I’m told that, at the recent IVC Foundation wingding, for over an hour, announcements were made over the PA to the effect that some lout who owned a colorful new Tesla was parked illegally and blocking the something-or-other. Whoever the miscreant was, he wasn’t moving his sled. Well, former SOCCCD trustee and current Mayor “Dandy” Don Wagner was in attendance, looking like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and, at long last, he was finally seen running and puffing to move his goddam car.
Typical Don.
As you know, faculty at IVC have been working up to a vote of confidence/no-confidence in President Glenn “Plastic Man” Roquemore. We’re not sure there’s much point in it, given that odd “for life” rider in Glenn's contract.

At a recent IVC Humanities School meeting (they’re held on Fridays), VPI McDonald showed up to update us on this and that. At one point, one wag (it might’ve been me) asked, “How come we never hear from the President?”
It was an awkward moment. But there’re plenty of those at IVC.
Looks like they’ll be installing all kinds of cameras on campus pretty soon. Plus there’ll be “new keying” and lasers and whatnot. Some of us wondered whether we really want all this monitoring going on, but, at a recent senate meeting, the folks directly involved in these upgrades did a pretty good job allaying fears.
* * *
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Dandy Don |
It's plain that administration doesn’t want to hear such grumblings and they’re doing everything they can to shut 'em down.
Item K was “adjunct faculty engagement & communication.” An old issue. We treat adjuncts like shite and we don’t even communicate with them. Can’t we do better?
* * *
Item P was the vote of confidence/no-confidence in Roquemore. As you know, the IVC Senate recently voted to censure Roquemore for his recent unsavory machinations in support of the ailing Photonics program (a hobby horse of his).
Some in the room suggested that we don’t need no stinkin’ list; we should just focus on the President’s job description and vote on whether he provides effective leadership. Well, obviously, he doesn't.
The Senate Cabinet seemed to favor that approach.
The Senate Prez alluded to an obvious point: apathy (cluelessness) among some faculty. You have a responsibility to pay attention, she almost said. Get with the goddam program, I heard, in my head.
Some spoke about Roquemore’s utter lack of the vision thing. Some of our best faculty look for support from administration and get the opposite. Roquemore seems determined to push against our best initiatives.
He's got anti-vision.
And these complaints aren’t just coming from the usual suspects in Humanities. There are junior faculty from elsewhere on campus who object to various dastardly Roquemoreisms, but they’re afraid to speak up. Or so said the Senate Prez.

One senate officer suggested that, elsewhere, administrative leadership comes and goes all the time. If someone isn’t doing the job, you get rid of ‘em and move to someone else. Why are we afraid to do that at IVC? Why are we stuck with Roquemore?
Said J, one need not identify heinous crimes on Roquemore’s part (although he does seem to commit those too); we just need to ask, Is he doing his goddam job? Does he lead? Does he inspire and support? (Nope, nope, nope.)
The Senate Prez reminded the senators that they’re supposed to keep the faculty of their schools apprised of goings on here at the senate. They been doing that?
Rebel Girl was on hand to provide copies of the notorious threatening letter (sent by an unbalanced former student, warning the college of the Reb’s alleged outrages) that the President failed to warn her about for several weeks.
I do hope they read it. They need to see what a clueless bastard Roquemore is. Roquemore and Fontanilla. They're a real pair.
We have some responsibility of oversight as a Senate, said someone. Why are we afraid to take it?
Somebody used the “m” word (malaise). Others spoke of the President’s unwillingness to engage with the faculty or with anybody (aside from his favorites, the wielders of lasers and crafty makers of moola).
So it was decided, more or less, to agendize this “no confidence” vote for the next meeting. We need to decide whether to have this vote or not. Dang!
* * *
Two weeks later (i.e., five days ago), at the March 7 senate meeting, there was considerable discussion about the rise of anti-Semitism and similar phenomena at the college in recent months. (You’ll recall that someone had scrawled a swastika in one of our restrooms. Similar graffiti was scrawled on a Temple down the street.)We bellyached about students’ apparent ignorance about the most basic factoids concerning the Holocaust.
The Arts faculty have been waiting for this building since the 90s. They’re pissed.
We briefly discussed interesting new changes in the allocation of funds to the colleges in the district.
According to our budget guy, Davit, the 2020 budget for IVC is “healthy.” J, however, noted that some big issues re our retirement system will be coming up. What about that?
* * *
Once again, we discussed the possibility of a vote of confidence/no-confidence in President Roquemore.Shall the Rep Council (i.e., the senate) give the Senate Cabinet authority to explore faculty concerns with the President of the College?
We voted. It was unanimous. YEP.
Aim for the body rare, you'll see it on TV
The worst thing in 1954 was the bikini
See the girl on the TV dressed in a bikini
She doesn't think so, but she's dressed for the H-bomb
(For the H-bomb)
I found that essence rare, it's what I looked for
I knew I'd get what I asked for
But, anyone who had a heart
Wouldn't want to turn around and break it
And anyone who ever played the part
He wouldn't want to turn around and hate this...
Sweet Jane
What with Glenn's obstruction of the student-led food drive on campus? It's not enough of a good photo op for him?
Really? They've got a problem with feeding students?
Wagner is 2,000 votes ahead right now but not all the precincts are reporting. (Glenn does not want to attract certain hungry students to campus. Not a good photo op at all.)
This is the first I’ve heard of either a student led initiative or Glenn’s obstruction. Any details on either?
2:06, the problem was presented by a representative of Social Sciences at last Thursday Academic Senate meeting. (Elizabeth?) The Senator was, I think, an advisor to a student club that was pursuing provision of food for students. As we recently reported, lack of food seems to be a problem for nearly 20% of California community college students, according to a recent study.
I had a discussion with an IVC police officer (about another matter) who complained about how food distribution events on campus attracted homeless students, many with mental illness - and the challenges this presents, especially in the evenings when there are no other services available for them.
Homeless students are still students, and we're here to help them. It's good that such events attract our homeless students, since those are the students we need to feed. The cops can put up with a little craziness, I think.
Indeed they can. This is a -- c o m m u n I t y. They, those homeless students, are very much a part of it and us.
Sweet Jane! Yes!
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