.....Amusingly, Don Wagner is relying on my judgment in his efforts to persuade voters to vote for him. See the mailer above. (Click on it to make it larger.)
.....I believe that it is reasonable to infer from Don's message that he likes being described as an "anti-union, liberal-bashing, prayer-making right-winger."
.....His reasoning (in the blue strip) is shaky. That "liberals" (I am apparently one of those) describe Don in this way hardly establishes that Don will "do a great job" for right-wingers in the State Assembly. It's one thing throwing red meat at the camera once a month at CC board meetings; it is quite another pursuing legislation where compromise is unavoidable. And, so far, he's only made promises.
.....But talk is cheap. Really cheap. On the reverse side of Don's mailer, conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt is quoted as saying, "It's time we started electing principled conservatives to office, not politicians who will say anything to get elected."
.....My guess, though, is that Don more or less means what he says and will try to live up to his promises.
.....That's the problem with Don, mostly. And I don't see him compromising much. How effective can such a guy be (for his right-wing constituency)?
.....Plus he likes to toss red meat at his Neanderthals. He embraces demagoguery, which, of course, is always a matter of degree. So far, I give Don a "C."
.....And he's peevish.
.....I call 'im Spanky. You know why.
.....One of Don’s opponents is Democrat Melissa Fox, who, according to R. Scott Moxley, recently argued that the Republican “no tax” pledge is a serious problem (OC Democrat Asks Republicans To Drop 'No New Tax' Pledge):Don has responded to Fox’s suggestion:....."The problem with Sacramento has been the Republicans have just said 'no' to budgets and taken a blanket pledge of no new taxes," Fox said at a UC Irvine candidate forum this week. "They focus on saying 'no' to everything."
. . .
....."I ask that if it's a Republican who goes to Sacramento [after the November election], they don't take the 'no new taxes' pledge," she said at the candidate forum. "We need somebody up there who will play the game and bring money back to the district."
.....In reaction to her request, conservative Republican candidate Don Wagner shook his head and rolled his eyes. Later, Wagner said, "I think [the state] is still spending way too much.".....Ah, yes. Eye rolling. That’s Don all over.
.....According to Moxley,
Wagner … delighted a minority of the crowd when he encouraged California police officers to follow Arizona's new, controversial anti-illegal immigrant policy......And there’s your red meat.
I think this lady is seriously misguided. We already pay enough in taxes while services seem to be on the decline. This is the result of unaccountable government officials grossly mismanaging OUR money. The supermajority threshold needed to raise taxes MUST be kept in place, otherwise we will be taxed out of existence and most people know that. "the tyranny of the minority" Who’s she trying to kid? The 67% threshold was put in place by the majority of the people! I think she needs to come down from her do-gooder privileged-life ivory tower.
“Melissa is a smart, hard-working and passionate advocate for families, the middle class…” (Melissa’s web site). How can she seriously claim she’s an advocate for the middle class while trying to tear down the very thing that protects the middle class from over taxation? She wants YOU to send her to Sacramento so she can work tirelessly on ways to back-door the 67% tax rule! Oh, and she’s also very proud she’s worked for the Obama campaign, so that should tell you something about her and her views on taxation, I guess she really believes in her heart that we’re just not paying enough taxes!
Finally, she should quit using photos from when she was in her 20s. Yeah, she was cute back then but it misrepresents her now.
We’re the ones paying all the bills. I say cut all the unnecessary freebee, give-away programs in CA before raising our taxes!
OK idiot, name all the freebies to cut, and then talk about how you're being "taxed out of existence." You just want the rest of us to circle the drain with you as California descends into a thirld world status.
Love the mailer - looking forward to receiving it in my mailbox!
Can i get Melissa's facebook or myspace website? she is hot, luv to go out on a date with her.
7:25 is so typical of those who don't pay real attention to issues of governance and then act like they know everything.
Cutting spending while cutting taxes has resulted in our declining system of education (a system which used to be renowned), crappy roads, and cuts in services for the truly needy (like the recommended cuts in child care for poor children). You can't have government work for you without bringing in revenue.
Republicans want to have their cake and eat it too. Sorry, but a government only offers quality "stuff" when there is money to provide the stuff. That won't happen without taxes.
Try reading a newspaper. One with a front page that offers real news stories. Or just go online to a reputable news source, or try several news sources. You'll be enlightened.
