.....Yesterday, Dissent reported that the accrediting agency (ACCJC/WASC) is sending someone down for a "process audit" re the accreditation of Irvine Valley College. That came as quite a surprise.
.....I'm trying to learn just what is involved in a "process audit," aside from the obvious: an examination of processes. Does anyone know? (See: What is an academic audit?)

You are misinformed. As I commented yesterday, ACCJC is NOT sending anyone. The commission does NOT do process auditing. Raghu hired a consultant to look at decision making processes at the colleges, district and the Board and suggest improvements.
ACCJC, re IVC's accreditation, has brought it about that someone is coming to do a process audit.
Whether that persons works for ACCJC I don't know. What I do know is that this action originated with the ACCJC, not with an internal (to the district of college) effort to correct or assess matters.
We'll certainly attempt to clarify this matter as info comes in.
Chunk, you've captured Raghu perfectly. Your graphic is a triumph!
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