Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Morning Matinee: I am Worried About my Grade

("Found" via Facebook - not a Rebel Girl Production.)


Anonymous said...

Nice fluff piece, but let's get back to what's really going on at IVC for a change....

VP Stalin cutting fall schedule w/o faculty input, academic senate president being paid $30k for strewing the campus with weird sculptures, president Figurehead on a furniture buying spree, pointless expensive building and remodeling projects everywhere you look--all while classes for students are being cut--student credit card numbers stolen by bursar's office, president hiring his wife's father, president's wife running the college...on and on.

Are you guys bought off, or just asleep?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love these complainers. Geesh. Someone needs a reading class.

Roy Bauer said...

10:40, we're asleep.
Tell us more about the $30K. Who would know about that?
Who do we talk to about the furniture? Edwards? Where is all this furniture? In A100?
We've already reported about Glenn's father-in-law. Nobody seemed to care.
I'll see if I can put together a factual blurb about the credit card thing, but that'll take a few days.
If you want to be taken seriously, lay off the "Stalin" references. And don't begrudge us a little sleep. We've got full-time jobs and lives.

Anonymous said...

The complainer seems to imagine that a simple note in Dissent solves everything - and also, as been noted, doesn't really read too carefully.

Anonymous said...

BvT, come on! Are you awake yet? When they purge adjuncts of their livelihood, without warning, then 10:40's comparison of our VPI with Stalin is well-deserved. After all, aren't we witnessing a metaphorical "liquidation of the kulaks" due to [imagined] budget cuts? Meanwhile, the fat Bolsheviks in A100 are enjoying a gluttonous existence sitting atop that mound of Basic Aid that they pretend isn't there, which must even provoke the envy of the most bourgeois of full-time philosophy professors. Perhaps if you worked part-time, didn't know if you would be working next semester, didn't know if you'd be able to keep your health insurance, you'd get less sleep too, and you'd see things differently. Very differently. it's hard to ignore the glaring contradiction between the cutting of adjuncts and the fresh batch of new sculptures decorating the IVC landscape. Bolsheviks indeed.

Anonymous said...

ooh, I love it when non-historians throw around epithets and analogies like so many hot ranch Doritos! Pass the bag!

I also love it when people visit this site, faithfully maintained in one form and another for over a decade and complain that the hosts simply aren't doing enough.

Yeah. Right. DIY - doncha know that punk anthem? DIY.

Anonymous said...

Nice video by the way. Excellent timing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, those people are very special. Thanks for all you do - but stay away from the hot ranch Doritos.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Stalin: killed many millions of human beings. "They": spent money on art rather than on part-time teachers.

I have nothing but sympathy for the part-time instructors. But 4:39, they have *not* been brutally murdered. Not even anything close.

Cut it out, please, in honor of those whose loved ones *were* actually brutally murdered.


Anonymous said...

I get your point about Stalin, 7:29: a bit bombastic. Nonetheless, 4:39 was speaking *metaphorically*. Consider that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know (of course) that 4:39 was speaking metaphorically. But some metaphors are inappropriate to the point of offensiveness, not to mention absurdity.


Roy's obituary in LA Times and Register: "we were lucky to have you while we did"

  This ran in the Sunday December 24, 2023 edition of the Los Angeles Times and the Orange County Register : July 14, 1955 - November 20, 2...