9:11, “name all the freebies to cut,…” OK you moron, to start how about the CA Healthy Families Program that provides free food and health insurance to over 780,000 people in CA? This program costs Californians billions each year and it’s a total freebee. Why aren’t there any strings attached to receiving such benefits? How about some public service in return, like picking up trash along freeways or maintaining our park system? I can easily think of many things we could get in exchange for the free benefits.
CA for many years has been stuck with the unique burden of supporting 34% of the entire nation’s welfare cases. This is because as compared to the state of New York, the CA welfare programs pay out 70% more benefits. CA has become a magnet for our nation’s welfare cases.
Notice 7:25 didn’t say to “cut taxes,” he/she said “we already pay enough” and “no increase” in taxes, which is precisely what Melissa Fox is proposing (to increase taxes) with her slimy little scheme to back-door (against the will of the people), the 67% threshold needed to raise taxes in CA. And then she blames the gridlock in Sacramento on conservatives who refuse to cave-in and become more liberal like her when it comes to spending other people’s money on pie-in-the-sky spending programs, programs already proven don’t work.
3:47, why don’t you try reading what is actually written instead of seeing everything through kaleidoscope eyes?
"CA Healthy Families Program that provides free food and health insurance to over 780,000 people in CA...How about some public service in return, like picking up trash along freeways or maintaining our park system?"
Well, because Healthy Families provides health coverage to children and pregnant women only. And the reason the program is needed is because it's cheaper to prevent disease and serious health problems than it is to deal with sick people.
Yeah, like with octomom! We were all forced to pay for that. Why doesn't the state now put her to work to pay it all back?
3:36, if you're paying anything for Octomom -- which I doubt (I think you're playing into the easiest, red meat story to pull from your ass by using that example, anyway) it's maybe a penny.
Tell me, if Octomom is being paid by the state, which again, we don't really know, do we (and please don't quote Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck to answer, and last I heard was that people from a local church were VOLUNTEERING time to help her -- but really, who even cares about Octomom anymore, anyway?) how is she going to volunteer time or work when she has eight mouths to feed? Who would pay the babysitter? What sense would any of that make? Do your family values suggest that those children should be with anyone but their mother? Or in her case is it somehow different because you don't like her?
People like you seem to just love to hate other people. I have to think that you're just an unhappy slob who has nothing better to do than to pick on poor people. Or Mexicans.
Now go back to your TV to watch Cops, which I'm sure you love because it plays into your "everyone is the enemy" sensibilities.
Can you sue Don for slander? I know you're no "liberal"!
I am torn between wanting him to win -and get the HELL outta here and wanting to spare his assembly district his piss poor attempts to represent his interests as their own. But at least he'd be termed out up north...hmmm...
Don can call me a "liberal," if he needs to. I've been called worse. At this point, it is very hard to know what is best for the district. Don can stand up to Fuentes, and for the time being, that's important. But that's just one consideration among many.
7:11 PM, re. Octomom, “how is she going to volunteer time or work when she has eight mouths to feed? Who would pay the babysitter? What sense would any of that make?”
Try 14 mouths. To answer your questions, perhaps she should have thought about all that stuff beforehand. Why should all her fraud, self-inflicted mistakes and subsequent chaos be everyone else’s problem? Why should the public have to get stuck with all her bills? What about her $3M-plus medical bill? What about all the special care her disabled kids will need for the rest of their lives? Why should she be able to just keep taking from our system, while giving absolutely nothing in return? Why should we have to pay for all of this?
Someone here asked for an example. 3:36 PM gave a great one, and then all of a sudden he/she is accused of “playing into the easiest, red meat story to pull from your ass by using that example…,” like it’s not fair or something like that. Well, it is fair because it’s all factual and it’s a great example.
There’s nothing in 3:36 PM’s message that contains any hate speech as you assert, this has been only about the facts. Nothing like putting thoughts and words in other people’s mouths, huh?
Getting back on topic here, give us one good reason to vote for Melissa Fox, the tax-and-spend liberal politician. I challenge YOU! ONE GOOD REASON! Seems to me, her intention (if elected) to “back-door” the 67% threshold needed to raise our taxes, is just an Obama styled trick. She ain’t getting my vote, that’s for sure!
Uh, er, who would WANT your vote? Williams is certainly YOUR man. Go for it, buster.
That is how democracy works, isn't it? Though I could do without the bloviating bluster of Don's ideal voter. he is voting for Don isn't he? Probably Williams too. They can have him. Ugh.
6:07 PM here,
No, I’m not voting for either of those guys. I think Don’s a RINO and John’s an incumbent.
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