Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stettin: more photos of a doomed city

Hakenterrasse on the Oder (Odra), c. 1920
Breite Strasse (?) (Broad street), c. 1935
Along the river, Markt, 1903
Breite Strasse, c. 1920
Music stores, Stettin


Anonymous said...

That last picture, after the wonderful first pictures, is a jolt. What was the cause--the allied bombing?

Roy Bauer said...

Yes, the allied bombing--Evidently by the British or Americans, though, naturally, it was the Soviets who finally invaded. There was little left of the city.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...