As you know, our district and its colleges have had their share of scandals over the years. One especially juicy scandal concerned former SOCCCD trustee (1996-2003) Dorothy Fortune.
Well, “Dot,” as we always called her, was involved in several scandals during her tenure, for she was a member of the original, union-promoted (!) “conservative board majority,” which included Holocaust denier Steve Frogue and corruption poster child John Williams. You remember those guys.
These people didn’t seem to think the rules applied to them.
By late 2003, while Fortune was serving her second term as trustee, she moved out of the state—but didn’t mention it to anyone who might care that an elected official, by law, must live in the district she supposedly serves.
Hence, Dorothy Fortune ended her time at SOCCCD ignominiously. She resigned just as local journalists closed in. (See Junior College Trustee in O.C. Quits, LA Times, Sept. 18, 2003)
Whitt Rydell:
These days, the district board still comprises some dodgy or semi-dodgy characters, though perhaps not quite in Dot Fortune or John Williams’s league. Perhaps the dodgiest is Terri Whitt Rydell, someone who snuck onto the board less-than-honestly.
How so?
Well, way back in 2015, just as she retired (as Saddleback nurse faculty), Whitt Rydell was chosen to serve as interim replacement for the ailing trustee Nancy Padberg, who was in the first half of her 4-year term. At the time, Whitt assured everyone that she had no interest whatsoever in actually running for office when her interim service was over in late 2018. She was strictly a short-timer, a stopgap. (Bobbie Jay offered the same assurances.)
Promises were made — e.g., to the Faculty Association, who had already identified a candidate for the '18 run.
But she broke those promises and ran for office anyway, exploiting the sorry fact that, as an incumbent, she was likely to win simply because she was an incumbent, thereby obviating an expensive campaign. (Consider how the odious Tom Fuentes made it to the board back in the election of 2004. With his considerable baggage, Fuentes, the notoriously autocratic and misogynistic chief of the OC GOP, was not likely to win without the incumbent advantage. Hence, in the summer of 2000, the unpopular trustee Frogue resigned, Fuentes got the interim gig, and then Fuentes sailed to an easy victory in ’04. Nice trick. Likely, the Padberg replacement used the same playbook.)
Whitt’s been on the board ever since—nearly seven years—and she hasn't made much of a contribution. She's coming up for reelection in November. Because she's an incumbent, she'll win, even if she doesn't campaign.
It's the American Way.
Frogue, Fortune, Lorch, Williams |
Anti-intellectualism, again:
Whitt Rydell represents yet another theme in district history: the inclusion of anti-intellectual “conservatives” at the top, i.e., on the governing board. That sort of thing goes back to the beginning, with the likes of John Schmitz conservative Hans Vogel (see; see also here), the district's first board president (1967). The district went through another serious bout of this kind of anti-academic governance starting with the 1996 “conservative board majority,” an era that didn’t really end until maybe 2012 or even later. (This was made possible, of course, by the cynical and unprincipled leadership of the Faculty Association.)
Whitt Rydell gets her news from Trumpians: Breitbart, Daily Wire
How conservative is Whitt Rydell? Well, take a look at her Facebook page. Among her “likes” is Breitbart: “Breitbart News … is a conservative news and opinion website founded by the late Andrew Breitbart.” (Whitt Rydell also likes "Daily Wire," another right wing organization.) According to Wikipedia, Breitbart’s journalists
are widely considered to be ideologically driven, and much of its content has been called misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by liberals and traditional conservatives alike. The site has published a number of conspiracy theories and intentionally misleading stories. Posts originating from the Breitbart News Facebook page are among the most widely shared political content on Facebook. … Breitbart News aligned with the alt-right under the management of former executive chairman Steve Bannon, who declared the website "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016.
Unsurprisingly, Whitt Rydell’s extreme right-wingery has occasionally revealed itself during Board business, the most notorious example being her incoherent performance during the Sept. 2021 board discussion over vaccine mandates. On that occasion, Whitt Rydell sought simultaneously to please the educated pro-vacc crowd while maintaining fidelity to her Neanderthal, anti-vacc (i.e., Trumpian) electoral base, and it just wasn’t working; she sounded like a blithering idiot. (Reminded me of Teddi Lorch, another interim trustee—and right winger—who got the unbeatable incumbent advantage. She was an incredible dolt. The Faculty Union engineered that one too.)
Little birds:
Well, little birds are telling me that Whitt Rydell might be repeating Fortune’s 2003 gambit: not long ago, she married and she now lives with hubby in Colorado. Or so I’m told.
Is that true?
When I first heard about this (from reliable people), I asked: well, just how many days per month, if any, does she spend in her place in San Clemente? Do we know that she spends most of her time in the Centennial State?
Nobody seems clear about that.
Let's get clear.
Remembering trustee John Williams |
2002: Fortune, et al., honoring then state senator Bill Morrow. Morrow was vehemently anti-abortion and the sort who would join the notorious Minutemen. Nevertheless, the conservative SOCCCD crew were pleased as punch to be seen with him. |