The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Irvine Valley College “Employee Satisfaction Survey,” Part III
Below: “open-ended” written answers to question 28 of the Irvine Valley College “Employee Satisfaction Survey,” conducted in April and May of 2009. The report containing results was released in March of 2010.
Q28. What is the one thing you are most proud of as an employee of Irvine Valley College?
1. It is a School that is well respected in the community and is seen as a provider of quality education.
2. Flexibility with my schedule and working with my immediate supervisor.
3. The opportunities to perform a choice of additional functions that I am interested in.
4. my teaching
5. That I seem to have made a positive impact on the students I have taught, as many will return to me later to tell me about their successes.
6. The opportunity to assist students with their educational objectives.
7. My efforts and contributions matter to my supervisors/ managers. My students are wonderful. They think I am a good teacher.
8. IVC has a strong sense of community among faculty who do not compromise the high quality of education. I am very happy to be a member of dedicated, intelligent, and effective instructors, who love to educate students. The high transfer rate has not been achieved by overnight nor lackadaisical attitude of the instructors. IVC, I feel, has the best instructors among many schools and the high transfer rate exemplifies their committment.
9. I absolutely love doing and learning how to technically do new things. I am proud that I can make a difference to faculty and staff in such a wide variety of ways; from augmenting their classroom teaching and Distance Ed needs via Mediasite, to offering live webcast services, to promoting and educating others about IVC in general and her special programs in particular. In addition to offering video production, duplication, and many, many, other video relatedservices, I also enjoy documenting, editing and producing all manner of PE, Music, and lecture events, so that students, faculty, staff, and community members are left with memories that last forever.
10. The success of my students when they leave IVC.
11. Mentoring students in my field and encouraging them to grow through participation in cocurricular activities. Staying positive and developing friendships and good working relationships with colleagues despite years and years of incompetent leadership at the very top. For some strange reason, watching an ideologically driven Board catapult Raghu Mathur's career from Chem professor to College President to Chancellor—and being forced to watch the same Board let him STAY there after demonstrably damaging and incompetent leadership—has galvanized rather than depressed me. Strange but true.
12. the staff
13. My colleagues. I was nervous leaving my former research institution with its large graduate programs, and was so pleased to find a faculty that was current, passionate, and eminently capable. I find myself in learned discussion daily, and I find that stimulation essential.
14. That the college is devoted to staying current with technology and puts the time and money into maintaining the technology on campus and in the classrooms.
15. My colleagues. I think the caliber of instruction here is very high.
16. Students can obtain a good education at IVC.
17. The newly apparent and growing collaboration and collegiality of the faculty and administration, DESPITE the fact that District management continues to create roadblocks to improvement through micromanagement and irrational and unrealistic expectations.
18. The beautiful, growing, and up to date campus and facilities.
19. I like the respect I get from the administration.
20. My own accomplishments.
21. I am most proud of all the services offered to help students here on campus and the faculty.
22. I am proud of the level of instruction being offered to students in my department. The faculty in my department is, in my opinion, of a very high level and we are providing an education easily on par with a UC. I have had more than one former student tell me that they learned more in their classes at IVC than they had at the UC to which they had transferred.
23. I am proud that IVC has high academic, artistic and intellectual standards and that we promote our students accomplishments. We often are a college, at least in my department, that values risk taking, challenges, new ideas and the quality of the 'final product' and creations of our students. I am proud that we have turned some big corners and we are finally, finally, finally, growing and completing construction of buildings. I am very proud of the professionalism and operations of our Academic Senate. I am proud that we as a college became inwardly reflective to begin the many processes needed to address some significantly deeply dividing difficult problems in the relationships and past lack of trust between administration and faculty, and that the faculty are no longer viewed as pariahs by the college administration. I am proud that we have 'turned so many corners' and and to work together to continue to improve and nurture the environment of the college despite very powerful political interests to the contrary from the Chancellor's Office and some, not all), of the Members of the Board of Trustees. We have a ways to go still but things are vastly improved than what they have been in the past. I am proud of the fact that the college administration has finally acknowledged and paid attention to and committed resources to the physical maintenance of the institution. They finally understand, after years of arguing with them, that the cleanliness and aesthetic look of the campus is a critically important component to one's, (students and employees), sense of satisfaction, ability to concentrate, and willingness to stay around on campus longer and participate in the life of the college. For many years the physical resources — the rooms & buildings — were unhealthy, dirty, and an eyesore — all of that is changing wonderfully. We have a ways to go but we are making exponential improvement - the place is turning into a college finally. I am proud that more people than not want to build a big robust comprehensive college and that the older view of wishing to remain a tiny little hamlet of a college has finally been slayed and buried. I am proud that we have begun a long process of healing and that we have done so despite the efforts of a few people to not move forward, for this I must credit President Roquemore and Wendy Gabriella — they have worked hard long hours to incrementally heal the college and the results are showing. We must continue along this path. On the whole, I see many good things and a bright future for IVC.
