The "show" part of the celebration occurred in IVC's marvelous new Performing Arts Center.

The photographs do indeed suggest that it was a fun. I’ve swiped a few photos to give you a sense of the thing. But do use the link above and check 'em all out.

They look a bit grim. Or Wary. And semi-dressed.
We seem to specialize in this sort of thing at IVC.
Wow, Dave's wife is a real looker.
Dude, that's some AV gal.
How come they didn't make the guy in purple with the staff show his middriff? Why are only the women scantily clad? Where's the beefcake?
9:01, My guess is that you wouldn't wanna see that.
That would be a Televeision Production gal, not AV!
3:06, I stand corrected.
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