Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Proceeds will benefit Tom’s upcoming re-election"

TODAY, I CAME UPON this announcement on the website for the Republican Party of Orange County:
Thursday, 11/1/07

An Evening With Tom Fuentes & Friends, Chairman Emeritus - Republican Party Of Orange County
Featuring Bruce Herschensohn
Where [where else?]: Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach

You are cordially invited to attend An Evening With Tom Fuentes and Friends on Thursday, November 1, 2007 beginning with a 5:30pm Reception and 7:00pm Dinner at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach featuring Bruce Herschensohn. Proceeds will benefit Tom’s upcoming re-election to the Board of Trustees of the South Orange County Community College District….
That’s odd. We keep hearing, even from those close to Fuentes, that Tom will definitely not run for reelection, perhaps owing to illness. (The election is more than a year away.)

If that’s true, then, of course, proceeds from this fundraiser are not really intended to benefit Tom’s re-election.

BY THE WAY: we saw this in yesterday’s LA Times: Christianity's image taking a turn for the worse:
Christianity's image in the United States is declining, especially among young people, according to a new study. ¶ A decade ago, an overwhelming majority of non-Christians…were "favorably" disposed toward Christianity's role in society. But today, just 16% of [young] non-Christians … had a "good impression" of the religion, according to research by the Barna Group, a Ventura firm that has tracked trends related to values, beliefs and attitudes since 1984.

Evangelicals come under the severest attack, with just 3% of the 16- to 29-year-old non-Christians indicating favorable views toward this subgroup of believers….

Among the most common perceptions held by young non-Christians about American Christianity were that it is judgmental (87%), hypocritical (85%), old-fashioned (78%) and too involved in politics (75%). ¶ Even among Christians, half of young believers said they too view Christianity to be judgmental, hypocritical and too political. One-third said it was old-fashioned and out of touch with reality….
Herschensohn & Fuentes are card-carrying members of the Richard Nixon masochism league. Odd, isn't it?


Roy Bauer said...

Sorry, a comment was just inadvertently deleted. It said that it was especially "spooky" that this occasion would involve both Fuentes and Herschensen. It alluded to some episode in which Mr. Fuentes invited someone to the Balboa Bay Club. That fellow, evidently, is now in "hot water."

Anonymous said...

Take two - it's waaaaay to scary - Tom AND Bruce together at the Balboa Bay Club! It's like a Halloween haunted house sideshow or one of those Day of the Dead plays where the spirits come back...

Can we wear costumes?

How much does it cost?

And isn't the Balboa Bay Club the site of a certain sauna once shared by Tom and another Republican hotshot? And isn't that fella in some hot water now?

Does the $$$ for the dinner include a sauna with TOM?

And WHY is Chunk trolling around the website of OC Republicans, anyway?

Roy Bauer said...

To answer your question, anonymous, I was already aware that the fundraiser existed, but I wanted to see if there had been some sort of public announcement. I found this announcement by Googling "Fuentes," not by visiting the GOP website.

I troll elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Chunk trolls? Where does he troll?

But seriously, folks, I do hope the FACULTY ASSOCIATION is paying attention. Fuentes is preparing the way for his replacement. God only knows who that will be.

I know! Bring back FROGUE!

Anonymous said...

Bruce Herschensohn - sacry as ever! Remember when he ran for, what was it, Senate and lost?

Anonymous said...

I insist that you remove the pcture of Bruce H. (bleech!) and replace it with the copy guy (swoon).

Anonymous said...

Jesus loves you, Chunk, in spite of your misdirected thinking.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, save us from your followers.

Anonymous said...

Chunk, you guys (when given the power) are just as guilty of the same things you accuse these guys of doing and you know it, so come clean!

Anonymous said...

Leave Jesus out of it, he's been dead a long time now.

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:27, give us a few examples of what "you guys" do when given "the power." Then explain why, even if true, it's ok for your Republican pals to do it, which you seem to imply.

Anonymous said...

Jesus seemed like he was probably a nice enough guy, but, his followers are a cult, pure and simple.

Where is the proof of this man's supposed divinity anyhow?

Same for Mohammed and his followers. Cults who have missed the points some of these guys made.

Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...