24. High, academic expectations faculty have for students.
25. # Transfer Rate and the success of our students.
26. Making a lasting impression on the students that I interact with.
27. the ability to have an impact on the future of our students
28. Being successful at what I do and having happy “customers”.
29. Helping the students learn something new and fun.
30. working with other staff
31. Lots of opportunity to serve the greater IVC educational community.
32. the diversity of the student body
33. strong leadership in our division
34. Cooperation and support among instructional colleagues.
35. Doing a good job.
36. proud of the students
37. Working for an institution that truly cares about and focuses on its students.
38. The program I work in is extraordinary. I think I have been able to be a part of the development of it from when I began to now. Our students who were not graduating (in very small numbers) are now a good part of the graduation ceremony.
39. The college is open to and supports creative ideas and programs. Many faculty are very involved.
40. I am most proud of how the Infrastructure is maintained and the communications from the Administration as to any and all items around and on the college campus.
41. That most of the classified staff all support each other, especially when their direct supervisors don't tell them enough that they are doing a good job. The overall moral[e] is really down, and customer service in several departments isn't what it was once was.......very sad to see. Very few want to take the extra steps to help a student or someone just stopping and asking a question, to give the right answer. Most staff want to do their job only, and don't realize their bad attitude often affects how the student sees us a as whole. Much improvement needed in customer service overall. I feel the President and the VP's especially need to show up in the various buildings to show staff that they are around and that they care what service we are providing to our students. When was the last time just a general email was sent to all of us saying “good job staff”? Or just a meeting with everyone just discussing any new issues coming down the pike that the general staff might be interested in?
42. The enterprise and participation of those colleagues who choose to participate: people who choose to participate using the paths and mechanisms agreed upon by the community are heard and their input attended to fairly well. New faculty, and to some extent staff, are encouraged to participate in a meaningful fashion. Members of the community generally are heard, at least by faculty leadership, and their input respected regardless of their “governance group”.
43. To be part of a high quality academic organization that supports my efforts to learn and grow in my new career.
44. The dedicated and professional faculty.
45. IVC's excellent faculty and staff. I am proud to be a part of this growing college community.
46. My colleagues.
47. IVCTV channel 33
48. Use of my skills to provide quality service to the students and community.
49. Doing the best job I can with (somewhat limited resourses and workers)
50. over worked and under paid
51. The opportunity to work with students in positively changing their lives.
52. The success of my students after they depart IVC.
53. In my capacity as Academic Chair, I had the opportunity to write the School's Program Review, Student Learning Outcomes, and am currently working on developing new academic and vocational education curriculum.
54. I am most proud to obtain this position at such an early age in my life and to be able to work for such a great district that my parents once worked for.
55. I have developed approximately 20 online courses for IVC.
56. To provide and assist our disabled students with the accommodations they need for student success.
57. I've written a book, in part based on experiences with IVC students and faculty. I'm proud that the college has allowed me to keep relatively high standards in my lower level algebra classes, and has not asked me to artificially improve student success rates by dumbing down coursework and expectations in mathematics.
58. To have a direct interaction with our students and feel that I can truly be of importance to their completing their education at IVC.
59. Being part of one of the finest community colleges in California with its transfer rate, classes, instructors, etc.
60. My co-workers and the willingness of staff in my department and some other departments to help, share knowledge and just be decent people.
61. Sense of community
62. we [are] all a big family.
63. The ability to work with students and to contribute to their education success.
64. The quality of education our students receive.
65. My work ethics and those of most of classified staff.
66. Accomplishments within my department.
67. Currently, nothing. The campus has been filthy for years. The restrooms are not cleaned, just restocked with paper. Classrooms also are not cleaned, just the trash emptied. White boards are not cleaned, rooms not vaccumed, windows not cleaned. The blinds have not worked correctly in most of the classrooms that I have taught in in years. Ceiling tiles are often missing. The carpets in the main areas of the campus (stairs in the library, student service building) are in dire straits. The campus green areas used to be beautiful and now the front entrance and other main green areas are full of weeds. I literally cannot believe that whomever put together this survey has included such questions with a straight face.
68. Excellent, caring faculty members
69. The high level of customer service I provide to IVC students.
70. Providing guidance to students.
71. The job my staff and I do! My students.
72. My students.
73. This is on a personal level, but I feel very proud when I tell my friends and family about my excellent benefits. It makes me feel like I am truly valued and in turn it strengthens my personal loyalty to the college. As far as the college the thing that I am the most proud of is the wonderful way that employees (not all unfortunately) treat students. This means the world to students and it brings me great personal satisfaction when I see that happiness reflected in the students eyes.
74. There are a number of really good instructors in just about every discipline.
75. Majority of faculty are excellent and are available and willing to work with students.
76. That we have managed to operate well and somewhat autonomously despite the micromanagement of the chancellor and board.
