.....A godless bunch, they are.
.....You can count on them.
.....The April meeting of the SOCCCD Board of Trustees is set for Monday night (7:00 p.m. for the open session). The agenda outline is available, as per usual, at the district website.
.....At the start of the meeting, the predictable "resolutions" will be adopted (for King, Serban, McCullough, Reynard, et al.). One surprise: Dr. Jerome Hunter, retiring chancellor of the NOCCCD (i.e., the North OCCCD), will be resolved at. We recently reported that Ned Doffoney is among three finalists for the soon-to-be-vacant NOCCCD Chancellor spot.
.....There are two "discussion" item: (1) Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College Curriculum Report—this could get interesting IF faculty fail to come through; it's a Mathurian "command" performance—and (2) Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College Student Learning Outcomes.
.....Recently, we at Dissent researched SLOs and found them to be Spurious, Loathsome, and Odious. (See Making sense of SLOs.)
.....There are lots of items regarding Saddleback College's poor BGS building, which is pretty well hosed-down and de-moldified, I guess. The board will tour BGS prior to its 5:00 p.m. closed session.
.....Please, somebody. Set off a stink bomb in there. Do something.

.....Item 5.16 is odd: "ATEP: Change Order Request No. 7: Site Improvements and Signage for the Launch: Approve change order to decrease contract amount by $2070.00 with Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. the total revised contract amount is $2,238,087.33."
..... Which "launch" are they talking about now? What signage?
.....One of the agenda's "general items" is curious: (6.1) "SOCCCD: Adopt Resolution No. 08-10: GASB 43 and 45 Compliance Vendor Selection and Implementation: Adopt resolution to establish an irrevocable trust and appoint a Retirement Board of Authority."
.....—What's that all about?
.....Item 6.4 is the Saddleback College Stadium: "Approve the concept of the Saddleback College Stadium renovation project to support the Saddleback College Foundation raising funds for the project."
.....Mathur must've written that one. Read it. The board is advised to "approve" a project to "support" the Foundation raising funds for the project.
.....Give that man $300K! And a Merc allowance!
.....He's an idiot.
.....The stadium discussion could get interesting. In the past, Trustees Williams and Jay (I believe) have promoted any kind of Stadium upgrade that they can get away with. Some of the other trustees have resisted this mightily.

.....Don't know about Saddleback's Accreditation "Task Force" or "Focus Group." A reliable senate officer told me that faculty have bailed from it. Is that true?
.....At IVC, faculty with stipends and the like have bent over backwards to reassign their time to the Accreditation "focus group" for that college, bailing from other things (as per the WTC). One faculty w/o stipend dropped off, again, as per WTC.
..... I'm told that yesterday's meeting went very well, though Trustee Don Wagner got snarky like he does. I spoke with Wendy, and she remains upbeat, as do others who attended the meeting.
.....Evidently, the group is writing a document that should go a long way in defining "roles and responsibilities" of various governance-related groups. Sounds good.
.....But what about the plague of despair? It's still here. He's still here.
Note to Don:
• Furious black bear demands that California state flags be taken down immediately
• TV stars to demand "residuals" for display of U.S. and other star-bedecked flags
• English professor suspended for calling deadly college lightning-strike "fortuitous"
• Embattled professor swears he had no idea that "Mr. Goo" means "Mr. Shit" in Hindi
• Expert insists that "McCain" means "puppy-strangler" in Gaelic
• German scientists establish that free will is "ganz kaput"
• College paper reports that issues keep being stolen—but, somehow, no one has read the story
I bet your gay.
Really? "Mr. Goo" means "Mr. Shit"?
I heard that his dissertation was way gooey.
What is it with English professors? They all seem to be on the fringe of sanity and believe they have the "right" answers to everything. Odd group of misfits, indeed.
Whoa! Why always so negative? I like happy endings.
Okay faculty, DO something. Organize, find a candidate, raise money, and get a new trustee elected.
I love this blog, I do. But it's a little tiresome to see faculty complain about your plight and not do anything to REALLY change the nature of the board. It's fine and dandy to do the work to contract stuff, but how does that really change anything in the long run?
I say this as someone who doesn't have the power that you do. And if you don't do anything to get a new trustee elected, then you really aren't completely guiltless for the plight of this district, are you?
Okay faculty, DO something. Organize, find a candidate, raise money, and get a new trustee elected.
I love this blog, I do. But it's a little tiresome to see faculty complain about your plight and not do anything to REALLY change the nature of the board. It's fine and dandy to do the work to contract stuff, but how does that really change anything in the long run?
I say this as someone who doesn't have the power that you do. And if you don't do anything to get a new trustee elected, then you really aren't completely guiltless for the plight of this district, are you?
Okay faculty, DO something. Organize, find a candidate, raise money, and get a new trustee elected.
I love this blog, I do. But it's a little tiresome to see faculty complain about your plight and not do anything to REALLY change the nature of the board. It's fine and dandy to do the work to contract stuff, but how does that really change anything in the long run?
I say this as someone who doesn't have the power that you do. And if you don't do anything to get a new trustee elected, then you really aren't completely guiltless for the plight of this district, are you?
GASB 45:
Make sure your union folks pay attention this.
GASB requires school districts to do an actuarial study of the long-term costs of health benefits for retirees. It does NOT require districts to set aside money for these benefits.
The report my district--100 miles down the road from you--received says we need to set aside more than $10M, so our Board put away $500K two years ago and $450K this year into an irrevocable trust.
The problem is that the actuarial report completely ignores the fact that after we're 65, we'll all go into Medicare--which we've already paid for (check your pay stub). All we'll need when we retire is a Medicare supplement, which is relatively cheap.
Chances are your district used the same actuary our district did. The key sentence in the report should be around page 11. It will say something like Medicare could "significantly impact" the cost of retiree medical benefits. Then you'll find an offer to recalculate--presumably for an extra fee.
At our last Board meeting, an independent auditor was reviewing our finances when one Board member, who had been alerted to this GASB business, asked if it was necessary to set aside millions and millions of dollars for retirees. Nope, said the auditor. A pay-as-you-go system, which we've been using for years, should continue to work just fine.
It's absolutely bizzare that an actuary would ignore the existence of Medicare and its effect on health care costs for retirees. It's even stranger that the highly-paid bean counters in our district office also forgot about Medicare (since they pay into it, too).
And the whole thing is downright nonsensical. While I can certainly imagine management conspiring to create a multi-million dollar slush fund for their pet projects, putting money into an irrevocable trust that can be used ONLY for retiree health care costs won't work.
--100 miles
Putting 10 million clams unnecessarily into an irrevocable trust, when the trust is administered by one of your cronies or relatives, makes perfect sense to guys like Goo.
Lets not forget that those trusts need to be invested into something...say like "structured investment vehicles" or "collateralized debt obligations".
I don't trust "trusts".
Dear Chunk:
Hi! Great video. I think that it is classic.:-)
9:59 - No I'm not.
Ever wonder why they call inmates and community college board members "trustees?"
That video was a funny but fair response to religious people, obviously made by someone who understands the three Abrahamic religions, and has studied history very carefully. It'll help us all understand our contemporary world better, and it's good that it doesn't mention anything like the the Terror during the French Revolution, which would be irrelevant. Good that it's on this academic blog.
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