Monday, December 6, 2021

Assemblymember "considers legal changes to prevent educator sexual misconduct from getting ‘swept under the rug’"


Rebel Girl has been following developments in Berkeley and Sacramento in light of recent investigations into sexual misconduct allegations regarding an educator. 

Porposed changes to the California Public Records Act and Education Code might be able to "amend Public Records Act law to mandate disclosure of records in cases of substantiated sexual harassment allegations." 

Your can read all about it here and here.

According to Ally Markovich reporting in Berekelyside about the Berkeley Unified case: "Under the separation agreement, [the educator] agreed not to sue, to go on paid leave immediately and to resign quietly at the end of the school year. In return, the district agreed to stay silent about his alleged misconduct to potential employers conducting reference checks, promising to only disclose his basic employment information, which can be a red flag for future hires."

Of course this allowed the instructor to pursue teaching in other districts which did not have information about the nature of his "separation" from his employer of many years.

As Markovich points out: "Separation agreements with gag orders are commonplace. They get teachers out of the classroom right away, but they leave the door open for predators to make their way back to young people in a practice widely known as “pass the trash.” Five states — but not California — have laws requiring districts to disclose if claims of sexual misconduct against an educator have been substantiated."

The apt term "pass the trash" was new to Rebel Girl but a quick inquiry revealed it is, sadly, in use.

More later.  


Anonymous said...

I know of some IVC professors who are guilty of this, but I won’t speak up because the administrators and the board do not take irregularities at both colleges seriously. Thus, corruption continues…

Anonymous said...

While a culture of tolerance of this kind of behavior still lingers, I do think the new leadership has taken some bold action that would not have previously happened. They remain constrained by laws and ed code however like the ones cited in the articles. Still, the silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

Though perhaps hampered by policy, the faculty can make sure those who are commiting these issues are not celebrated. Don’t send them as your senators. Don’t schedule them as honors faculty with small groups of students that they mentor closely. Don’t encourage their participation as student research mentors. Don’t elect them to the chair position.

And do speak up. Tell Karen Daubert. She listens.

Anonymous said...

12:43, you hit the bull’s eye!

With regard to Karen Dubert, she does listen, but she does not take action. She works for the district and the district, especially the board, works with these faculty who put them in their position. It’s very obvious even on social media.

Anonymous said...

Karen Dubert is basically a crook who was hired by a crooked HR department to be IVC's in-house crook.

She listens? So what? She is being paid handsomely to listen as part of her job as HR's eyes and ears. She is also paid to lie on HR's behalf to protect VIPs and limit liability.

Anonymous said...

Very well and accurately stated, 12:13 PM. There’s no such thing as Title IX or equity BS protection in this district. The board and the administrators are controlled by a few union and AS leaders, and they do not pay attention to legitimate complaints. If you speak up, you’re labeled as a troublemaker, so corruption is perpetual. The students who fall prey to these professors are the ones who suffer the most.

Anonymous said...

@2:16: I keep reading about AS controlling the district. I have been in AS for years and have no idea what you are talking about. Give us a concrete example. AS has NOTHING to do with Title IX issues.

Anonymous said...

A faculty at IVC just “resigned” over this.

Anonymous said...

I was a former PTK member at IVC. If you are a PTK member, you get a very tight “PTK hug” from your male advisor, which was part of the PTK tradition, I was told. In his literature class, he would show us sexually explicit videos and ask students who were uncomfortable to leave. On Valentine’s Day, he played sexually explicit songs like Sexual Healing in class. Being a Muslim, I felt very uncomfortable but could not speak up for fear of being ostracized. I hope he’s gone…

Anonymous said...

@3:47, no faculty would resign over this unless they get caught and the board takes action. Many professors are either resigning or retiring because of the vaccine mandate. He/she is probably one of those professors whose right was violated due to the board’s lack of sympathy, ignorance and indifference.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the psych prof resigned mid-semester in protest of the impending vaccine mandate? Wasn't he teacher of the year? You should get him to join your lawsuit!

Anonymous said...

@10:35 am—he does have an attorney…

Anonymous said...