77. Despite the fact that, I have been part-time for 14+ years, I continue to make differences in students lives daily by reaching out to every student I work with daily, making sure each student knows about the resoures on and off campus available to them that make them able to succeed.
78. Managing to survive the absolute worst seasonal times on the job each term and living to tell about it, even while the illusion is kept up that things are going great according to classified administrators.
79. The high quality education delivered.
80. I'm proud of the recent reforms made by our institution. Procedures have become clearer to faculty. We just need to insure that the openness continues to grow.
81. The one thing that I am most proud of as an employee at IVC is having the freedom to challenge myself to achieve excellence.
82. My commitment to teaching.
83. the library-because so many students enjoy using it and all it's been doing lately is losing more study areas for students that are not in tutor program. It needs more study rooms, study tables/areas, a re-do in paint, carpeting, and more staff to support the ever growing IVC student/patron population. Some times between 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. students are standing in wait to use a computer (the library has 100 student computers) because of lack of availability. It's an area the students not only use, but enjoy.
84. The classified employees. The classified employees carry many of the departments college wide and do not get the credit they deserve. While I believe our key leadership is amazingly skilled at communicating (in words) the respect they hold for classified employees, I also believe key leadership acts in ways that shows no respects for its classified employees.
85. I am most proud to be working in an educational institution because I value education.
86. That the environment is educational.
87. Students reaching their goals.
88. Seeing the students in our program succeed in their educational goals.
89. My ability to effectively transfer my knowledge and love of my subject area (cemistry) to a bright, diverse group of students.
90. My work.
91. Helping to make things look nice around the campus inside and outside.
92. Being able to have developed and maintained valuable relationships with co-workers to ensure student success and retention. Having the resources to aid in student success.
93. Having the ability, knowledge, and opportunity to help everyone and anyone get an education to better themselves, and the community.
94. The transfer rates.
95. To witness and to contribute to the academic, intellectual, social, and personal development of our students--both within and outside the classroom.
96. IVC strives to provide the best educational outcome for its diverse student population.
97. I am proud of the quality of services and education that our students receive. I'm happy to be a part of this phase in a person's life.
98. The great work we do helping people better themselves and their lives.
99. That I get to work with students every day and feel like I am making a positive difference in their lives.
100. making a difference in the lives of young students. allowing them to pursue their dreams.
101. The ability to teach my field of expertise to a diverse range of students.
102. IVC has an absolutely outstanding full time faculty. I am proud of their skills and expertise.
103. The quality of education available to all students
104. I get the support I need to teach my classes.
105. I am most proud of the influence I have had on the future of the college.
106. Being a part of Great Institution!
107. Chance to work with students.
108. Positive atmosphere for students.
109. I am most proud of my club, the Circle K Club.
110. The incredible student population of eager and hardworking students.
111. My constant striving to improve my teaching ability and the presentation of the course material.
112. How quickly I was hired as Adjunct Faculty.
113. The positive impact we can have on students.
114. Student Success!
115. That I am encouraged to empower people to find solutions to challenges and problems; I am encouraged to promote team building, cooperation, and a collegial atmosphere.
116. Teaching
117. the fine work of my colleagues in the classroom
118. Students transferring to universities.
119. Accomplishments of colleagues — books written, publications, presentations at conferences and professional organizations, recognition by their peers — if not by our college or its administration!
120. The success of the students.
121. student enthusiasm and loyalty
122. To be able to make a positive difference in a student’s life.
123. Integrity of my courses
124. My students.
125. The new buildings — the PAC center — good faculty —
126. the PAC. It's monumental.
127. The dedication that the faculty and administration have to students.
128. A brand new building in which to work.
129. The majority of the employees are working here because they truly like their jobs, their attitudes reflect their contentment.
130. I am most proud of the learning environment IVC offers its students
131. The college supports innovation and allows faculty to experiment.
132. Having a direct impact on successful learning with our students both in the classroom and outside of class — whether it is teaching the subject of my area or helping them to discover and work to achieve their career and educational goals.
133. I am most proud of the fact that I work will colleagues whose primary interest is in teaching well, and preparing students to excel at four-year universities.
134. Growth
135. I am proud of being an instructor and able to help many students.
136. The reputation we have as a serious college vs a party school (OCC)
137. The tremendous change in the climate and the strong, effective leadership of the College President and the Vice President of Instruction.
138. Serving students!
139. ...quality of my instructional program
140. The sense of community that has characterized the college in the past: the respect for everyone and the genuine feeling of shared mission that comes from the acknowledgment that all the work we do here is important from maintenance to administrative assistance to technology to instruction.
141. The success of our students!
142. The people who work at IVC. IVC feels like a family.
143. The PAC!
144. Positive dialog and cooperation in striving for college goals and objectives.
145. Quality academic programs and vigorous student assessment. These bear directly on student success.
146. Being able to assist traditional and non-traditional students find courses to support their academic and career goals.
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