Check out the photo and report here.

A very warm reception was also provided to former OC Republican Party Chairman Tom Fuentes who literally left his death bed to do the invocation.
The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
A very warm reception was also provided to former OC Republican Party Chairman Tom Fuentes who literally left his death bed to do the invocation.
This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...
Good for Tom! Go Perry!
To the bitter end.
Perry would make a fine president. Much better than what we have now.
12:02, I'm assuming you're a troll saying something fatuous just to be provocative. But, just in case, please set forth your reasons for your support of the superlative Perry.
Here's another fatuous comment...wasn't one Republican governor from Texas enough?
12:47, here one good reason. Take a good look at Texas’s booming economy. Perry is doing everything opposite of our present admin. and resisting any infiltration of this admin’s dismal anti-business regulations & failed social programs. Perry is exactly what America needs. There ya go...
Oh, dear. I guess a booming economy trumps executing innocents, joining Church and State, abandoning scientific truths, textbooks that abandon historical truths, deaths from environmental damage, a land on fire ....
I resolve that I won't feed this troll further, though; it's just not worth it.
For one Texas newspaper's take on Perry's claims re his state's economy, see THIS (from June). As expected, there is much exaggeration afoot.
Dear Mr. Fan o’ Perry:
It just won’t do to repeat pro-Perry assertions—assertions that, in fact, have been powerfully challenged—without at least recognizing and addressing the challenges. To repeat these points sans that recognition is to reveal a lack of logical seriousness.
Remember, this is a college blog. Bald assertions, put-downs, and dubious bloviations aren’t welcome.
At the very least, you need to avoid big obvious fallacies. For instance, that Texas’ economy is healthy does not establish that the Gov. is responsible for that health, an inference you plainly draw. A serious person does not leave gaping holes in their logic of that sort.
So, defend and champion Mr. Perry, if you can. Do not offer mere logical twigs and puffery.
Thank you Tom!
Bvt, I happened to see that person’s post before you hastily deleted it last night. He/she outlined a pretty good case by contrasting Obama’s pre-election facts to the present yellow journalist’s “challenges” to Perry’s credibility. I agree with him/her there were major red flags concerning Obama that the so called journalists ignored or tried to sweep under the rug, like Obama’s close associations with Rev. Wright, W. Ayers and generally, the hate America & capitalism crowd. Why haven’t we been shown Obama’s college transcripts or even the source of funding for his education, let alone his real birth certificate? He/she pointed out how stark that contrast really is. He/she also pointed out that if you’re going to use the example of an execution under Perry’s watch, well then how about gov. Arnold (a liberal) commuting the sentence of his friend’s son, Nuniez who actually murdered someone here in CA? Just because the so called journalists make “challenges” to Perry, it doesn’t indict him until those challenges are proved. As our anonymous poster showed us last night, many “challenges” to Obama were proved as fact, and the left can’t seem to prove anything on Perry as of yet.
Our anonymous poster also pointed out why Perry is a viable candidate for president because unlike the incumbent, he sincerely loves his country, and most Americans recognize that. I believe that is a very important element of his candidacy, and it won’t matter how much the leftist smear machine tries, most Americans by now are on to all the dirty tricks of the left.
Finally, yes he/she did call you an intellectual moron and that’s his/her opinion. Why you then have to get all teary-eyed and delete his/her contribution to the debate just demonstrates bias and sour grapes on your part. I guess that really touched a nerve with you, bvt. I thought you were supposed to be thick skinned? After all, you’ve always contended that republicans or anyone who disagrees with you and your little gang is stupid, Neanderthal. That’s the general theme of your little blog, is it not? Stupidity exists on both sides, Mr. bvt. Why not cut the emo-censorship and let the debate move forward, Mr. bvt?
That poster left many messages on various posts calling people "morons." I'm done with him.
Post 3:22 PM: get your own blog is you want morons calling others morons.
Perry loves his country? What on earth does that bilge mean? He presides over a state with a multibillion dollar deficit, the state leads the country in minimum wage jobs (and he calls it an economic boon), the educational system is appalling, and unde his watch servicers are cut co that they can't even fight a fire properly. Then he asks for Federal assistance.
He's also a shameless whore for the religious extremism that poisons the Republican party and, get this, prays for rain. But he "loves his country." Sure.
Love it, 12:02. Thank you. And thank you for "bilge"! I have to laugh out loud whenever I hear or read that wonderful term--ever so apt for the comments of the Perry-phile troll.
This just in (9/16): Texas experiencing major increase in unemployment, highest in 24 years.
Source please? I bet its Madow & Krugman, two of a kind.
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