—Conservative radio host, Michael Reagan
Here at IVC, natch, we have an Accounting Department. It happens to support something called the Guaranteed Accounting Program: GAP4+1.
According to the department website,
We're also told that "The number of students accepted into this program in any one year is limited so be sure to apply early."
Great. The early bird gets the worm.
Evidently, the good people of the GAP4+1 program have recently seen fit to invite someone to speak at Irvine Valley College (in late April): Michael Reagan.
Intellectually, he's a low-rent Limbaugh, and that's pretty low.
I mean, when he gets here, just what is he gonna say? That liberals are evil? That his dad was a saint? That freedom and democracy are good? That you oughta put your life in the hands of the Lord? That you don't need to go to college? That homosexuality is a sin?
Only in Bizarro World would Michael Reagan be judged a good speaker to invite to a college.
Michael Reagan
This unique pathway program — a partnership between Irvine Valley College (IVC) and Cal State Fullerton (CSUF) — will enable you to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in four years and a master’s degree with one more additional year (thus GAP4+1).Among the Master's degrees available through the program, we're told, are "Accountancy and Finance; Taxation; or Accountancy."
We're also told that "The number of students accepted into this program in any one year is limited so be sure to apply early."
Great. The early bird gets the worm.
Evidently, the good people of the GAP4+1 program have recently seen fit to invite someone to speak at Irvine Valley College (in late April): Michael Reagan.

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The Republican Party of OC just loves IVC (from their website) |
That's right. They've invited Reagan family embarrassment Michael, a man of, let's face it, little or no distinction.
He was expelled from his High School and he washed-out of college. Eventually, he went into clothing sales.
In those early years, he made some curious friends:
In 1965, the FBI warned Ronald Reagan that in the course of an organized crime investigation it had discovered his son Michael was associating with the son of crime boss Joseph Bonanno, which would have become a campaign issue had it been publicly known. Reagan thanked the FBI and said he would phone his son to discreetly discontinue the association. (From Wikipedia's Michael Reagan.)
[“F.B.I. agents in Phoenix made an unexpected discovery: According to records, ‘the son of Ronald Reagan was associating with the son of Joe Bonnano [sic].’ That is, Michael Reagan, the adopted son of Reagan and Ms. Wyman, was consorting with Bonanno’s son, Joseph Jr. The teenagers had bonded over their shared love of fast cars and acting tough.” ... "Joseph Jr. was not involved in organized crime, but he was spending time at his father’s home... [I]n October 1964, he had been arrested in connection with the beating of a Scottsdale, Ariz., coffee shop manager. ... Following routine procedure, F.B.I. agents in Phoenix asked agents in Los Angeles to interview Ronald Reagan for any information he might have gleaned from his son. The investigation, after all, was a top priority. But Hoover blocked them from questioning Reagan, thus sparing him potentially unfavorable publicity. Declaring it 'unlikely that Ronald Reagan would have any information of significance,' Hoover instead ordered agents to warn him about his son’s worrisome friendship." - New York Times]
Later, there were legal problems:
In 1981 Reagan was accused, but later cleared of felony violations of California securities laws in court documents. The Los Angeles County District Attorney alleged that Reagan had baited investors into unlawful stock arrangements, and selling stocks despite the fact that he was not legally permitted to do so. The D.A.'s office investigated allegations that Reagan improperly spent money invested by others in a company, Agricultural Energy Resources, he operated out of his house in a venture to develop the potential of gasohol, a combination of alcohol and gasoline. Investigators said they were also checking whether he had spent up to $17,500 of investors' money for his living expenses. The district attorney's office cleared Reagan of both charges later that year. [“The investigators said they became interested in Michael Reagan after being informed that he had steered customers to Mr. Carey {Richard Francis Carey, who "was selling worthless stock,"} had accepted a $4,000 check from one investor, and that, in at least one meeting of potential investors, his relationship to Ronald Reagan had apparently been exploited as a promotional tool for the stock.” - New York Times]
On September 20, 2012, Reagan and two associates were sued by Elias Chavando, a fellow partner, for allegedly withholding Chavando's interest in an e-mail business built around the Reagan.com domain name. In 2015, a Los Angeles Superior Court jury found Reagan liable for conversion and breach of fiduciary duty. Reagan and his business partners were ordered to pay $662,500 in damages. (From Wikipedia's Michael Reagan.)
