Hey, it’s time for another meeting of the SOCCCD board of trustees, starring Don Wagner and featuring Tom “sourpuss” Fuentes. —Monday night, same time (6:00 p.m.), same place (the “Ronald Reagan” room). (The agenda, a large pdf, is available here.)
As you know, board president Wagner has announced his intention to run for State Assembly, and so it seems unlikely that he’ll remain at the helm of the good ship Agitprop starting December (just 3 or 4 months away).
So, who’s gonna replace him?
Maybe Tom Fuentes?!
We keep hearing, mostly from trustees themselves, that the board is a group of unhappy campers these days, divided by—well, I dunno. For her invocation in July, given only minutes after the board’s closed session, trustee Marcia Milchiker alluded to the need for civility, but since everyone in the audience was genial to the point of comatositude, it seemed clear that she was referring to rank trusteecular kerfufflery.
Don Wagner has made similar allusions.
Kerfufflery? What about? I’ve been studying Chancellor Raghu P. Mathur’s lower lip-language. Judging by that and the perpetually rosy, red glow of his ass, it seems clear that he spends half of his time in the woodshed.
So, just maybe, tomorrow’s board meeting will be interesting. But I wouldn't bet on it.
First, the board will hold a brief closed session, starting at 5:00 p.m. As usual, one agenda item refers to possible litigation.
For once, I looked up the section of the code to which the item refers (54956.9). That part of the code concerns legislative bodies (e.g., a board of trustees) and the appropriateness of meeting in closed session concerning “pending litigation.” (“3 cases” are involved, says the agenda.)
The specific parts of the code referred to in the item are:
…[L]itigation shall be considered pending when any of the following circumstances exist: … (b) (1) A point has been reached where, …, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the local agency.
(3) (A) Facts and circumstances that might result in litigation against the local agency but which the local agency believes are not yet known to a potential plaintiff or plaintiffs, which facts and circumstances need not be disclosed. [My emphasis.]
Well, whatever. (Republicans, of course, will recognize a fine business opportunity.)
The open session “reconvenes” at 6:00 p.m.
Early in the open meeting agenda, mention is made of a trustee request for a “report on Salaries of College Professors in Orange County.”
That’s gotta be our old friend Tom. He hates educators, y’know. He thinks they're lazy and wicked.
The “discussion item” for the evening will be each campus’s “strategic planning process.”
Among “consent calendar” items (that, therefore, likely will not be discussed by trustees) is a study abroad trip to Salamanca, Spain. No word yet whether Tom plans to pull the plug owing to some new Spanish treachery.
Looks like the board will approve an agreement between Saddleback College and “Lake Forest Beauty College.” Have you seen the people of Lake Forest? Most of ‘em look like they've been “rode hard and put up wet”—to use an expression my friend Marion used last night.
She’s from Texas. I asked her, hopefully, whether there’s any chance her state will secede soon.
She was not amused. She gave me the South Texas stink-eye.
As usual, the board will approve payment to a trustee who missed a meeting. They never discuss these freebies. They just approve ‘em. That's 'cause they're "fiscally responsible" Republicans, every one of 'em. Very staunch.
“General” action items include approval of final budgets for the district and the two student governments. That could get wacky, but it's more likely to get snoozy.
Item 6.2 is approval of the “basic aid project priority list” for 2009-10. It’s a significant agenda item.
ATEP (the Tustin campus) will get $5.5 million, including $2 million for “Negotiations,” $1 million for “development,” and $2.5 million for ATEP’s “operating budget.”
District IT projects will get $5 million.
Saddleback College will get $8 million, including $5 million for ventilation system upgrades, $1.5 million for “pool deck replacement,” and $1.5 million for “roof replacement.”
IVC will get a paltry $650,000—that's 8% of what its sister college gets—including 240K for various publications, 150K for “new signage and monuments,” 150K for parking lot repair, 90K “A200 & B200 secondary effects and library copy center,” and 20K for “landscape replanting.”
Including a few more odds and ends, it all adds up to about $22 million.
Gosh, IVC seems to be on somebody's shit list.
There’s the usual slew of new and improved board policies, including BP-4011.3, “Weapons on Campus.”
It is my understanding the Police Chief Harry Parmer is finally gonna get that M2 Browning machine gun that he loves so much. It’ll be installed in a fine nest atop the Ronald Reagan Room. (Well, no. But it is a cool weapon.)
Item 6.10 is the “elimination of one categorically funded position due to the termination of funding.” Ouch. (Reference is made to an “exhibit A,” but it doesn’t seem to be attached. What gives?)
That’s about it. Not too promising, but you never know.
Did you miss the Chancellor's "opening session"? It is now available here.
Interestingly, I think .50 cal's are allowable, by the Geneva Conventions, for use not on people, but on machinery.
Very cool weapon. Would make a fine addition to the RR room. Question is--who would (wo?)man it?
Yes, I gather from all the Military Channel shows I watch that the 50 cal is a much-loved weapon.
But wait a minute. Aren't people liable to be inside those machines one shoots at with this thing? Hydrogen bombs, too, are for cities, not people, I suppose.
I saw the knuckleheads of Mythbusters wielding a 50 cal once. It was WAY cool.
In a better world, one can go out somewhere and shootup cars and such with that thing. Never machines with people in 'em. On the other hand, if people are comin' at me with AK-47s and such, I want me a 50 cal.
A KINKS fan, eh?
I do hope everyone realizes that I was kidding about Harry Parmer and that 50 cal. The weapon will not be arriving at our campuses. For all that I know, Harry hates 'em. OK? -R
I prefer the M40A1
Chunk is a closet Red-Neck.
All the signs are there: Claims to be all conservative n' stuff, likes guns, PC? Ha! and he lives with his sister.
I admit it. I've been living in "open celibacy" with my sister for 9 months now. On the other hand, I do like French fries.
Oh yes, French fries; a radical redneck?
-notes that his use of the word redneck differs every time he uses it BS
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