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Perhaps the Misogyny Club needs to get their own flier. |
To cap off this week (which eventually will go down in some history book even if she has to write it herself) as she left campus on Friday after failing to download or upload the PDFs she had come to campus expressly to work on (something about a password need to open up Acrobat Adobe, a password she didn't have today and didn't have to have the last time she opened up the documents), anyway, that was all water under the bridge or perhaps spilled milk or maybe the broken eggs an omelet needs, whatever, anyway, on her way out of the L.A. building she spied this flier on the second floor bulletin board and noticed that someone, a male, she surmised, had taken exception to the newly formed Feminist Club.
You can read it for yourself. (Click on the photo for a larger image.)
It was, she thought, as she stood taking a photo, perhaps the perfect punctuation mark to end this week at the little college in the orange groves.
But, just when she was writing the disappointing end to a challenging week, this happened: While she was taking this photo, two female students came by, paused and watched her.
Rebel Girl quipped, "This makes me want to join the club!"
They nodded and one of them said, "I already took a photo and sent it to campus police."
Rebel Girl congratulated her. Then the three women stood for a moment in the sun bright hallway and talked about the very vital need for a Feminist Club.
Well, that's pretty awful.
I heard that the flier for the Muslim Student Union had been pulled down.
Good blend of the quotidian (that re-occurring request for a password to use Adobe Acrobat - WHY WHY WHY?) and the discovery of the misogynists among us.
The flyer was still up on Monday morning. It had not been taken down by campus police. A faculty member called it in to them again and removed it. What's up with that?
If the student called it in as Rebel Girl reports, it should be reported on the Police Blog for Friday afternoon Sept. 21 - it is not there. So, either the student did not call it in (which seems unlikely) or else no action was taken after she did.
What process is at work here?
Nothing listed in the crime blotter on that day.
What is being done to ensure the safety of all students, faculty, and staff at our little college in the Orange Groves?
I recommend people with questions about safety and processes attend the Fall Open Forum and ask those specific questions of Glen and Linda:
FALL OPEN FORUM: Monday, October 8: 9-10:15 am
Please plan to attend the Irvine Valley College Fall Open Forum.
The campus forum will begin with brief opening remarks and will include a time for questions and answers and open dialogue discussion. All employees are invited to attend and bring their questions and concerns to the leadership panel:
Dr. Glenn Roquemore, President
Dr. Christopher McDonald, VP for Instruction
Dr. Linda Fontanilla, VP for Student Services
Davit Khachatryan, VP for College Administrative Services
Professor June McLaughlin, Academic Senate President
Maria Nunez, Classified Senate President
Matthew Rosborough, ASIVC President
The admin in charge of campus safety especially involving student conduct do not trust and respect faculty and staff when we report. This has been going on for years and no one seems to care.
There is no process. They seem to make things up as they go along. they do not communicate with those in the campus community who might be in danger. They do not respect our judgement.
Is it really an open forum? The last time I attended, the various leaders each took a big chunk of time to speak and left little time for the faculty and staff to ask questions. I hope things have changed.
I know what you mean. I think people need to speak up quickly. For example, I teach at 10 and so must leave at 9:50 to get to class. I hope they will keep their remarks brief and be open for questions at 9:30 or so.
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