Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We need a bigger brick

FEWER THAN 90 DAYS UNTIL THE APOCaccredALYPSE. I've heard very little about the goings-on at the district and the two colleges. As you know, the Accreditation Commission expects reports from each college in less than three months. (It's do or die this time, they insist.) And so you'd think that the designated report-writers would be busy bees.

I do know that Irvine Valley College's Accreditation efforts have moved forward nicely during these summer months. By all accounts, the focus group, which is impressive, has produced many pages of excellent work. Even more impressively, faculty have yet to throttle trustee Don Wagner, and the Wag-Man has yet to throttle any faculty.

As far as accreditation is concerned, Saddleback College, on the other hand, is like the guy who "flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions." Saddleback's Accred focus group has produced a draft of a report that, according to my sources, is short, unimpressive, and sans faculty input. You see, way back in the spring, Saddleback faculty leadership decided to bail from the proceedings—in disgust, a feeling that was perfectly natural, given the viciousness with which Donny and MaGoo messed with the last report. When the new leadership returned from vacation this summer, they were shocked to behold an apparent disaster-in-the-making.

Meanwhile, administration at Saddleback is sans leadership until the new Prez arrives in August. But nobody wants to deal with Chancellor "He who must be obeyed" Mathur, and our trustees, evidently, do not communicate between board meetings. (Some of 'em don't communicate during board meetings either.)

So there you are. Big, old Saddleback College lumbers and slumbers to the brink. Raghu Mathur sits in his office, counting his money and admiring his phony degrees. The trustees show up once a month to see if any buildings are burning. ("No? OK, then.") Trustee Tom Fuentes wanders around, smiling at his continued dark existence. —It's a freakin' disaster.

I've been trying to smash that college upside the head (don't thank me; it's the least I can do) for months now, but, evidently, there's no brick large enough to awaken this crew.

And now, the news:

MY BIG FAT CORRUPT CONGRESSMAN. Oh, great. My Congressman—the stunningly corrupt Gary Miller—is at it again. In this morning’s OC Register (Congressman has financial stake in O.C. tollway), we learn that “One of Congress' strongest supporters of the Foothill tollway's controversial southern extension steered taxpayer money to and lobbied for the project while holding a financial interest in a connected tollway." "In an interview," we're told, "Miller acknowledged getting an $8 million appropriation for Foothill-South's construction in 2005. He has subsequently signed letters to the state Coastal Commission and the Commerce Secretary as part of a lobbying effort in support of the tollway agency's plan to build the road through a coastal park."

Naturally, Miller “expressed surprise when asked about that investment.” Must’ve been the wife who bought that, he says. Waddya gonna do?

The Reg notes that it is against House rules for a Congressperson to appropriate money or to use his position “to benefit projects and organizations in which they have even a small financial investment.”

DEATH AND TEXAS. In this morning’s Inside Higher Ed, we learn that
British authors and universities are afraid that the University of Texas at Austin is outbidding British archives for the collections of many of the country’s writers. [In an article that appeared in the Guardian, a] British archivist is quoted as saying: “Two things are inevitable: death and Texas.”
HEY, TRY STUDYING. We also learn that
Community colleges in California might be able to significantly reduce the need for remedial education among students by using the results of 11th grade state testing to better direct students prior to enrollment, says a new report from the California Partnership for Achieving Student Success, known as Cal-PASS….
This has been tried by a state university, and it seems to work, they say.

CHEAT.COM. Remember that new website in San Diego that provides copies of instructors' tests submitted by students (they're paid) for other students to download? Well, when professors complained, the owner said that the professors could submit a request to ban their students from using the service. But, according to Inside Higher Ed, now we learn that has suspended the banning option.

I think it was a business decision. I bet that Demir Oral, the website's owner, is a pal of Gary freakin' Miller and they count their money together on Republican junkets to China.

SEXY BIOLOGIST HAS A POINTLESS SUGGESTION. In this morning’s New York Times (Let’s Get Rid of Darwinism), sexy biologist Olivia Judson suggests dumping the term “Darwinism.”

Naturally, she’s a fan of the D-man. But, according to Judson, his stature has an unfortunate consequence: "It’s a tendency for everyone to refer back to him. 'Why Darwin was wrong about X'; 'Was Darwin wrong about Y?'; 'What Darwin didn’t know about Z'."

“[I]t’s all grossly misleading,” she says. Since Darwin's time (one hundred and fifty years ago),
…[T]he field as a whole has been transformed. If we were to go back in a time machine and fetch him to the present day, he’d find much of evolutionary biology unintelligible — at least until he’d had time to study genetics, statistics and computer science…. Obsessively focusing on Darwin, perpetually asking whether he was right about this or that, implies that the discovery of something he didn’t think of or know about somehow undermines or threatens the whole enterprise of evolutionary biology today….
This all sounds good to me, but does she or anyone think that the culture will be taking her up on her suggestion? Nope. There're too many STUPID PEOPLE. Makes you wonder why somebody like Judson writes stuff like this.