Good to hear! But you should add him to your lawsuit as well. I do think a former Teacher of the Year who resigned from a tenure track job and all its benefits due to his stand against the vaccine mandate would be a powerful addition to your lawsuit. You should also contact the local press. What a story!

Anonymous said...

That’s not why he resigned and he wasn’t against vaccines.

Anonymous said...

11:41 am —-“your lawsuit” —- which lawsuit are you referring to? I couldn’t find any lawsuits on the board’s agenda.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you 8:01 pm. The “untouchable” VIP professors at IVC don’t get punished, just like that chemistry professor in the article that Rebel Girl shared. It took years because the board and the administrators were more focused on protecting the money in the pot and “limiting its liability.”

Anonymous said...

@7:17am, “AS has NOTHING to do with Title IX issues.” Really??? But the Academic Senate leaders from both colleges have something to do with COVID and vaccine issues, going as far as reporting how many faculty have been vaccinated and ignoring those faculty who are against the mandate. Who are you representing—the faculty or the Democrat party? Give us concrete and reasonable explanations. Define “moral” leadership!

Roy Bauer said...

We all have a right to an opinion, and, here on Dissent, we try to provide a forum for expression of opinion, even when, in our opinion, it is quite wrongheaded. (Observe that I've deleted none of the above.)
That being said, we all have an obligation to know what we're talking about, especially when we accuse others of wrongdoing. Some of you—I'm not saying all of you—clearly do not take that obligation seriously.

Anonymous said...

Roy, 7:17am is obviously your opinion - anonymously! If you don’t agree with the posts, you call them opinions. Why don’t you have the board verify the facts instead of calling them opinions? These are not laughing matters.

Btw, you have deleted many posts that you didn’t agree with.

Roy Bauer said...

6:05, I did not say that I never deleted comments, only that I have deleted no comments for this particular post; indeed, in the past, I have on occasion deleted comments, and for good reason (racism, egregious gratuitous personal attack, etc.). You need to read more carefully. It would help if you took some Humanities courses.
What is obvious to you, 6:05, is in fact a fiction. When I comment, I sign my name, unlike you, oh brave brave "anonymous."
Step out into the light and take responsibility for your incompetent assertions.

Rebel Girl said...

Hey there! It's true that on rare occasions as Roy cited above, comments have been deleted. I also delete the spam comments when it's a robot trying to sell something. If I recall in the past we have closed comments on certain posts but kept the original comments up. But most of the posts of the last couple decades (!) are still available for reading and commentary and some readers do comment on what one might consider to be archives.

I suppose we could adjust comments so people had to sign their names like we do...Better discourse that way perhaps but the blog (and its print predecessor) was started at a time when people felt uneasy about going public.

I do think some people would perhaps choose different words if those words were linked to their names.

And again, if you are disappointed in this blog, you can always start one of your own. Blogging is free, of course. And we'll blog about you and steer readers you way. We've only done ours now for how long Prof. Bauer? 25 years?

Anonymous said...

I do appreciate your blogs. No students or faculty will have the audacity to post their legitimate concerns here if their names are displayed.

Rebel Girl said...

7:26, Thanks. That is why we have kept it like this, giving folks the ability to comment anonymously..or not. I do find it funny that some people who bash us repeatedly might believe that we actually remove, why wouldn't we remove those ones as well? Where's the logic of that? We could curate and cherry pick, but we don't.

FYI: Here's a link to how to start your own blog:

Go for it! Decades of fun!

Anonymous said...

I have known you Rebel Girl for decades and you seem to be fair. I have observed Roy deleting messages in the past, but not you. How do you define bashing? I think 3:44pm’s question is valid and deserves an answer.

Another observation… I have also observed that most pro “vaccine mandate” here label those who are against the MANDATE as “anti vaccines.” For example, the teacher of the year who resigned may believe in vaccines but not necessarily the vaccine MANDATE.

Rebel Girl said...

Anon 9:55, Thanks for the assessment that I "seem to be fair." I do my best but I assure you that between the two of us, my pal Roy is the fairest of the two of us, by both temperament and training.

