed last week, massive crowds have rallied against it in Los Angeles and San Francisco. In Orange County, hundreds protested without incident in Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach yesterday. Protests were planned in Lake Forest, Laguna Niguel and Rancho Santa Margarita today…..

Photographs from OC Register
With regard to the Laguna Beach protest, the Register radically undercounted the number of demonstrators. There were at least 1,000 people there, and quite conceivably closer to 2,000. I've heard that 1,000 was the police estimate, and they're notoriously conservative.
Wasted energy. Get over it.
First of all, someone mentioned that because the margin has narrowed with the prop 8 vote as compared to the vote in 2000 with prop 22, that acceptance of gay marriage has increased. I beg to differ with that conclusion because I think many people who voted were confused about the wording of the question/proposition. I’ve now heard from several anti gay marriage people who told me they thought by voting NO, they were actually voting against gay marriage. It was a case of YES means NO and NO means YES. I’m hearing this was awfully confusing especially for people whose fist language isn’t English. I suspect if the gay marriage question was put before them again in a non-inverse way, the result would be very similar to the 2000 prop 22 margin. One can’t simply draw the conclusion that the margin has narrowed and people are now more accepting of gay marriage.
The losers (of prop 8) are going to have to realize that they’ve lost and either try again in the future or just move away to somewhere else where they can have their gay weddings. All this protesting, blocking traffic, scuffles with the police and such isn’t helping their cause one bit. They look like a bunch of sore losers to most people. Sore losers who want to cram their gayness down everyone’s throats!
The so called McCain people leaking that Palin didn’t know Africa was a continent; she thought it was a country. I doubt this is true. It was JFK himself who called Africa a country (JFK pronounces it "Africar") in the 1960 Nixon/Kennedy debate. Kennedy came off as a Neanderthal and Nixon appeared very composed.
Yes it’s also true that Mr. uh, Marxist uh, intellectual Obama makes frequent mistakes and you're probably not going to see the NY Times doing any front page articles about any of it like they did with GWB. Just over a 3 month period the NY Times printed 60 front page articles about how the Bush Administration is failing in Iraq. “Mark my words” (Biden) there will be plenty of mistakes by Obama as we’re all human. Let’s just see how the hard-left advocate media reacts to Obama’s mistakes.
Gee 10:21, your reasoning is impeccable.
Actually, 10:21, it's your ilk that need to go away. If someone decides arbitrarily to take a right away from you, you'd be crying like a ittle girl.
11:30 Your criticism is specious.
9:50 "When in the course of human events...." and they went to war. When are you going to war? When you kill them, they "go away".
Personally I'd like to move somewhere libtards don't exist. That way you don't have to make me "go away". I want to be free of the loonies. Any suggestions,or am I going to be hounded into a grave?
simple concept, an outie goes into an innie. not an innie into an innie or an outie into an outie.
But guys have innies too
You're a boob. Those thug protestors ought to be ashamed of themselves ganging up on Rick and his nice Church. Gee, as we look at the stats, the deciding vote on prop 8 came from a combination of 70% of our African-Americans and great majority of Hispanic voters. All voting YES! on prop 8. Wow, wouldn’t you thunk that says mucho grande? Holly electorate Batman! Shouldn’t the thugs be ganging up on the AME church? I guess that wouldn’t be PC huh?
"Personally I'd like to move somewhere libtards don't exist."
Name a place and we'll take up a collection for a ticket.
Don't go! The libtards were supposed to go. Remember Jeanie Garafalo? She said if GWB won in 2004 she would leave along with scores of her hollywood friends. I haven't seen any of them go anywhere yet. We're still waiting. Like we really need their kind of talent anyway. Basically they all suck as actors and everytime people go to see their movies, they're putting more money in their pockets and thus supporting that kind of hard-left - sore loser ideology.
No, really, 1:17 and pals--you do need to go. You're the ones stinking up the place.
No, really, 1:22,
"Gee wiz" and "Trust me on this one" if anyone stinks around here it's the ones who often sound like a broken record. No creativity, nothing original, no substance, plagiarized buzz-phrases from TV commercials, just like the hollywood crowd! And all the lisping & limp wrists that go along with it. Like watching Ellen D. or Rosie O. Do you honestly think those ladies are funny and entertaining? I see Ellen has been a pro. comedian since the 80s, but the problem is that she’s just not funny. How can someone be a successful comedian and not even be funny? Just goes to demonstrate how the hollywood elite are in it to promote an agenda. Plain & simple.
Roy himself is the one who has been suffering from stink eye.
