The SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT — "[The] blog he developed was something that made the district better." - Tim Jemal, SOCCCD BoT President, 7/24/23
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
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oh great. Barf bags included with tickets???
31,000 people. I don't recall conservatives acting violent, destroying property, blocking traffic and bringing out the riot police while Obama rallied.
I do recall conservatives going batshit when a few gays and lesbians were allowed to marry, and murdering abortion doctors and attacking family planning clinics, though.
Mostly mexicans waving mexican flags, throwing debris. What else is new?
Maybe they were protesting because the ducks hockey team lost another seven game series.
2:31 PM: Serious issues exist in our county and SoCal. Please reconsider before trivializing them.
8:06 is going to lectire us, how nice. Yup, these are serious issues all brought on by illegal immigrantion.
8:03, the subject is about leftist behavior at political rallies with their objective to shut down free speech. I agree with 11:03. I, too, don't recall conservatives ever doing this sort of low class stuff durring Obama rallies. The left in America has sunk to a new low.
The left in America didn't displace the native Americans. The early Trumpites did. Look to your rightist history texts to access that point.
7:21 and his friends are all members of the Howard Zinn Shame America Club.
When are the club meetings? I'd like to attend. And, pal, if you don't think the US has done innumerable things that are shameful, then you desperately need a history class, not talk radio.
Freedom of speech!
There are serious issues in this country because of a lack of respect and self-control. Both of which were displayed by liberals and democrats. Learn how to call a spade a spade.
You certainly carved out your little professional nitche in keeping America forever stigmatized. Congratulations. I guess this is what today's educators are trained to do if they want to keep their jobs. The fact of the matter is that while America has mostly changed for the better the rest of the world has not. Try living in any country outside the US and report back to us how much more fair it is than in America. Thank you.
Well, we did get rid of slavery after a cataclysmic civil war, helped Indians build casinos after wiping out most of the tribes, and designated some national forests before they were all clear cut. So, yes, no criticism of this country is appropriate.
Please, let's not feed the troll.
But they're so cute and all with their faux nationalism.
If i remember correctly it was the Grand Old Party or the Republican party that freed the slaves. Good ol Abe was Republican, yes?
I agree with 4:48
Also, all the Civil Rights Legislation that came out of the 1960s was passed by Republican filibuster (in the Congressional record) because the Dems including LBJ fought it tooth and nail. Again, the GOP stood firm for Civil Rights.
8:59, yes, where mostly whites spilled their blood.
5:32, Considering that fact, isn't it laughable how those how control revisionist history (the academic left) credit LBJ with Civil Rights Legislation?
Where do these people come from? The Texas textbook commission?
@7:21 PM, April 30, 2016 -- rebuking someone else about U.S. history while still making use of the word "native Americans" in 2016, a term that was coined by the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and rejected to this day by most of the sovereign nations/tribes of native people.
Nothing is as stupid as claiming that the Republican Party "freed the slaves," implying the context that the current group has anything to do with the party as it was in the 1860's. Major chops for the chutzpah, though.
Same thinking as the democratic party working with the Klu Klux Klan shortly after the War between the States... gotcha
Working with? Fact is the KKK was born from the Democrat party.
It should be obvious that the Republican Party uses racism and discrimination as its basic appeal to its base. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's welfare queen, Willie Horton, the attack on one of its own--John McCain--in 2000, and of course anti gay/lesbian initiatives that coincide with federal election cycles. Gets the bigots out in force. Voter repression in red states to keep 'em in line. Trump's campaign is mostly infused with the same strategy--the whites agin' the darker folk, who are just looking for free stuff.
12:41, Congratulations for perfectly describing the racist Democrat party!
Let's all agree that 12:41 wins the special award for stupid comment of the day. It is superbly stupid. It reaches the upper stratosphere of stupidiology. A exemplification of a person with no visible cerebral cortex. You know, people who think Trump is a fine choice for any public office whatsoever. Congratulations! Can't be topped.
Thankyou 4:50 however Trump IS a great candidate and a fine choice. In our great country anyone can run for president. The left seems to think the office is reserved for only career politicians like the crooked Hilbilly (D). What makes America truly great is that anyone can become president. The left has had control for too long and ran us into the ground, now its time to Make America Great Again!
I stand corrected. 6:32 has eclipsed 4:07--and is now well in the lead. "Idiocracy" comes to life.
My only hope is these internet trolls are neither high level administrators or faculty.....god forbid they be history or political science instructors
Anyone can become president, even a communist like Barak Ovomit. Its time for a change - vote Trump!
They are probably "graduates" (if there were any) of Trump University. Look at the low level functioning.
If you'll remember the history, Abe Lincoln (R) was a common man not of the political class. He got in there, shook things up and was able to accomplish what most thought to be the impossible. So, like Lincoln, Trump will also prove to be a great president.
1:43, please go home and put a gun in your mouth.
1:54, thanks for making the point that it is usually the the liberal sore losers that advocate violence when things don't go their way.
I assume 1:43 is the same twit as 1:03, and is either a sociopathic contrarian or an abysmal idiot. Either way, he/she/it dilutes the gene pool.
In light of what transpired in San Jose yesterday where Trump rallied to a crowd of 21,000, we again saw a leftist display of violence, property destruction, etc... This time the protesters were burning the American flag.
The question has still not been answered, why does this kind of low level, subhuman behavior always come from the left? I don't recall seeing anything of this sort ever happening from the conservatives when Obama rallied. Everyone knows the mainstream media would have been all over it too.
Last night the mainstream media provided minimal coverage. What they did cover was filled with their own sentimental comentary for the poor, "frustrated" protestors. Many of the protesters were marching around with big Mexical flags...
Mexican flags, sorry.
2:50, please find a right-wing blog and leave your droppings there.
It is not droppings, Roy. This is certainty newsworthy and you're showing that you don't want to hear any of it.
The violence is a FACT. One man was attacked by a protester, he was hit in the head and blood was streaming down his face. A woman was attacked by a large group of protesters who pinned her up against a wall and pelted her with spit, eggs and bottles. The police failed to provide protection.
If that ain't news please tell us what is.
4:30, obviously, all reasonable people condemn violence in politics, whenever or wherever it is perpetrated.
It is your thesis that “the Left” has brought violence to politics--implying that the Right has not--that I reject as ridiculous and unworthy of a response.
Anytime Trump has a rally the left brings violence. They even bus it in. Today someone on the left was caught encouraging a riot. I have to agree with a previous poster, that we did not see this kind of behavior from the opposition during the Obama rallies.
Quite an interesting observations. Obviously this is a well organized, orchestrated scheme of violence that can probably be traced to pressure groups like the former ACORN, unions,, George Soros, ect... and the DNC would be no surprise either. If that is discovered Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ought to be held accountable. Looks to me like American progressivism has sunk to a new low similar to what we have seen with the Eurosocialists.
"This is 1968 all over again. This is the hard left saying if you don't do what we want, we're going to be physically violent. I think the American people will be repulsed by the idea that the hard left gets to dictate to the rest of us." (Newt Gingrich)
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