I don't know how you have "observed" him "deleting messages" unless you were in the room with him or on my computer. We have equal access to the blog and all its guts. For example, as of today, we have 6,277 post with 31,482 comments. There were 91 vistors to the blog today and yesterday there were 196. When someone post a comment, we each get a notice. Roy sees what I do and I see what he does. Roy mostly fixes my typos and makes my posts look swell.

Deleting is comments is very rare and, when it happens, it most often discussed by the both of us. really. We take this stuff so seriously! The only comments that I delete without discussion are SPAM adverts.

If you have known me "for decades" then you must have know Roy as well. He is a robust believer in public discourse and free speech and he has been pursued (in the past) by the district and the college for upholding those tenets.

How do I define "bashing"? In general, in a bloggy context, repeated pummels and name calling without any intent to listen or reason or provide any evidence. We have decades of them in the comments. We tolerate them. They are all there for you to look at. Go for it. We try and engage in good faith but often there it is not a lot returned.

I am not sure which question you think we need to answer of 3:44's: The relationship of the Senate to Title IX? Whether we (Roy and me? The Senate?) represent the Democratic party or the faculty? The definition of moral leadership? I recommend you and 3:44 go to the Senate meetings and ask these questions there. You want their answers, after all, not ours, right? The meetings are all on Zoom and even I, not a Senator or an officer, Zoom in to see what's going on. Same for the union. Or else write an email to those bodies. Or ask you reps or Senators to forward your concerns.

And again, I recommend starting your own blog. You can perhaps advocate your ideas and concerns better there.

Anonymous said...

Well then, who resorts to name calling? Those who cannot give valid arguments.

Bob said...

Rebel Girl does her homework to find answers to questions so that the Blog stays on target regarding issues that concern many of us. We should appreciate their taking time to mull over issues, find supporting evidence and write that out clearly for each of us to read.

Thanks to the Dissent Blog.

Anonymous said...

@8:01, tell us who this CREEPY professor is… we’ll see if they’ll lift a finger.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with Reb and the comments here, the law needs to be changed. While the district has been a hotbed of sexual scandals for many years, they somehow always manage to sweep them under the rug.

One such case where I worked at Saddleback, a manager and his subordinate were actually caught in the act. The manager was forced to resign, but how much you want to bet he was able to get hired at another local college or school? "Pass the trash!"

Anonymous said...

11:30, the student is referring to the union guy who is notorious for messing around with students, faculty and staff. He strongly advocates for vaccine mandates and always talk about ethical, professional and moral obligations. He works with HR Chancellor so I doubt if they would lift a finger on him.

Anonymous said...

with HR Chancellor Vyscokil


Anonymous said...

4:58, what do you mean "Caught in the act?

Anonymous said...

8:03, are you kidding? To be blunt, they were caught butt-naked f@#king in his office. How's that?

Anonymous said...

These are the types of employees/faculty the district is trying to protect… I bet you that one faculty that the student was referring to will be there until his retirement.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that a number of people have "resigned" or retired in recent years since the new leadership has come in. HR's response to complaints that are filed has been robust as recent actions show. The years of the "good old boys' proetcting one another appears to be over. As this post suggests though, the law needs to be changed.

Anonymous said...

Who resigned or retired because of this issue? They retired or resigned because of the unconstitutional vaccine mandates… just like students walking away. Where’s your proof that “HR's response to complaints that are filed has been robust as recent actions show.” These sexual harassers are still employed, and the HR doesn’t take action because they’re protecting these faculty.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem likely that resignations are happening over the vax mandate, seems more disciplinary than anything. Word was going around that former IVC IT manager, a Mr. "Bruce" was forced to resign over sexual misconduct with a female under his supervision. Within a month he was able to land a job at another college. Any info about this?

Anonymous said...

So, whose NEXT?

Anonymous said...