Makes me wonder why I put out this blog.


torabora said...

My Congressman, The Right Honorable John Doolittle (a finer politcos name never was) is more corrupt than yours.

But yours is pretty corrupt too.You should get on his case to be more corrupt than Doolittle. Tell him there's a prize for being the most corrupt.

Roy Bauer said...

Our Congressman gets special corruption points because his district includes part of Orange County.

Plus he visits movie sets, and so there are great photos of him being a complete asshole.

Anonymous said...

Don't, then.

Anonymous said...

"Makes me wonder why I put out this blog."

You too, huh?

Roy Bauer said...

I am continually amazed at the stupidity and narcissism of those who would take a cheap shot that everyone else sees but knows is too obvious to bother with.

Bohrstein said...

I laugh at your part of O.C.

I hail from the 48th: South O.C. baby! We have TV shows about us.

The Honorable John Campbell, the freakin' III. I think he is one of the more "fun" (If ya catch my drift, wink wink nod nod) Republicans. I don't know what it is about him that suggests this though...

I'm sure you are all aware of such a site, right?

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you why Chunk puts out this blog. It's because he is morally committed to exposing criminals, idiots and morons; many who pose as educational leaders and politicians.
A less known fact is that Chunk shares a birthday with my father (Bastille Day) July 14th. Happy Birthday, Chunk, and may the revolution continue....


torabora said...


torabora said...

Demoncats take junkets to China too. Remember both parties sold blue collar America out in the name of free market globalism.

Anonymous said...

What happens if both colleges lose their accreditations?

Roy Bauer said...

When Compton College lost its accreditation (which did not happen overnight), a nearby district took over and Compton became a "center" of that college or college district.

If only one of our colleges loses its accreditation (which, again, would take a while, for there is a kind of appeal process), then, it would seem, the other college would take it over. That would seem to be the obvious guess.

But this doesn't happen very often. I'm not sure there's precedent for a multi-college district.

If the ACCJC judges that one or both of our colleges should not be reaccredited, then, even during "appeal," the bad press would likely kill us. DtB has looked into what happened at Compton (see).

Anonymous said...

Please explain something to me. How can an accreditation report be written avec faculty input, if the faculty leadership decided to bail from the proceedings? Are the facutly not to be blamed?

Roy Bauer said...

The union called a "work to contract," which, prima facie, explains the bailage.

At IVC, faculty reconfigured their stipends and such to participate in the Accred process while honoring the WTC.

At the time, some of us worried that, indeed, we would be blamed for an adverse outcome, should we not arrange to be on this committee.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so why didn't the faculty leadership of Saddleback College do the same?

Anonymous said...

What happens if both colleges simply report we don't give a shit about accreditation? Will the world come to an end?

Roy Bauer said...

There can be no doubt as to the outcome of our blowing off the Accreds: they will pull our ticket.

Faculty need to understand that circumstances have changed. In recent years, WASC/ACCJC has been under tremendous pressure (coming from the DoE) to clean up its act and not allow so many colleges to skate by or blow off repeated failures to address "recommendations." Finally, not long ago, the DoE brought it about that WASC will follow it's own rules according to which colleges must satisfactorily address "recommendations" (i.e., problems) within two years. If they don't, they're ticket gets pulled. That's it. (Keep in mind that, owing to Mathur and the board, we've been stringing along our accred problems since 2005.)

So WASC/ACCJC cannot afford to do what it has in fact done for many years. But, in the meantime, WASC/ACCJC has monkeyed with the Accred standards, in part to satisfy the feds (but for other reasons, including their embrace of educationist CRAPPOLA [SLOs] and the usual vices to which bureaucracies fall prey: becoming stupid and monstrous, etc. ). Colleges and faculty fought these changes, but the Accreds just did what they wanted. This has placed new burdens on the colleges that they cannot easily take on. For instance, colleges are expected to work "Student Learning Outcomes" (nonsense on stilts, that) into the curriculum, but there is no mechanism to pay for the work.

It's a big fucking mess and Babs Beno and the Accreds are, in a word, idiots, but scared shitless idiots. We've discussed this mess previously in DtB. Gosh, I hate to repeat myself.

Why didn't Saddleback faculty do what IVC faculty did? I'm not entirely sure. It appears, however, that the level of ugliness introduced by Mathur and the board in the course of writing the previous report (to ACCJC) inspired some faculty leaders to walk away in disgust. When the "work to contract" came along (that's a whole other story), there were then two reasons not to participate.

At IVC, we are slightly more seasoned regarding the burden of living under Raghu P. Mathur, since we had to deal with him for many years prior to his rise to the Chancellorship. Maybe that had something to do with our really stopping and asking whether we could allow the Accred process go forward without faculty input. I dunno.

Also, the Academic Senate at IVC is and has been a pretty well-oiled machine with terrific leadership. The SC Academic Senate--well, not so much.

There's still time for Saddleback to get its act together. I hope they do.

torabora said...

Amen to your last Chunk. We got accred religion up here at my college.

Babs likes us now (methinks)!

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...