.....Well, some people are trying to do something.
.....I'm talking about unseating FUENTES & LANG in the November '08 election. For those who want to actually do something, you know where to go, who to talk to. Right? IT'S NOT A SECRET. GO. JOIN THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY WORKING.
.....But, in any case, you need to be informed. I urge you to visit and to BOOKMARK the following site: SAVE THE SOCCCD! Its intent is to INFORM. That's all (for now). So, if you want to know who is up for reelection, who plans to run against them, the case against Fuentes & Lang, and so on—here's a good place to start.
.....Again, it's called
.....(Luddites: click on the blue words above.)

"(This blog is not an organ of the SOCCCD FA. Most of its contributors, however, are members.)"
Chunk, A video for you titled "Lap Dance" (For cat lovers only) Enjoy :)
Can someone explain why Dave Lang is loved so much. He betrayed both faculty and students on every issue. He betrayed the faculty on decent salaries so the school can attract qualified candidates to teach here. He betrayed the students by backing an incompetent Chancellor who has put the school at the risk of becoming another Compton Community College (a school without accreditation).
Also can you start a poll on who do we want to take over our schools after we lose accreditation?
I vote Mira Costa!
Their campus is clean and provide a quality education to their students without the "despair".
Bob Bliss??? You have got to be kidding! Fuentes is a shoe-in.
Lang betrayed his supporters—suddenly becoming Mathur's protector—in order to placate Fuentes, who can help him get elected as County Treasurer. That's what Lang wants, and, evidently, he doesn't much care what he has to do to get it.
Boy Scout? Sure. In Troop Rat Bastard, Irvine.
Unfortunately, while the faculty & those of us who know the situation w/the district will agree w/you, but I'm talking about the general voters, the public. It will be difficult to beat someone w/Dave's reputation, unless that's totally changed in his district.
I'm going to be perfectly honest w/you besides the other stuff. I am not so sure that it's possible to take Dave out unless you really stoop as low as the other FA did in 1996, & I think that you have higher ethics than this.
Bill Jay, a good guy, is probably safe, since he's an incumbent. Same goes for Williams.
Fuentes is the most vulnerable, since he's done the most to F-up our district, some of folly making the papers, even the national papers.
Lang will be tough to beat, though he was the board President during most of last period of folly. He can't be tagged with contempt for the Accreditors. He didn't bash the Spain trip.
The only thing on our side is a strong candidate. Very strong, it seems.
As far as Bob Bliss goes, I couldn't agree w/the other poster more. Why in the world this guy? Whatever happened to Loffler? The only things I know about Bliss are a) He's written a couple books about angels, & b)I'm pretty sure that he didn't support the Frogue Recall, & us in 2000.:-(
2nd, as I said, Dave is a very personable guy. He COMES ACROSS as genuine to the voters. He's also an incumbent, which is something in his favor. Generally speaking, there are times when the voters see this they think, "Well, he hasn't burnt my house down yet, so he must be okay." He is also president of a couple different organizations, which brings him out into the public eye. By the way, speaking of boy scouts, during his last election he was endorsed by the Boy Scouts.:-)
If you all could get W to come to the OC to campaign for Fuentes you just pull might pull off an upset.
My point being is that as I found out in my districts Bored Recall Campaign, too many folks just don't care about college district crap. You guys have noted how your bad Bored members have used nonsensical issues like "gay marriage" and "airports" in their campaigns. You all need to top that nonsense with some of your own.
Play to win.
I say that we'd stand a better chance if we exploited the fact about Fuentes' involvement w/the OC Catholic Diocese & how many pedophiles he knew about under his watch. How many of them he knew about & hid. Diocese cannot say s*it why Fuentes was "let go." Well, one of them was the horrific situation w/the poll guards, & his other connections.
Also, which other anti-public schools organizations that he's contributed & belongs too. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone who'd be covering this at the OC Weekly now that Gustavo is gone.:-)
6:33 has got the idea...no good person would vote for a child molester.
Now wrap that SOB Carona around Fuentes' neck and you could get Mickey (or Minnie) Mouse elected to your Bored.
Fuentes' connection to Carona and his corruption is a larger vulnerability than the one being suggested with the Catholic Diocese. Fuentes was a big supporter of Carona, as was Williams, so both have vulnerability. Williams especially - he worked for Carona's election and re-election.
Bob Bliss is a decent, level headed man who worked diligently, thoughtfully and effectively as a teacher. He is reliable.
He deserves our faculty and staff support.
Torabora was right. However, w/Fuentes it wouldn't be that he is a child molester, so much as his connection to helping protect those who are. Remember St. Norbert's Catholic Church in Orange? Look through all the articles in OC Weekly. Feel free to delete this if you are thinking about going w/this.:-)
Yes, while Bliss might be "reliable," the big question is he capable of winning. To me, this is much more important at this present moment. Again, whatever happened to Loffler?
I say go w/both, the Catholic Diocese & the Cornona. The Corona one might work better, but just shooting out ideas. Again, plz feel free to deleat if you think that it should not be posted & instead e-mailed.:-)
Loffler is enjoying his retirement and has no interest in getting back into the cesspool of academic politics.
Use the Republican attack machine style. Call Fuentes on every nasty trick, and refer to him as a self hating homosexual. If he threatens to sue over it, his past will be at issue.
That's too bad about Loffler. He really would have been our saving grace against Fuentes. However, I don't mean to be a ghoul I don't suspect that Fuentes will last his next term. Not saying he'll die, but become sooo week b/c of the chemo, etc. he won't be able to function on the board (less than he is now).:-)
Another big thing is that while Bob Bliss may need our support b/c of his resume, & is "reliable" wouldn't we be better off putting thousands of dollars into someone who would not in all probability be another sacrificial lamb?
Bliss had a dismal reputation among students, especially older students. He was arrogant, frequently late for class, and talked incessantly about himself and his books. As a graduate of Saddleback, I for one will not vote for him.
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