This ditty was featured in "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" (1949) and Rebel Girl presents it here per the special request from a longtime IVC denizen. No word about which sector of the college inspired this request. You'll have to figure it out yourself.
Yes, that's Der Bingle.
The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
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This is statement of our leadership...busy doing nothing....
Has anyone seen the "Veterans Angels" IVC Gala invitations that toady Morley is handing out? Wow I now realize that you don't have to be able to spell or put a sentence together to be a Director.
If our Administrators have read this package of crap and still allowed it to be sent out to the public they should be ashamed....
What a horrible refection on our college community....we can't spell or create a sentence structure.
But Glen hired Morely even though people (references) warned him against it. This is what he wants.
This ultimately is Raghu's legacy.
They don't choose the best - they are too threatened. Remember Poindexter and White and so, so many others? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Don't you love it when "people" show up at department meetings and want you to do their job?
As if your own - teaching, chairing (mostly unpaid), writing curriculum and SLOs, isn't enough?
YOU have to help THEM do their jobs? (And they already make more money than you do?)
Gosh, didn't know Bill Bendix could sing and dance. Bendix was a terrific character actor.
9:39 Thanks for the "heads up" on the Veterans Agnels info. Just looked through the package. I guess no one had time to read this gibberish...It could not have come from our PIO...they are professionals. This is a Rube Goldberg cut-n-paste job, and frankly a disgrace to our Veterans! what a horrible way to present information to the campus and local community.
Where can I get my own package of Veterans Angels?
(I must say just the name makes me cringe - and my dad and uncles are all vets.)
Isn't Morley an ex-teacher? This information wouldn't pass muster in an ESL class!
Has anyone noticed that the search feature on the IVC website doesn't work?
Wake up IVC...Morley is a buffoon and the entire campus is on to his obnoxious act. Unfortunately, he reports directly to Glenn and nothing will be done to deal with this mess. Wait until they start pressuring you to buy ticktets to this "GALA". If we are truly concerned about the Vets, let's just donate our money to the Vets.
Dear 7:06...just pop over to the Foundation office. Morley is usually there by 10 and ask for a Veterans Angels Package...he will bend your ear for a 5k donation, however......
Question...if this GALA is so important, how come the invitations are only going out now?This event is only a month away. Who is on the Foundation Board representing the college? Don't they know what is going on, or is is just a rubber-stamp board for Roquemore and Morley?
OMG, this Angels thing is a disgrace to our vets, and we are supposed to be a Veterans friendly campus. Is our foundation director that incompetent? Isn't anyone paying attention to what is being sent out to the public?
I heard ATEP needs a Foundation Director.
Dear 8:27...can't send Morley, he is an "Executive Director" according to our webpage.
The invitations are going out late because that is how things are done around here. Last minute.
Case in point: students get about a month to apply for scholarships. The "scholarship committee" often gets a handful of days to decide who gets what - often mere days before the event itself. The result? Again, a scandal awaits if anyone really looks deeply into it.
This despite the fact that there is year-round staff to put together processes for all these events that really work to create genuine outreach and accountability.
Why there is no reasonable timeline established to address these issues is beyond me. It was the same with Al Tello.
Now I'm humming "this little ditty"! Thanks alot!
I am sure the gala invite was reviewed by all interested parties - that's how the process works. So yes, Glen signed off on it.
I was hoping work had been done on these issues over the summer and when the semester started we would have been presented with a calendar of revised dates and deadlines which represented some real long-term thinking and planning. But no. Still scrambling.
Don't blame only Morely - this went through channels.
1:36pm is right, I saw Glenn with Morley sitting at the table outside the foundation office stuffing envelopes. He evidently knew what kind of s..t he was shoveling in. BTW why the hell is the President stuffing envelopes? Isn't there something more important for him to do?
Tee Shirt just spotted on campus:
I think it's nice that Glen stuffs the occasional envelope. But I agree that it would be nicer if he proofread what he was stuffing.
I want a shirt...on they going be on sale in the new bookstore?
Hiring incompetent competents seems to be the norm at IVC.
Yes, disappointed that IVC seems to be "scrambling" this year once again in terms of the calendar of events which seems to paralyze the people responsible to organizing them.
If we taught our classes like that year after year - well, they'd fire us.
Perhaps the clock really needs to be re-set on the scholarship committee. The deadline comes too late. The files are never given with enough time to really evaluate them. it's ALWAYS last minute.
I do think the composition of the committee - large, sprawling - - is leftover from the days when the college was small. It does not work anymore. new committee can't be trained in time to assess applications - that is, if any consistent criteria were ever in place to begin with.
Where is the leadership on this?
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