Hey 10:21,
How can a “right” (that never was a right) be taken away? How can a person lose something they never had in the first place? Your logic in nonsensical.
Actually, 2:30, they had a right that was granted by the Supreme Court and taken away mainly due to millions of dollars provided by Mormons.
Your turn.
Correction: In reading all these posts, I think November 11, 2008 12:47 AM was directing his/her response toward November 10, 2008 9:50 AM. This seems to make more sense.
Also November 11, 2008 2:30:00 PM I've noticed.
November 11, 2008 4:32:00,
So why are the thugs attacking Rick's nondenominational church when their beef is really with the LDS, AME and Hispanic church goers who pushed prop 8 over the top for passage?
So what about the LDS? They have a huge number of residents, businesses and churches right here in CA.
What about G. Soros pumping mucho $ into prop 215? Does Soros actually live in CA?
What about whenever there's another BIG money Native American casino initiative on the ballot? Everyone knows the effort is usually funded by the big casino owners in Nevada.
How come no one's screaming about that?
So what's your point?
November 11, 2008 4:32:00 PM,
The NO on 8 people spent about the same amount of money as the LDS did. About 35M each side.
The point is that a fairly loony religious group spent millions of dollars to take way the rights of a minority who are no threat to said loons. If someone of a more rational mindset wants to spend millions oposing it, then good for him.
Hey there!
I don't know if you saw "The Colbert Report" last night, but he had an entire 5 minute segment on Rick Warren, and his band of Jesus Nazis who were pushing for prop 8. Of course, it was mostly centered around the protestors, but it was still pretty funny. It will rerun tonight @ 8:30 P.M. CA time on Comedy Central.:-)
I don't know, I wonder after all of the disgrace brought to our area of Mission Viejo if asked where I went to community college if I should just put down, "Some community college in Southern California." You know, it's still almost embarrassing to say that I'm from Orange County, let alone I just went to community college right up the street from Warren's Church. I feel like I have to keep apologizing for living in this area. You know, "I'd like to apologize on behalf of South Orange County b/c we have proud bigots living in our community, and are the subject of well deserved ridicule due to the likes of Rick Warren." Don't get me wrong, I like South Orange County just fine, but the bigotry of a whole lot of people like Rick Warren I don't, especially when he & his like bring negative attention to us.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1:44:00 PM,
Gay marriage was never a right in CA.
According to state law, I may be wrong but isn't a marriage license a “privilege” and not a “right” like a CA driver’s license is a “privilege” and not a “right?”
The story:
In 2000, CA voters spoke loud and clear by voting against gay marriage.
Recently, a rogue leftist judge who believes he has the power to circumvent the CA assembly and make his own laws instead of interpreting them, overturned the 2000 vote against the will of all Californians.
In 2008, the people of CA spoke again loud and clear by undoing the rogue judge’s actions and thus making it even worse for the gay movement because it’s now an amendment to the CA constitution.
Personally though I’m not gay, I generally like gay people except for the militant/freakish ones. Someone has posed the question, “So what bother is it to you if a gay couple wants to get married?” My answer to you is:
The educators that support gay marriage are lying to you. They want to teach your kids that a gay lifestyle is normal.
"According to state law, I may be wrong but isn't a marriage license a “privilege” and not a “right” like a CA driver’s license is a “privilege” and not a “right?”"
Yes, you're right that you're wrong. Marital status is a protected status, so, for example, you cannot be fired or discriminated against for being married. You can be fired for not having a driver's license.
"In 2000, CA voters spoke loud and clear by voting against gay marriage.
Recently, a rogue leftist judge who believes he has the power to circumvent the CA assembly and make his own laws instead of interpreting them, overturned the 2000 vote against the will of all Californians."
Actually, it was a majority of the mostly Republican appointed Supreme Court, hardly a "rogue judge." And please please let it sink in that the "will of the people" means nothing if said will is unconstitutional. How many times does that need to be said?
"The educators that support gay marriage are lying to you. They want to teach your kids that a gay lifestyle is normal."
Some highly ambiguous terms there. What on earth is a "gay lifestyle"? To help you along, think of what a "heterosexual lifestyle" is, and please do not say reproduction, because that's a choice, not a lifestyle.
Then talk a bit about what is normal and what is not.
We'll wait!
Did that guy refer to the "will of all Californians"?
Thank you very much for posting what you did Thursday, November 13, 2008 9:44:00 AM. I really like how you took apart that other guy's lame ass argument filled with completely erroneous information. Now IMO you gave a very intelligent response. You obviously are one of the more rational and well informed people out there.
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