Thursday was the little guy’s ninth birthday and despite her packed schedule, Rebel Girl made time to drive home for an intimate celebratory dinner before heading back to the college.
They had celebrated big earlier: a Saturday party of seven nine-year-olds and twin 12-year-old party crashers; a birthday morning breakfast of homemade pancakes and presents including a year’s subscription to Mad magazine. Good times.
The Little Guy spent the day at his school, the little school where Red Emma volunteers every other week to read in class.
Rebel Girl imagined that the Little Guy’s class would have sung to him the special birthday song they sing at such times. She asked him while driving home.
No, he said. His regular teacher, much beloved, was absent. In her place was the much-admired occasional substitute, let’s call him Mr. Sub. He didn’t know about birthdays.
“But he did do a magic trick,” said the Little Guy.
The Little Guy is a big fan of magic. Last year the family celebrated his birthday at the world famous Magic Castle.
“That must have been fun,” replied Rebel Girl. “What kind of magic?”
The Little Guy, a fine storyteller, proceeded to tell a doozie involving Jesus and his devoted apostle Paul who traveled the world after Jesus’ death talking about Jesus to the unbelievers who often persecuted him.
One time Paul was imprisoned and challenged by the guards to construct a cross from a single piece of paper. The guards gave him no scissors (it was, after all, a few years A.D.) and a stack of paper.
Where do prison guards at that time acquire paper anyway, Rebel Girl wondered. Office Depot? Kinko's? But no matter. After all, verisimilitude is not the goal of this storyteller - magic is.
The guards instructed Paul that he must create the cross by folding and tearing the paper only once. That was, apparently, the "magic trick."
Mr. Sub finished the tale by producing the cross and then, from the scraps of discarded paper, unfolding selected letters which formed two words: first LIFE and then HELL.
As the third grade volunteers held up each letter as directed, Mr. Sub told the class that those who believe in Jesus Christ will have eternal LIFE and those who don’t will go to HELL.
The Little Guy said that the girls in the class squealed at the mention of hell.
The Little Guy held one of the L's.
Now Rebel Girl doesn’t say this often but she is not a Christian. Neither is her husband. Neither is her son, the Little Guy. She says this now because she feels attacked, assaulted. She realizes that her reluctance to say this fact aloud is related to a sense of shame she has carried all these years, as if her lack of faith, and, in particular lack of Christian faith, somehow reduced her value as a person. That sense of shame has lingered, despite everything she has learned about herself and the world.
On Thursday April 28, on his ninth birthday, her son, the Little Guy, stood in front of his classmates in his public school and was told by a teacher that he, as an unbeliever, was going to hell.
Rebel Girl asked the Little Guy a couple questions: How’d you feel when he said that? Do you think he should have done that?
The Little Guy had mixed feelings. He likes Mr. Sub after all. But yes, he knew it was wrong. Yes, he felt sort of bad. No, he didn’t say anything. If he did, he would feel worse, that nine year old holding a piece of hell in hands.
He didn’t want to say anything, not his truth, not his family's - so he didn’t.
As he talked, Rebel Girl could tell that he carried this heavily, that he knew it meant something.
Rebel Girl teaches her son about religions, about why some people believe and why some people do not. Some of her most admired heroes are Catholic Worker types. There are several Bibles in the house. The Little Guy owns a copy of Tomie de Paola’s Bible stories that they consult from time to time.
He knows about Budhha, about the Hindu gods, about Mohammed. They have attended sedars, celebrate Christmas, Easter. His favorite song to play on the piano is “Joy to the World.”
When they visited New Mexico recently he was most impressed by the “spirit holes” in the floors of a Pueblo dwelling that allowed the spirits of dead to join the living during special ceremonies.
However, his favorite deities remain the Greek gods. There's no competing with Zeus, apparently.
Mr. Sub’s "magic trick," of course, was an abuse of power, an abuse of privilege, an abuse of children who trust and admire their teachers. A violation. A hit and run magic trick that has made that classroom a crime scene. Rebel Girl imagines that some children in that class are, like her family, atheists or agnostics. She knows that at least one family is Jewish.
She is herself, she reminded her son, a teacher too and one who takes her responsibilities seriously. While she has views, she knows her students have their own and she is hired to teach them, not her views and values, but her particular discipline. So she does.
Rebel Girl will be writing more this morning: letters to the principal, the board of trustees, other interested parties. She will do what a Rebel Girl does.
confirmed via a phone call to another family.
Amazing and infuriating. Makes me think"LAWSUIT" immediately, but I know what a long and tortured road that can be. Write in (controlled) fury, RG, and best of luck in this. I hope that others will write along with you.
I can't help but think of Sartre's line in NO EXIT..."Hell...is other people." In this case, Mr. Sub. Poor kids were already there on a field trip.
Amazing. I didn't think this happened anymore. What are we, Texas?
Wow. That is just horrifying.
Let him teach Sunday School and get him out of the public school classroom! Christianity is obviously approached from many different perspectives, but I feel the need to say that the Christ I learned about speaks of love, not fear. Fear of hell as a recruiting tool for Christianity yields Christians such as Mr. Sub. I prefer to follow the Jesus who challenged authority and called his followers to love one another by defending the poor, welcoming the stranger and working for justice.
Your story brought tears to my eyes in sympathy for Lou and the abuse he suffered yesterday. I hope that the range of beliefs you have shown your son provide him a place to file away Mr. Sub. You do have a file marked "fanatic," right?
Why not call the lawyers that represented the little Chad jerk who sued Corbett. See if they really give a damn about Constitutional violations.
Rebel Girl - your day was most definitely a day about teaching and what teachers are called to do: you, on the one hand, instructoring, caring, holding standards, encouranging, even in the face of manipulations and a lowering bar, and Mr. Sub, on the other hand, abusing, terrifying, and proselytizing. What a stark difference. Through the pain and disgust and rage of the day, I hope you see your value as an amazing teacher . And write that letter!!!!!!!
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