Michael tended to smash things (cars, etc.) in his youth. Well into his 40s, he tells us, he was full of "rage" (owing, he explains, to having been molested) and he treated his family badly.
Then, natch, he found the Lord.
Plus, owing to his relationship to his pop, President Ronald Reagan, Michael grabbed the brass ring and became a talk-show host on one or two right-wing radio networks. Blah, blah, blah, he said.
In his latter-day career as mediocre right-wing bloviater and Pious Christian, Michael Reagan has said some unfortunate things:
In April 2013, in a syndicated column, Reagan accused American churches of not fighting hard enough to block same-sex marriage. He wrote that, in regards to arguments supporting gay marriage, similar arguments could be used to support polygamy, bestiality, and murder.
. . . In June 2008, conspiracy theorist Mark Dice launched a campaign urging people to send letters and DVDs to troops stationed in Iraq which support the theory that the September 11 attacks were an "inside job". "Operation Inform the Soldiers", as Dice has called it, prompted Reagan to comment that Dice should be executed for treason. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a liberal/progressive media criticism organization, asked Radio America at the time to explain whether it permits "its hosts to call for murder on the air".
. . . He spoke out in support of profiling in October 2014. In a piece called Profile or Die, he wrote that it would be left to citizens to defend themselves if there were an attack against them by terrorists such as the Islamic State. (Wikipedia)Golly. It's pretty clear that Michael Reagan is just another "former total fuck-up, now reborn and pious."
Intellectually, he's a low-rent Limbaugh, and that's pretty low.
I mean, when he gets here, just what is he gonna say? That liberals are evil? That his dad was a saint? That freedom and democracy are good? That you oughta put your life in the hands of the Lord? That you don't need to go to college? That homosexuality is a sin?
Only in Bizarro World would Michael Reagan be judged a good speaker to invite to a college.
* * *
Meanwhile, IVC's Guaranteed Accounting Program folks have only wonderful things to say about the fellow:Michael Reagan
The eldest son of former President Ronald Reagan and one of the most dynamic and sought-after public speakers, Michael Reagan’s commitments to public service and the conservative vision his father championed are second to none, making him the natural heir to the Reagan conservative legacy. Michael serves as chairman and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation, which seeks to advance the causes President Reagan held dear and to memorialize the accomplishments of his presidency. Michael’s career includes hosting a national conservative radio talk show syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks, championing his father’s values and principles in the public policy forum, commentating and appearing on the Today Show, Good Morning America, Good Day LA, CNN, and Fox News, and contributing to Newsmax Television. Also an accomplished author, Michael has many successful books including On the Outside Looking In, Twice Adopted, and his latest book, Lessons My Father Taught Me.Well, sure. But he's also the worst kind of insubstantial, opportunistic "celebrity." And he's not an intellectual; he's a propagandist. He's a minor player in our sad era of noisy and loutish conservative anti-intellectualism and demagoguery.
—And he's a homophobe, among other things. Or so he says.

ALL IS FAIR IN THE WAR ON TRUMP (Cagle.com) - by Michael Reagan, December 13, 2018
…Hillary continues to skate free, unbothered by the FBI or any federal agency for the dirty things she and the Obama administration’s injustice department did during the 2016 election to try to defeat Donald Trump.TRUMP VS THE CRAZIES (Cagle.com) - by Michael Reagan, January 11, 2019
But not General Flynn.
His life was ruined by the FBI bosses who set out to nail him – and did….
…Some of the country’s most desperate liberals in the media actually argued that the president’s televised pitch to the country for congressional funding for a stronger border fence should not be carried live by the networks.TRUMP SAYS ‘ADIOS’ TO BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP (Cagle.com) - by Michael Reagan, November 1, 2018
Why? Because they said the president lies too much and they wanted to be able to fact-check his speech beforehand….
…Ending birthright citizenship, better known as dropping the anchor baby, is the most significant illegal immigration reform the President Trump has announced. With a single executive order, he unplugs a beacon that attracts scammers from the world over. He also attacks a visible manifestation of the “foreigners first” mindset that has infected the State Department, and the rest of the federal bureaucracy, since the 1960s….THE PARTY OF EVIL (Cagle.com) - by Michael Reagan, October 11, 2018
…Now, thanks to the Democrats’ ugly smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh, Republican senators like Susan Collins and Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders need security guards 24/7.About Michael Reagan:
It’s not the new Supreme Court Justice who’s evil.
