The trustees had a special meeting at 3:00, then a closed session at 5:00, and then this open session that finally started around 7:45. So you can well imagine they were in a big hurry to get done and get home. Can't blame 'em, I guess.
For some reason, this year, they made a big freakin' deal out of the faculty who attained tenure. These instructors stood up, we stared at 'em, and then they were sent off for cake and punch, just outside the entrance of the Ronald Reagan Room.
I was told that, written upon the cake was one word: "CONGRATULATION." Raghu must've been in charge of that detail.
Gooey cake brings out the worst in people, I guess. Upon hearing about this celebratory confection, several trustee eyes lit up. Their lips moved. "Yum," they said.
Raghu's no dummy. He immediately told Tracy to get seven fat slices, tout de suite. She scurried out the door.
Raghu's no dummy. He immediately told Tracy to get seven fat slices, tout de suite. She scurried out the door.
Tracy hurried back with the slices. But then, get this. Raghu insisted on serving each trustee personally. I listened very carefully, and I do believe he told each trustee, "May I be your serving wench this evening?"
There was only one public comment. Some kid came up to carp about all the smoking going on at Saddleback college. To hear this kid tell it, this smoke is like nuclear fallout or worse. We all stared at 'em. His pitch kinda petered out. At the end, even the kid didn't seem interested in his proposal, which is to move the college closer to a "no smoke" zone.
Me, I'm thinking we should move to a "no Raghu" zone. With smoke, lots of it. I don't care.


Me, I'm thinking we should move to a "no Raghu" zone. With smoke, lots of it. I don't care.

"May I be your serving wench this evening?"
John looks especially excited about the cake.
Does that hideous "Gulliver's" restaurant (of serving wench notoriety) still exist?
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