Instead of lodging your complaints about what you call notoriety of certain profs or "sexual harrassers," I suggest you file complaints with HR like others have recently done. In fact, if you ARE an employee you are mandated to report misconduct that involves students. If you care so much an dknow so much, do something about it. Walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

As an IVC old-timer, I know how the system works. If you’re a newbie and you’re a victim filing a complaint against the tenured faculty, you’re out of luck! As someone posted here, the district protects the so-called VIP professors to limit the liability. You will be labeled as a complainer or a troublemaker, and you’ll only end up embarrassing yourself. Worse, the board has stack of files to go over and relies heavily on HR. So…. no, don’t waste your time! In situations like this, students are the ones who suffer the most.

Roy, what’s the title of your blog way back in 2018 or 2019 that mentioned the IVC IT manager who was fired for this?

Roy Bauer said...

At IVC, one head rolls

Amy said...

3:18, It's not wasted time. If you care about the sitution enough to complain about it here, do so there. If you know stduents (or others) are being abused, speak up. Use the process. It HAS worked. Some people (tenured or otherwise job secure) are no longer here. Recent history. Fresh.

Too easy to whine and complain and do nothing except that. Do something.

Worried about being labeled a troublemaker or complainer? That's what worries you? Not the abuse you whine about? You are worried about being embarrassed? Not worried about what might happen to someone (a student?) who could be in a vulnerable situation? What kind of selfish person are you?

Worried that your complaint might not be successful so you don't even try? Jeez. Step up. Make some good trouble.

Anonymous said...

3:18, 7:14, If you're an employee reporting abuse HR will come after you, they have a long history of doing that which creates an environment of reluctance and fear. They cannot allow the complaint to pan out as true because to them it's all about risk management, executive CYA, it goes against their past judgement and decisions. I reviewed the link Roy posted and it drives home the point of this thread perfectly. As we see, Glenn was forced out within a few days of Bruce, probably because the Chancellor determined that he knew what was going on for a very long time and enabled it. In fact, many people noticed all over campus, including other administrators like Bruce's boss. The alarm bells were literally tolling, echoing through the quads for years!

Anonymous said...

8:10, You need to take a closer look at recent departures. Lots of complaints have indeed "panned out." The way one makes change is by standing up. Roy's post about Bruce doesn't prove your point. It suggests otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Roquemore was let go because he’s REPUBLICAN! That’s ALL. Most tenured faculty who are engaged in sexual misconduct are Democrats, so the district will not lift a finger on them! That’s the truth… don’t deny it!

Anonymous said...

So true, 4:44. They HAVE fired all the Republicans in the district. It's related to the new HR requriement that asks you not only to upload your vaccine status but also your regsitered party affiliation. Don't do it! resist! Don't comply! They will just fire you like they fired Glenn and Tim and Ben and all those others. What's so very very strange though is that all those adminstrators and teachers and staff who were fired were fired by elected officials many of whom who are registered Republicans. It's a conspiracy. Where we go one, we go all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, do not be a coward. Do not cower. Do not comply. Let them fire you! These people stand up for something when they know that they have the support, but you’ll NEVER see any of them standing up ALONE fighting for what is right!

To the corrupt board, administrators, faculty, staff and student leaders… what you’re doing is EVIL! If KARMA doesn’t happen now, I can assure you it will happen to your children and grandchildren. Just wait… life may seem unfair, but you’ll remember those whose career you have destroyed when karma starts working in your life! Your leadership is worse than Hitler’s!

@11:59am. Do some research. The new IVC college president was about to get fired by the other district just before he was hired by SOCCCD. Ask the Santiago faculty leaders, and they’ll tell you. He’s a favorite at SOCCCD because he’s a puppet… but look at how many students have walked away!

Anonymous said...

10:44 - took a closer look. What's not accurate? This thread is about changing a law. In the thread from the link Roy posted the last comment states that Bruce landed comfortably at CSUSB in another management position in less than one month. Looks like is does prove 8:10's point.

Who was Bruce's boss at IVC?

Anonymous said...

@4:06, don’t expect to get an intelligent response. When they can’t prove their point, they’ll either ignore you or call you a basher!

Anonymous said...

Yeah who was Bruce's boss and does he/she still work there?

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...