It’s the Democrat Party and the nasty “progressives” who’ve taken it over and are willing to say or do anything or destroy anyone to bring down President Trump.
Maybe this is not something new. Maybe the Democrats have always been this evil….
A separate peace* (LA Times, August 31, 2004) – by Anne-Marie O'Connor
For years, Michael Reagan, the older son of Ronald Reagan, felt unloved and unwanted. His parents divorced when he was 3. Two years later he was packed off to a boarding school where, he says, he was so lonely he cried himself to sleep. Sexually abused at age 7, he felt shame and self-loathing, compounded by Bible passages that convinced him he would never go to heaven.
He grew up so angry he smashed a childhood bicycle and later took a sledgehammer to his new car. Well into his 40s, his "rage came to a full boil," and he often yelled at his wife and young son.
Then, he says, he found salvation through the love of his family and his "adoption" by God. He embraced conservative values and became a syndicated talk-radio host who today tells listeners: "I am homophobic."….
Well, his presence will go a long way to making the campus LGBTQ+ community feel respected and wanted. NOT.
Clearly the invitation is offered to invite violence, raise the level of alt right discourse, and, sadly, redirect the way education has been taught--to follow the truth to now to distract from the truth.
I think the creators of this event can't imagine having LGBTQ+ staff or students in the GAP4+1 program so they don't see what the big deal is.
That is because they cannot "SEE". Blinders on as usual. This is America, not Russia.
In all fairness, we should be showcasing all sides of the political spectrum on campus; the Constitution allows for free speech, even that with which we do not agree. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to have a controversial speaker at student events. It can show students what hate looks like and solidify that in which they DON'T want to believe.
Imagine if you are a gay student or teacher in this program.
Just another obnoxious decision by some of our friends, albeit one with extra venom. But trying to find a silver lining, any silver lining, isn’t it unlikely they will sell enough tickets to cover costs and will just cancel instead? Here’s hoping so.
I think colleges and universities should showcase "all sides" as 1:39 suggests but this is NOT just a speech - this is a fundraiser for a program that some - as part of their assignment - MUST teach in and that many students enroll in. This program at a public college sought out a speaker who denounces LGBTQ+ people, someone who compares marriage equality to bestiality and murder.
Imagine if Reagan attacked another marginalized group the way he does the LGBTQ+ community, if he would still be a sought after fundraiser for a public college to align themselves with.
Imagine if you are a parent or family member of a LGBTQ student, staff member, faculty member or administrator? Free speech? Hardly.
The sticky wicket is the fundraising affiliation with program IMO.
Speakers have to be approved by the board. Was this approved. If not, it’s a chance to speak up.
Oh it was approved all right but no one gives a fuck and no one knows anything any more. So sure invite someone who equates marriage equality with bestiality and gay rights to the end of civilization to your campus on the same month you are celebrating Pride (not that the president will show up for that one - NO WAY) and weeks after the board prez request a report on the steps being taken to address the needs of LGBTQ students. Well this is a big step backward but I bet they will all get photos taken with him. Yeah cause that is what they care about.
Before we condemn administrators and the Board (although they are probably deserving in approving a speaker of this sort) who’s at the root of this event? You mean to tell me that there isn’t at least one faculty member who conceived this whole idea and initiated the invitation? In our constant pleas for transparency, how about a little bit of that in this instance?
Happy to condemn both faculty and admin who couldn't see how this was just a weensy bit problematic.
Heard a story this morning on KPCC's NPR all about the white nationalist activity at Saddleback! Did anyone else?
Yes I heard that story to on NPR. Too bad Saddleback is in the news for this type of shameful situation
Nice little POS homophobic, unintelligent District you got here. Needs to be dissolved and start over.
This district will clean the coop.
They canceled Dolores Huerta Day (scheduled for today) and the Pride celebration (scheduled for the end of the month) but they kept this guy. Nice going.
Who do you mean when you say "they" cancelled the events for Dolores and Pride? If you mean they, as in the department hosting the event, then yes you are correct. "They" have nothing to do with this event. This is a paid event...those that want to attend, can. Those that don't agree, don't support and don't want to attend...don't. It is that simple. There is no need to bash the program and/or people working in it.
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