The Board of Supervisors made its first move today to wrestle control of the Public Administrator/Public Guardian’s office away from Public Administrator/Public Guardian John S. Williams, agreeing to hire an executive manager to immediately make personnel and policy changes in the struggling county agency.
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The county’s investigation isn’t finished yet, but the concerns it has raised so far prompted county supervisors to step in and take corrective action right away.
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Williams is already being paid $153,206.40 a year to head the office – and Williams, who is elected public administrator and appointed public guardian, has been repeatedly warned he needs to make significant changes to his agency.
Those calls for reform have gone largely unheeded for years, drawing the ire of county supervisors.
But the board and the county’s CEO remained silent on the Public Administrator/Public Guardian issue Tuesday.
Hiring the executive manager was part of a list of second quarter budget recommendations. The vote was 5-0 without comment.
“They’re governing in the shadows,” said Nick Berardino, general manager of the Orange County Employees Association. “The reason for that is they don’t want people to know about the floating shipwreck they call the PA/PG’s office….
● Supervisors Take Step Toward Removing Public Guardian (Voice of OC)
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However, county lawyers say that even if Williams is ousted as public guardian, he will still receive his $153,000 salary for both offices because voters elected him to a four-year term last fall.
His removal would likely to come in March, said sources close to the negotiations.
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Williams' dealings with other senior Republican leaders recently triggered an FPPC complaint.
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PA/PG Office: "floating shipwreck"? |
Congrats to DtB for your continued coverage on this issue which led to his ouster! I hope he leaves quickly without dragging it out and making himself out to be an even bigger idiot! PP
Where is Don where's the beef? Wasn't Wagner a strong supporter of John Williams for many years? Didn't Don Wagner march to the beat of the Fuentes/Mathur regime? Can't dissent turn up the Wagner/Fuentes/Williams connection? How is it that Wagner escapes any accountability in the SOCCCD demise? Wagner runs off to Sacto and ditches his corrupt connections with the corrupt OC GOP? Wagner was a strong supporter of Mathur for many, many years. Wagner was a a puppet of Fuentes for many, many years. What's Wagner doing these days? I'm betting he is attempting to distance himself from Williams and Fuentes. We know differently, however. Wagner escaped the Fuentes/Williams downfall by the chin of his chin chin chin. Wagner is reading everything about Fuentes and Williams to make sure he is not associated with them. But, we know. He was one of them....Good luck Sacto folks. Watch out for Wagner. Sorry about OC politics.
right on 8:40. Wagner escaped and is not looking in the rear view mirror. If he did, he'd see Williams and Fuentes and they'd appear closer than he'd like. Wagner is another corrupt member of the OC GOP like Fuentes and Williams. He just hasn't met his downfall'll come, however.
Can you compile a list of laudatory compliments doled out to/about/toward Williams through the years? I really want to know what Glen had to say about his public service...
I went to the Registrar-Recorders website and looked up the records for the last election. NO WHERE on his site does it mention anything about Public Guardian. It only says Public Administrator! Not one person in this county voted for John Williams for Public Guardian, so the County Counsel attornies can stop saying that right now! Throw the bum out without a dime!
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